dbvar-2021.8.23: Mutable variables that are written to disk using delta encodings.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




Manipulating SQL database tables using delta encodings via the "persistent" package.


newEntityStore :: forall row m. ( PersistRecordBackend row SqlBackend , ToBackendKey SqlBackend row, Show row, MonadIO m) => m ( Store SqlPersistM [ DeltaDB Int row]) Source #

Construct a Store for Entity .

FIXME: This function should also do "migrations", i.e. create the database table in the first place.

newSqlStore :: ( MonadIO m, IsRow row, IsRow (row :. Col "id" Primary ), Show row) => m ( Store SqlPersistM [ DeltaDB Int row]) Source #

Construct a Store from an SQL table.

The unique IDs will be stored in a column "id" at the end of each row in the database table.