Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Temporary code that'll make it easy for us to generate arbitrary events. This should either be deleted when we can get real events, or at least moved across to the test suite.



acceptingValidator :: Validator Source #

A validator that always succeeds.

acceptingMintingPolicy :: MintingPolicy Source #

A minting policy that always succeeds.

genResponse :: PABReq -> Maybe ( Gen PABResp) Source #

Generate responses for mock requests. This function returns a Maybe because we can't (yet) create a generator for every request type.

Orphan instances

Arbitrary Value Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Lovelace Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Quantity Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary PolicyId Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary AssetName Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary AssetId Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Value Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Language Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Slot Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary TxOutRef Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary ToCardanoError Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen ToCardanoError Source #

shrink :: ToCardanoError -> [ToCardanoError] Source #

Arbitrary Value Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Address Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary OutputDatum Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Data Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary TxId Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary ScriptTag Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary RedeemerPtr Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary DCert Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary StakingCredential Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Credential Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary PubKeyHash Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary CurrencySymbol Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary TokenName Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Script Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary ScriptError Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Validator Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Datum Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary Redeemer Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary MintingPolicy Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary ScriptHash Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary ValidatorHash Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary DatumHash Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary MintingPolicyHash Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary LedgerBytes Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary BuiltinData Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary BuiltinByteString Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary PaymentPubKeyHash Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen PaymentPubKeyHash Source #

shrink :: PaymentPubKeyHash -> [PaymentPubKeyHash] Source #

Arbitrary MkTxError Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary ValidationError Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen ValidationError Source #

shrink :: ValidationError -> [ValidationError] Source #

Arbitrary TxOut Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen TxOut Source #

shrink :: TxOut -> [TxOut] Source #

Arbitrary TxIn Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary PaymentPubKey Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen PaymentPubKey Source #

shrink :: PaymentPubKey -> [PaymentPubKey] Source #

Arbitrary StakePubKey Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen StakePubKey Source #

shrink :: StakePubKey -> [StakePubKey] Source #

Arbitrary StakePubKeyHash Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen StakePubKeyHash Source #

shrink :: StakePubKeyHash -> [StakePubKeyHash] Source #

Arbitrary PubKey Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen PubKey Source #

shrink :: PubKey -> [PubKey] Source #

Arbitrary Signature Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen Signature Source #

shrink :: Signature -> [Signature] Source #

Arbitrary Certificate Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen Certificate Source #

shrink :: Certificate -> [Certificate] Source #

Arbitrary TxInType Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen TxInType Source #

shrink :: TxInType -> [TxInType] Source #

Arbitrary TxInput Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen TxInput Source #

shrink :: TxInput -> [TxInput] Source #

Arbitrary TxInputType Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen TxInputType Source #

shrink :: TxInputType -> [TxInputType] Source #

Arbitrary Withdrawal Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen Withdrawal Source #

shrink :: Withdrawal -> [Withdrawal] Source #

Arbitrary Ada Source #
Instance details

Arbitrary WalletAPIError Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen WalletAPIError Source #

shrink :: WalletAPIError -> [WalletAPIError] Source #

Arbitrary ConnectionError Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen ConnectionError Source #

shrink :: ConnectionError -> [ConnectionError] Source #

Arbitrary WrongOutTypeError Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen WrongOutTypeError Source #

shrink :: WrongOutTypeError -> [WrongOutTypeError] Source #

Arbitrary ActiveEndpoint Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen ActiveEndpoint Source #

shrink :: ActiveEndpoint -> [ActiveEndpoint] Source #

Arbitrary PABReq Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen PABReq Source #

shrink :: PABReq -> [PABReq] Source #

Arbitrary EndpointDescription Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen EndpointDescription Source #

shrink :: EndpointDescription -> [EndpointDescription] Source #

Arbitrary ThreadToken Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen ThreadToken Source #

shrink :: ThreadToken -> [ThreadToken] Source #

Arbitrary ( AddressInEra BabbageEra ) Source #
Instance details

( Arg ( Extended a) a, Arg ( LowerBound a) a, Arg ( UpperBound a) a, Arg ( Interval a) a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary ( Interval a) Source #
Instance details

( Arg ( Extended a) a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary ( Extended a) Source #
Instance details

( Arg ( Extended a) a, Arg ( UpperBound a) a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary ( UpperBound a) Source #
Instance details

( Arg ( Extended a) a, Arg ( LowerBound a) a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary ( LowerBound a) Source #
Instance details

( Arg (Versioned script) script, Arbitrary script) => Arbitrary (Versioned script) Source #
Instance details


arbitrary :: Gen (Versioned script) Source #

shrink :: Versioned script -> [Versioned script] Source #

( Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary ( Map k v) Source #
Instance details