Cabal- A framework for packaging Haskell software
Copyright Isaac Jones Simon Marlow 2003-2004
License BSD3 portions Copyright (c) 2007, Galois Inc.
Portability portable
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Simple file globbing.



data GlobResult a Source #


GlobMatch a

The glob matched the value supplied.

GlobWarnMultiDot a

The glob did not match the value supplied because the cabal-version is too low and the extensions on the file did not precisely match the glob's extensions, but rather the glob was a proper suffix of the file's extensions; i.e., if not for the low cabal-version, it would have matched.

GlobMissingDirectory FilePath

The glob couldn't match because the directory named doesn't exist. The directory will be as it appears in the glob (i.e., relative to the directory passed to matchDirFileGlob , and, for 'data-files', relative to 'data-dir').

matchDirFileGlob :: Verbosity -> Version -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO [ FilePath ] Source #

This will die' when the glob matches no files, or if the glob refers to a missing directory, or if the glob fails to parse.

The Version argument must be the spec version of the package description being processed, as globs behave slightly differently in different spec versions.

The first FilePath argument is the directory that the glob is relative to. It must be a valid directory (and hence it can't be the empty string). The returned values will not include this prefix.

The second FilePath is the glob itself.

runDirFileGlob :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> Glob -> IO [ GlobResult FilePath ] Source #

Match files against a pre-parsed glob, starting in a directory.

The Version argument must be the spec version of the package description being processed, as globs behave slightly differently in different spec versions.

The FilePath argument is the directory that the glob is relative to. It must be a valid directory (and hence it can't be the empty string). The returned values will not include this prefix.

fileGlobMatches :: Glob -> FilePath -> Maybe ( GlobResult FilePath ) Source #

Returns Nothing if the glob didn't match at all, or Just the result if the glob matched (or would have matched with a higher cabal-version).