{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2018-2020 IOHK
-- License: Apache-2.0
-- Auto-generated Sqlite & Persistent machinery via Template-Haskell. This has
-- been moved into a separate file so that we can treat it slightly differently
-- when computing code-coverage.
-- More than 6K lines end-up being generated from the instructions below! As a
-- result, we're going to ignore code-coverage on the following module and, no
-- hand-written functions should be written in this module!

module Cardano.Wallet.DB.Sqlite.Schema where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Address.Script
    ( Cosigner, Script )
import Cardano.Slotting.Slot
    ( SlotNo )
import Cardano.Wallet.DB.Sqlite.Types
    ( BlockId, HDPassphrase, TxId, sqlSettings' )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDiscovery.Shared
    ( CredentialType )
import Data.Quantity
    ( Percentage (..) )
import Data.Text
    ( Text )
import Data.Time.Clock
    ( UTCTime )
import Data.Word
    ( Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8 )
import Database.Persist.TH
    ( mkMigrate, mkPersist, persistLowerCase, share )
import GHC.Generics
    ( Generic (..) )
import System.Random
    ( StdGen )

import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDiscovery.Sequential as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Passphrase.Types as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Address as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Coin as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenPolicy as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenQuantity as W
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Tx as W
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8

    [ mkPersist sqlSettings'
    , mkMigrate "migrateAll"

-- Wallet IDs, address discovery state, and metadata.
    walId                       W.WalletId                sql=wallet_id
    walCreationTime             UTCTime                   sql=creation_time
    walName                     Text                      sql=name
    walPassphraseLastUpdatedAt  UTCTime Maybe             sql=passphrase_last_updated_at
    walPassphraseScheme         W.PassphraseScheme Maybe  sql=passphrase_scheme
    walGenesisHash              BlockId                   sql=genesis_hash
    walGenesisStart             UTCTime                   sql=genesis_start

    Primary walId
    deriving Show Generic

-- The private key for each wallet. This is in a separate table simply so that
-- "SELECT * FROM wallet" won't print keys.
PrivateKey                             sql=private_key
    privateKeyWalletId  W.WalletId     sql=wallet_id
    privateKeyRootKey   B8.ByteString  sql=root
    privateKeyHash      B8.ByteString  sql=hash

    Primary privateKeyWalletId
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade fk_wallet_private_key privateKeyWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Maps a transaction ID to its metadata (which is calculated when applying
-- blocks).
-- TxMeta is specific to a wallet because multiple wallets may have the same
-- transaction with different metadata values. The associated inputs and outputs
-- of the transaction are in the TxIn and TxOut tables.
-- Transactions with status=Pending have an expiry slot.
-- If not accepted on the chain before the expiry slot they
-- will be removed from the pending set and get status=Expired.
    txMetaTxId              TxId                sql=tx_id
    txMetaWalletId          W.WalletId          sql=wallet_id
    txMetaStatus            W.TxStatus          sql=status
    txMetaDirection         W.Direction         sql=direction
    txMetaSlot              SlotNo              sql=slot
    txMetaBlockHeight       Word32              sql=block_height
    txMetaAmount            W.Coin              sql=amount
    txMetadata              W.TxMetadata Maybe  sql=data
    txMetaSlotExpires       SlotNo Maybe        sql=slot_expires
    txMetaFee               Word64 Maybe        sql=fee
    txMetaScriptValidity    Bool Maybe          sql=script_validity

    Primary txMetaTxId txMetaWalletId
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade fk_wallet_tx_meta txMetaWalletId
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- A transaction input associated with TxMeta.
-- There is no wallet ID because these values depend only on the transaction,
-- not the wallet. txInputTxId is referred to by TxMeta
    txInputTxId           TxId          sql=tx_id
    txInputOrder          Int           sql=order
    txInputSourceTxId     TxId          sql=source_tx_id
    txInputSourceIndex    Word32        sql=source_index
    txInputSourceAmount   W.Coin        sql=source_amount

    Primary txInputTxId txInputSourceTxId txInputSourceIndex
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- A collateral input associated with TxMeta.
-- There is no wallet ID because these values depend only on the transaction,
-- not the wallet. txCollateralTxId is referred to by TxMeta
    txCollateralTxId         TxId   sql=tx_id
    txCollateralOrder        Int    sql=order
    txCollateralSourceTxId   TxId   sql=source_tx_id
    txCollateralSourceIndex  Word32 sql=source_index
    txCollateralSourceAmount W.Coin sql=source_amount

    Primary txCollateralTxId txCollateralSourceTxId txCollateralSourceIndex
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- A transaction output associated with TxMeta.
-- There is no wallet ID because these values depend only on the transaction,
-- not the wallet. txOutputTxId is referred to by TxMeta
    txOutputTxId     TxId        sql=tx_id
    txOutputIndex    Word32      sql=index
    txOutputAddress  W.Address   sql=address
    txOutputAmount   W.Coin      sql=amount

    Primary txOutputTxId txOutputIndex
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- A token quantity associated with a TxOut.
-- Each row within TxOut can have many associated rows within TxOutToken.
-- Each row within TxOutToken refers to just a single row within TxOut.
    txOutTokenTxId      TxId              sql=tx_id
    txOutTokenTxIndex   Word32            sql=tx_index
    txOutTokenPolicyId  W.TokenPolicyId   sql=token_policy_id
    txOutTokenName      W.TokenName       sql=token_name
    txOutTokenQuantity  W.TokenQuantity   sql=token_quantity

    Primary txOutTokenTxId txOutTokenTxIndex txOutTokenPolicyId txOutTokenName
    Foreign TxOut OnDeleteCascade txOut txOutTokenTxId txOutTokenTxIndex
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- A transaction collateral return output associated with a TxMeta.
-- There is no wallet ID because these values depend only on the transaction,
-- not the wallet. A txCollateralOutTxId is referred to by a TxMeta.
-- Unlike ordinary outputs, a given transaction may have at most one collateral
-- return output. Therefore there is no index field.
    txCollateralOutTxId    TxId      sql=tx_id
    txCollateralOutAddress W.Address sql=address
    txCollateralOutAmount  W.Coin    sql=amount

    Primary txCollateralOutTxId
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- A token quantity associated with a TxCollateralOut.
-- Each row within TxCollateralOut can have many associated rows within
-- TxCollateralOutToken.
-- Each row within TxCollateralOutToken refers to just a single row
-- within TxCollateralOut.
-- Unlike ordinary outputs, a given transaction may have at most one collateral
-- return output. Therefore there is no index field.
    txCollateralOutTokenTxId     TxId            sql=tx_id
    txCollateralOutTokenPolicyId W.TokenPolicyId sql=token_policy_id
    txCollateralOutTokenName     W.TokenName     sql=token_name
    txCollateralOutTokenQuantity W.TokenQuantity sql=token_quantity

    Primary txCollateralOutTokenTxId txCollateralOutTokenPolicyId txCollateralOutTokenName
    Foreign TxCollateralOut OnDeleteCascade txCollateralOut txCollateralOutTokenTxId
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- | A transaction withdrawal associated with TxMeta.
-- There is no wallet ID because these values depend only on the transaction,
-- not the wallet. txOutputTxId is referred to by TxMeta
    txWithdrawalTxId    TxId                sql=tx_id
    txWithdrawalAmount  W.Coin              sql=amount
    txWithdrawalAccount W.RewardAccount     sql=account

    Primary txWithdrawalTxId txWithdrawalAccount
    deriving Show Generic Eq

-- | Transactions sent to the node by LocalTxSubmission.
-- Submission will be retried until the transaction is no longer pending.
-- Accepted transactions will be stored in this table until they can no longer be
-- rolled back.
    localTxSubmissionTxId       TxId         sql=tx_id
    localTxSubmissionWalletId   W.WalletId   sql=wallet_id
    localTxSubmissionLastSlot   SlotNo       sql=last_slot
    localTxSubmissionTx         W.SealedTx   sql=tx

    UniqueLocalTxSubmission localTxSubmissionTxId localTxSubmissionWalletId
    Primary localTxSubmissionTxId localTxSubmissionWalletId
    Foreign TxMeta OnDeleteCascade fk_tx_meta localTxSubmissionTxId localTxSubmissionWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- A checkpoint for a given wallet is referred to by (wallet_id, slot).
-- Volatile checkpoint data such as AD state will refer to this table.
    checkpointWalletId          W.WalletId   sql=wallet_id
    checkpointSlot              SlotNo       sql=slot
    checkpointHeaderHash        BlockId      sql=header_hash
    checkpointParentHash        BlockId      sql=parent_header_hash
    checkpointBlockHeight       Word32       sql=block_height

    Primary checkpointWalletId checkpointSlot
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade checkpoint checkpointWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

    protocolParametersWalletId              W.WalletId      sql=wallet_id
    protocolParametersFeePolicy             W.FeePolicy     sql=fee_policy
    protocolParametersTxMaxSize             Word16          sql=tx_max_size
    protocolParametersDecentralizationLevel Percentage      sql=decentralization_level
    protocolParametersDesiredNumberOfPools  Word16          sql=desired_pool_number
    protocolParametersMinimumUtxoValue      W.Coin          sql=minimum_utxo_value
    protocolParametersHardforkEpoch         W.EpochNo Maybe sql=hardfork_epoch
    protocolParametersKeyDeposit            W.Coin          sql=key_deposit

    Primary protocolParametersWalletId
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade fk_wallet_protocol_parameters protocolParametersWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Track whether the wallet's stake key is registered or not.
    stakeKeyCertWalletId             W.WalletId            sql=wallet_id
    stakeKeyCertSlot                 SlotNo                sql=slot
    stakeKeyCertType                 W.StakeKeyCertificate sql=type

    Primary stakeKeyCertWalletId stakeKeyCertSlot
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade stakeKeyRegistration stakeKeyCertWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Store known delegation certificates for a particular wallet
    certWalletId             W.WalletId     sql=wallet_id
    certSlot                 SlotNo         sql=slot
    certPoolId               W.PoolId Maybe sql=delegation

    Primary certWalletId certSlot
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade delegationCertificate certWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Latest balance of the reward account associated with
-- the stake key of this wallet.
    rewardWalletId           W.WalletId     sql=wallet_id
    rewardAccountBalance     Word64         sql=account_balance

    Primary rewardWalletId
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade delegationReward rewardWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- The UTxO for a given wallet checkpoint is a one-to-one mapping from TxIn ->
-- TxOut. This table does not need to refer to the TxIn or TxOut tables. All
-- necessary information for the UTxO is in this table.
UTxO                                sql=utxo

    -- The wallet checkpoint (wallet_id, slot)
    utxoWalletId        W.WalletId  sql=wallet_id
    utxoSlot            SlotNo      sql=slot

    -- TxIn
    utxoInputId         TxId        sql=input_tx_id
    utxoInputIndex      Word32      sql=input_index

    -- TxOut
    utxoOutputAddress   W.Address   sql=output_address
    utxoOutputCoin      W.Coin      sql=output_coin

    Primary utxoWalletId utxoSlot utxoInputId utxoInputIndex
    Foreign Checkpoint OnDeleteCascade utxo utxoWalletId utxoSlot
    deriving Show Generic

-- A token quantity associated with a UTxO entry.
-- Each row within UTxO can have many associated rows within UTxOToken.
-- Each row within UTxOToken refers to just a single row within UTxO.
UTxOToken                               sql=utxo_token
    utxoTokenWalletId  W.WalletId       sql=wallet_id
    utxoTokenSlot      SlotNo           sql=slot
    utxoTokenTxId      TxId             sql=tx_id
    utxoTokenTxIndex   Word32           sql=tx_index
    utxoTokenPolicyId  W.TokenPolicyId  sql=token_policy_id
    utxoTokenName      W.TokenName      sql=token_name
    utxoTokenQuantity  W.TokenQuantity  sql=token_quantity


    -- FIXME:
    -- Ideally, we'd like to define a foreign key constraint on the UTxO table,
    -- as each row in UTxOToken refers to a unique row in UTxO.
    -- Unfortunately, there's a bug in our version of persistent that breaks
    -- foreign key constraints where the foreign table has a manually-defined
    -- table name. In the case of the UTxO, the table name is "utxo", and not
    -- "u_tx_o" (which is what the auto-generated table name would be).
    -- To work around this bug, we instead define a foreign key constraint on
    -- the Checkpoint table. Under the current design of rollback, this gives
    -- equivalent behaviour, as we always delete UTxO entries by deleting their
    -- parent checkpoints.
    Foreign Checkpoint OnDeleteCascade utxot utxoTokenWalletId utxoTokenSlot

    deriving Show Generic

-- Sequential scheme address discovery state
-- which does not belong to a particular checkpoint.
    seqStateWalletId          W.WalletId           sql=wallet_id
    seqStateExternalGap       W.AddressPoolGap     sql=external_gap
    seqStateInternalGap       W.AddressPoolGap     sql=internal_gap
    seqStateAccountXPub       B8.ByteString        sql=account_xpub
    seqStatePolicyXPub        B8.ByteString Maybe  sql=policy_xpub
    seqStateRewardXPub        B8.ByteString        sql=reward_xpub
    seqStateDerivationPrefix  W.DerivationPrefix   sql=derivation_prefix

    Primary seqStateWalletId
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade seq_state seqStateWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Mapping of pool addresses to indices, and the slot
-- when they were discovered.
    seqStateAddressWalletId         W.WalletId         sql=wallet_id
    seqStateAddressSlot             SlotNo             sql=slot
    seqStateAddressAddress          W.Address          sql=address
    seqStateAddressIndex            Word32             sql=address_ix
    seqStateAddressRole             W.Role             sql=role
    seqStateAddressStatus           W.AddressState     sql=status

    Foreign Checkpoint OnDeleteCascade seq_state_address seqStateAddressWalletId seqStateAddressSlot
    deriving Show Generic

-- Sequential address discovery scheme -- pending change indexes
SeqStatePendingIx                            sql=seq_state_pending
    seqStatePendingWalletId     W.WalletId   sql=wallet_id
    seqStatePendingIxIndex      Word32       sql=pending_ix

    Primary seqStatePendingWalletId seqStatePendingIxIndex
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade seq_state_address_pending seqStatePendingWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Random scheme address discovery state
-- which does not belong to a particular checkpoint.
    rndStateWalletId        W.WalletId        sql=wallet_id
    rndStateAccountIndex    Word32            sql=account_ix
    rndStateGen             StdGen            sql=gen
    rndStateHdPassphrase    HDPassphrase      sql=hd_passphrase

    Primary rndStateWalletId
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade rnd_state rndStateWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- The set of discovered addresses.
    rndStateAddressWalletId      W.WalletId        sql=wallet_id
    rndStateAddressSlot          SlotNo            sql=slot
    rndStateAddressAccountIndex  Word32            sql=account_ix
    rndStateAddressIndex         Word32            sql=address_ix
    rndStateAddressAddress       W.Address         sql=address
    rndStateAddressStatus        W.AddressState    sql=status

    Foreign Checkpoint OnDeleteCascade rnd_state_address rndStateAddressWalletId rndStateAddressSlot
    deriving Show Generic

-- The set of pending change addresses.
    rndStatePendingAddressWalletId      W.WalletId  sql=wallet_id
    rndStatePendingAddressAccountIndex  Word32      sql=account_ix
    rndStatePendingAddressIndex         Word32      sql=address_ix
    rndStatePendingAddressAddress       W.Address   sql=address

    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade rnd_state_pending_address rndStatePendingAddressWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Shared Wallet
    sharedStateWalletId                 W.WalletId                sql=wallet_id
    sharedStateAccountXPub              B8.ByteString             sql=account_xpub
    sharedStateScriptGap                W.AddressPoolGap          sql=pool_gap
    sharedStatePaymentScript            (Script Cosigner)         sql=payment_script
    sharedStateDelegationScript         (Script Cosigner) Maybe   sql=delegation_script
    sharedStateDerivationPrefix         W.DerivationPrefix        sql=derivation_prefix

    Primary sharedStateWalletId
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade shared_state sharedStateWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

-- Shared Wallet -- pending change indexes
SharedStatePendingIx                            sql=shared_state_pending
    sharedStatePendingWalletId     W.WalletId   sql=wallet_id
    sharedStatePendingIxIndex      Word32       sql=pending_ix

    Primary sharedStatePendingWalletId sharedStatePendingIxIndex
    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade shared_state_address_pending sharedStatePendingWalletId
    deriving Show Generic

    cosignerKeyWalletId                  W.WalletId                sql=wallet_id
    cosignerKeyCredential                CredentialType            sql=credential
    cosignerKeyAccountXPub               B8.ByteString             sql=account_xpub
    cosignerKeyIndex                     Word8                     sql=cosigner_index

    Foreign Wallet OnDeleteCascade cosigner_key cosignerKeyWalletId
    deriving Show Generic