cardano-ledger-shelley-ma- Shelley ledger with multiasset and time lock support.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




shelleyToAllegraAVVMsToDelete :: NewEpochState ( ShelleyEra c) -> UTxO ( ShelleyEra c) Source #

Return the subset of UTxO corresponding to Byron-era AVVM addresses, which are to be removed on the Shelley/Allegra boundary. This set will be passed _back_ to the translation functions as the UTxO, allowing these addresses to be removed. This is needed because we cannot do a full scan on the UTxO at this point, since it has been persisted to disk.

Orphan instances

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) Update Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) WitnessSet Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) EpochState Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) LedgerState Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) UTxOState Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) UTxO Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) TxOut Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) PPUPState Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) ProposedPPUpdates Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) ShelleyGenesis Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) Tx Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) NewEpochState Source #
Instance details

Crypto c => TranslateEra ( AllegraEra c) ( PParams' f) Source #
Instance details