ouroboros-network- A networking layer for the Ouroboros blockchain protocol
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




codecLocalTxMonitor :: forall txid tx slot m ptcl. ( MonadST m, ptcl ~ LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) => (txid -> Encoding ) -> ( forall s. Decoder s txid) -> (tx -> Encoding ) -> ( forall s. Decoder s tx) -> (slot -> Encoding ) -> ( forall s. Decoder s slot) -> Codec ( LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) DeserialiseFailure m ByteString Source #

codecLocalTxMonitorId :: forall txid tx slot m ptcl. ( Monad m, ptcl ~ LocalTxMonitor txid tx slot) => Codec ptcl CodecFailure m ( AnyMessage ptcl) Source #

An identity Codec for the LocalTxMonitor protocol. It does not do any serialisation. It keeps the typed messages, wrapped in AnyMessage .