Cabal- A framework for packaging Haskell software
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



GenericPackageDescription Field descriptions


Package description


Foreign library


Test suite

data TestSuiteStanza Source #

An intermediate type just used for parsing the test-suite stanza. After validation it is converted into the proper TestSuite type.


Instances details
HasBuildInfo TestSuiteStanza Source #
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar


buildInfo :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza BuildInfo Source #

buildable :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza Bool Source #

buildTools :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ LegacyExeDependency ] Source #

buildToolDepends :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ ExeDependency ] Source #

cppOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

asmOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

cmmOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

ccOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

cxxOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

ldOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

pkgconfigDepends :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ PkgconfigDependency ] Source #

frameworks :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

extraFrameworkDirs :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

asmSources :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

cmmSources :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

cSources :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

cxxSources :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

jsSources :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

hsSourceDirs :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

otherModules :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ ModuleName ] Source #

virtualModules :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ ModuleName ] Source #

autogenModules :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ ModuleName ] Source #

defaultLanguage :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza ( Maybe Language ) Source #

otherLanguages :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ Language ] Source #

defaultExtensions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ Extension ] Source #

otherExtensions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ Extension ] Source #

oldExtensions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ Extension ] Source #

extraLibs :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

extraGHCiLibs :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

extraBundledLibs :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

extraLibFlavours :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

extraDynLibFlavours :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

extraLibDirs :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ String ] Source #

includeDirs :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

includes :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

autogenIncludes :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

installIncludes :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

options :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

profOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

sharedOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

staticOptions :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

customFieldsBI :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [( String , String )] Source #

targetBuildDepends :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ Dependency ] Source #

mixins :: Lens' TestSuiteStanza [ Mixin ] Source #



data BenchmarkStanza Source #

An intermediate type just used for parsing the benchmark stanza. After validation it is converted into the proper Benchmark type.


Instances details
HasBuildInfo BenchmarkStanza Source #
Instance details

Defined in Distribution.PackageDescription.FieldGrammar


buildInfo :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza BuildInfo Source #

buildable :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza Bool Source #

buildTools :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ LegacyExeDependency ] Source #

buildToolDepends :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ ExeDependency ] Source #

cppOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

asmOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

cmmOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

ccOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

cxxOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

ldOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

pkgconfigDepends :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ PkgconfigDependency ] Source #

frameworks :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

extraFrameworkDirs :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

asmSources :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

cmmSources :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

cSources :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

cxxSources :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

jsSources :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

hsSourceDirs :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

otherModules :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ ModuleName ] Source #

virtualModules :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ ModuleName ] Source #

autogenModules :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ ModuleName ] Source #

defaultLanguage :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza ( Maybe Language ) Source #

otherLanguages :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ Language ] Source #

defaultExtensions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ Extension ] Source #

otherExtensions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ Extension ] Source #

oldExtensions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ Extension ] Source #

extraLibs :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

extraGHCiLibs :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

extraBundledLibs :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

extraLibFlavours :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

extraDynLibFlavours :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

extraLibDirs :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ String ] Source #

includeDirs :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

includes :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

autogenIncludes :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

installIncludes :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ FilePath ] Source #

options :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

profOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

sharedOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

staticOptions :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza ( PerCompilerFlavor [ String ]) Source #

customFieldsBI :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [( String , String )] Source #

targetBuildDepends :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ Dependency ] Source #

mixins :: Lens' BenchmarkStanza [ Mixin ] Source #



Source repository

Setup build info

Component build info