cborg- Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR)
Copyright (c) Duncan Coutts 2015-2017
License BSD3-style (see LICENSE.txt)
Maintainer duncan@community.haskell.org
Stability experimental
Portability non-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



A library for working with CBOR.



The cborg library is a low-level parsing and encoding library for the Compact Binary Object Representation (CBOR) defined in RFC 7049. CBOR is a language-agnostic, extensible, and size- and computation-efficient encoding for arbitrary data, with a well-defined bijection to the ubiquitous JSON format and a precisely specified canonical form.

Note, however, that cborg does not itself aim to be a serialisation library; it merely serves as the substrate on which such a library might be built. See the serialise library if you are looking for convenient serialisation of Haskell values.

Instead, cborg targets cases where precise control over the CBOR object structure is needed such as when working with externally-specified CBOR formats.

The library is split into a number of modules,