plutus-core- Language library for Plutus Core
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




uniquesTerm :: HasUniques ( Term tyname name uni fun ann) => Term tyname name uni fun ann -> Set Unique Source #

uniquesType :: HasUniques ( Type tyname uni ann) => Type tyname uni ann -> Set Unique Source #

Get all the uniques in a type.

fvTerm :: Ord name => Term tyname name uni fun ann -> Set name Source #

Get all the free term variables in a PIR term.

ftvTerm :: Ord tyname => Term tyname name uni fun ann -> Set tyname Source #

Get all the free type variables in a PIR term.

fvBinding :: Ord name => Binding tyname name uni fun ann -> Set name Source #

Get all the free variables in a PIR single let-binding.

ftvBinding :: forall tyname name uni fun ann. Ord tyname => Recursivity -> Binding tyname name uni fun ann -> Set tyname Source #

Get all the free type variables in a PIR single let-binding.

ftvTy :: Ord tyname => Type tyname uni ann -> Set tyname Source #

Get all the free type variables in a type.