cardano-ledger-babbage- TODO
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




txInfoOutV1 :: forall era. ( Era era, ExtendedUTxO era, ValidateScript era, Value era ~ Value ( Crypto era), HasField "referenceScript" ( TxOut era) ( StrictMaybe ( Script era))) => TxOutSource ( Crypto era) -> TxOut era -> Either ( TranslationError ( Crypto era)) TxOut Source #

Given a TxOut, translate it for V2 and return (Right transalation). If the transaction contains any Byron addresses or Babbage features, return Left.

txInfoOutV2 :: forall era. ( Era era, ExtendedUTxO era, ValidateScript era, Value era ~ Value ( Crypto era), HasField "referenceScript" ( TxOut era) ( StrictMaybe ( Script era))) => TxOutSource ( Crypto era) -> TxOut era -> Either ( TranslationError ( Crypto era)) TxOut Source #

Given a TxOut, translate it for V2 and return (Right transalation). It is possible the address part is a Bootstrap Address, in that case return Left.

txInfoInV1 :: forall era. ( ValidateScript era, ExtendedUTxO era, Value era ~ Value ( Crypto era), HasField "referenceScript" ( TxOut era) ( StrictMaybe ( Script era))) => UTxO era -> TxIn ( Crypto era) -> Either ( TranslationError ( Crypto era)) TxInInfo Source #

Given a TxIn, look it up in the UTxO. If it exists, translate it to the V1 context and return (Just translation). If does not exist in the UTxO, return Nothing.

txInfoInV2 :: forall era. ( ValidateScript era, ExtendedUTxO era, Value era ~ Value ( Crypto era), HasField "referenceScript" ( TxOut era) ( StrictMaybe ( Script era))) => UTxO era -> TxIn ( Crypto era) -> Either ( TranslationError ( Crypto era)) TxInInfo Source #

Given a TxIn, look it up in the UTxO. If it exists, translate it to the V2 context and return (Just translation). If does not exist in the UTxO, return Nothing.