serialise- A binary serialisation library for Haskell values.
Copyright (c) Duncan Coutts 2015-2017
License BSD3-style (see LICENSE.txt)
Stability experimental
Portability non-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



serialise library is built on cborg , they implement CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation, specified by IETF RFC 7049 ) and serialisers/deserializers for it.


Basic use example

serialise offers ability to derive instances via Generic mechanism:

import Codec.Serialise
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL

fileName :: FilePath
fileName = "out.cbor"

data Animal = HoppingAnimal { animalName :: String, hoppingHeight :: Int }
            | WalkingAnimal { animalName :: String, walkingSpeed  :: Int }
            deriving (Generic)

instance Serialise Animal

fredTheFrog :: Animal
fredTheFrog = HoppingAnimal "Fred" 4

-- | To output value into a file
write :: Serialise a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()
write file val = BSL.writeFile file (serialise val)

-- | Outputs @Fred@ value into file
writeIO :: IO ()
writeIO = write fileName fredTheFrog

-- | Reads the value from file
readIO :: IO Animal
readIO = deserialise <$> BSL.readFile fileName

printIO :: IO ()
printIO = do
    val <- readIO
    print val

The CBOR format

CBOR encoding is efficient in encoding/decoding complexity and space, and is generally machine-independent.

CBOR data model has: * integers * floating point numbers * binary strings * text * arrays * key/value maps and resembles JSON.

CBOR allows items to be tagged with a number which identifies the type of data. This can be used both to identify which data constructor of a type is represented, as well as representing different versions of the same constructor.

Interoperability with other CBOR implementations

Library provides means of stably storing Haskell values for later reading by the library.

The library is not aimed to facilitate serialisation and deserialisation across different CBOR implementations. But that is possible to setup practically.

A few things on compatibility with other CBOR implementations:

  1. The Serialise instances for some "basic" Haskell types (e.g. Maybe , ByteString , tuples) don't carry a tag, in contrast to common convention. This is an intentional design decision to minimize encoding size for types which are primitive enough that their representation can be considered stable.
  2. The library reserves the right to change encodings in non-backwards-compatible ways across super-major versions. For example the library may start producing a new representation for some type. The new version of the library will be able to decode the old and new representation, but different CBOR decoder would not be expecting the new representation and would have to be updated to match.
  3. While the library tries to use standard encodings in its instances wherever possible, these instances aren't guaranteed to implement all valid variants of the RFCs/standards mentioned in the specification. For instance, the UTCTime instance only implements a small subset of the encodings described by the Extended Date RFC.

The Serialise class

Serialise class provides convenient access to serialisers and deserialisers.

Creating & using a serialiser can be as simple as deriving Generic and Serialise ,

-- all GHCs
data MyType = ...
            deriving (Generic)
instance Serialise MyType

-- with DerivingStrategies (GHC 8.2 and newer)
data Animal = ...
            deriving stock (Generic)
            deriving anyclass (Serialise)

Of course, equivalent implementations can be handwritten. A custom Serialise instance may be desireable for a variety of reasons:

  • deviating from the type-guided encoding that the Generic instance provides
  • interfacing with other CBOR implementations
  • managing migration changes to the type and its encoding

encode and decode methods form a minimal Serialise instance definition:

instance Serialise Animal where
    encode = encodeAnimal
    decode = decodeAnimal

How to write encoding terms

For the purposes of encoding, abstract CBOR representations are embodied by the Tokens type. Such a representation can be efficiently built using the Monoid Encoding .

For instance, to implement an encoder for the Animal type above:

encodeAnimal :: Animal -> Encoding
encodeAnimal (HoppingAnimal name height) =
    encodeListLen 3 <> encodeWord 0 <> encode name <> encode height
encodeAnimal (WalkingAnimal name speed) =
    encodeListLen 3 <> encodeWord 1 <> encode name <> encode speed

Each encoding begins with a length , declaring how many values belonging to Animal constructor going to follow. Then a tag which identifies constructor. Fields are encoded using their respective Serialise instances.

It is recommended to not deviate from this encoding scheme - including both the length and tag - to ensure to have the option to migrate types later on.

Note: the recommended encoding represents Haskell constructor indexes as CBOR words, not CBOR tags.

How to write decoding terms

Decoding CBOR representations to Haskell values is done in the Decoder Monad . A decode for the Animal type would be:

decodeAnimal :: Decoder s Animal
decodeAnimal = do
    len <- decodeListLen
    tag <- decodeWord
    case (len, tag) of
      (3, 0) -> HoppingAnimal <$> decode <*> decode
      (3, 1) -> WalkingAnimal <$> decode <*> decode
      _      -> fail "invalid Animal encoding"


One eventuality that data serialisation schemes need to account for - is the future changes in the data's structure.

There are two types of compatibility to strive for in serialisers:

  • backward compatibility: newer versions of the serialiser can read older versions of an encoding
  • forward compatibility: older versions of the serialiser can read (or at least tolerate) newer versions of an encoding

Below are a few examples of how to provide backward-compatible serialisation.

Adding a constructor

Example: adding a new constructor to Animal type, SwimmingAnimal ,

data Animal = HoppingAnimal { animalName :: String, hoppingHeight :: Int }
            | WalkingAnimal { animalName :: String, walkingSpeed :: Int }
            | SwimmingAnimal { numberOfFins :: Int }
            deriving (Generic)

To account for this in handwritten serialiser - add a new tag to encoder and decoder,

encodeAnimal :: Animal -> Encoding
-- HoppingAnimal, SwimmingAnimal cases are unchanged...
encodeAnimal (HoppingAnimal name height) =
    encodeListLen 3 <> encodeWord 0 <> encode name <> encode height
encodeAnimal (WalkingAnimal name speed) =
    encodeListLen 3 <> encodeWord 1 <> encode name <> encode speed
-- Here is out new case...
encodeAnimal (SwimmingAnimal numberOfFins) =
    encodeListLen 2 <> encodeWord 2 <> encode numberOfFins

decodeAnimal :: Decoder s Animal
decodeAnimal = do
    len <- decodeListLen
    tag <- decodeWord
    case (len, tag) of
      -- these cases are unchanged...
      (3, 0) -> HoppingAnimal <$> decode <*> decode
      (3, 1) -> WalkingAnimal <$> decode <*> decode
      -- this is new...
      (2, 2) -> SwimmingAnimal <$> decode
      _      -> fail "invalid Animal encoding"

Adding/removing/modifying fields

Example: adding a new field to WalkingAnimal constructor,

data Animal = HoppingAnimal { animalName :: String, hoppingHeight :: Int }
            | WalkingAnimal { animalName :: String, walkingSpeed  :: Int, numberOfFeet :: Int }
            | SwimmingAnimal { numberOfFins :: Int }
            deriving (Generic)

To account for this - represent WalkingAnimal with a new encoding with a new tag, while also providing default value for backward compatibility:

encodeAnimal :: Animal -> Encoding
-- HoppingAnimal, SwimmingAnimal cases are unchanged...
encodeAnimal (HoppingAnimal name height) =
    encodeListLen 3 <> encodeWord 0 <> encode name <> encode height
encodeAnimal (SwimmingAnimal numberOfFins) =
    encodeListLen 2 <> encodeWord 2 <> encode numberOfFins
-- This is new...
encodeAnimal (WalkingAnimal animalName walkingSpeed numberOfFeet) =
    encodeListLen 4 <> encodeWord 3 <> encode animalName <> encode walkingSpeed <> encode numberOfFeet

decodeAnimal :: Decoder s Animal
decodeAnimal = do
    len <- decodeListLen
    tag <- decodeWord
    case (len, tag) of
      -- these cases are unchanged...
      (3, 0) -> HoppingAnimal <$> decode <*> decode
      (2, 2) -> SwimmingAnimal <$> decode
      -- this is new...
      (3, 1) -> WalkingAnimal <$> decode <*> decode <*> pure 4
                                                     -- ^ note the default for backwards compat
      (4, 3) -> WalkingAnimal <$> decode <*> decode <*> decode
      _      -> fail "invalid Animal encoding"

The same approach can be used to handle field removal and type changes.

Working with foreign encodings

While serialise & cborg are primarily designed to be a Haskell-only values serialisation library, the fact that it implements the standard CBOR encoding means that it also can find uses in interacting with foreign CBOR producers & consumers. In this section we will describe a few features of the library which may be useful in such applications.

Working with arbitrary terms

When working with foreign encodings, it can sometimes be useful to capture a serialised CBOR term verbatim (for instance, to later re-serialise it in some later result). The Term type provides such representation, losslessly capturing a CBOR AST. It can be serialised and deserialised with its Serialise instance.

Examining encodings

In addition to serialisation and deserialisation, cborg provides a variety of tools for representing arbitrary CBOR encodings in the Codec.CBOR.FlatTerm and Codec.CBOR.Pretty modules.

The FlatTerm type represents a single CBOR term , as would be found in the ultimate CBOR representation. For instance, we can easily look at the structure of our Animal encoding above,

>>> toFlatTerm $ encode $ HoppingAnimal "Fred" 42
[TkListLen 3,TkInt 0,TkString "Fred",TkInt 42]
>>> fromFlatTerm (decode @Animal) $ toFlatTerm $ encode (HoppingAnimal "Fred" 42)
Right (HoppingAnimal {animalName = "Fred", hoppingHeight = 42})

This can be useful both for understanding external CBOR formats, as well as understanding and testing handwritten encodings.

The package also includes a pretty-printer in Codec.CBOR.Pretty , for visualising the CBOR wire protocol alongside its semantic structure. For instance,

>>> putStrLn $ Codec.CBOR.Pretty.prettyHexEnc $ encode $ HoppingAnimal "Fred" 42
83  # list(3)
   00  # word(0)
   64 46 72 65 64  # text("Fred")
   18 2a  # int(42)