{-# LINE 1 "Network/Socket/Cbits.hsc" #-}
module Network.Socket.Cbits where

import Network.Socket.Imports

-- | This is the value of SOMAXCONN, typically 128.
-- 128 is good enough for normal network servers but
-- is too small for high performance servers.
maxListenQueue :: Int
maxListenQueue = 128
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{-# LINE 17 "Network/Socket/Cbits.hsc" #-}
fGetFd :: CInt
fGetFd = 1
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fGetFl :: CInt
fGetFl = 3
{-# LINE 21 "Network/Socket/Cbits.hsc" #-}
fdCloexec :: CInt
fdCloexec = 1
{-# LINE 23 "Network/Socket/Cbits.hsc" #-}
oNonBlock :: CInt
oNonBlock = 4
{-# LINE 25 "Network/Socket/Cbits.hsc" #-}

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{-# LINE 32 "Network/Socket/Cbits.hsc" #-}