barbies- Classes for working with types that can change clothes.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




gbmapDefault :: CanDeriveFunctorB b f g => ( forall a. f a -> g a) -> b f -> b g Source #

Default implementation of bmap based on Generic .

class GFunctor (n :: Nat ) f g repbf repbg where Source #


gmap :: Proxy n -> ( forall a. f a -> g a) -> repbf x -> repbg x Source #


Instances details
GFunctor n (f :: k1 -> Type ) (g :: k1 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k2 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k2 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Functor


gmap :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> U1 x -> U1 x Source #

GFunctor n (f :: k1 -> Type ) (g :: k1 -> Type ) ( V1 :: k2 -> Type ) ( V1 :: k2 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Functor


gmap :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> V1 x -> V1 x Source #

GFunctor n (f :: k1 -> Type ) (g :: k1 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k2 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k2 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Functor


gmap :: forall (x0 :: k). Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> Rec x x x0 -> Rec x x x0 Source #

( GFunctor n f g l l', GFunctor n f g r r') => GFunctor n (f :: k1 -> Type ) (g :: k1 -> Type ) (l :+: r :: k2 -> Type ) (l' :+: r' :: k2 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Functor


gmap :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> (l :+: r) x -> (l' :+: r') x Source #

( GFunctor n f g l l', GFunctor n f g r r') => GFunctor n (f :: k1 -> Type ) (g :: k1 -> Type ) (l :*: r :: k2 -> Type ) (l' :*: r' :: k2 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Functor


gmap :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> (l :*: r) x -> (l' :*: r') x Source #

GFunctor n f g bf bg => GFunctor n (f :: k1 -> Type ) (g :: k1 -> Type ) ( M1 i c bf :: k2 -> Type ) ( M1 i c bg :: k2 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Functor


gmap :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> M1 i c bf x -> M1 i c bg x Source #

type CanDeriveFunctorB b f g = ( GenericP 0 (b f), GenericP 0 (b g), GFunctor 0 f g ( RepP 0 (b f)) ( RepP 0 (b g))) Source #

CanDeriveFunctorB B f g is in practice a predicate about B only. Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (B f) .
  • B f can contain fields of type b f as long as there exists a FunctorB b instance. In particular, recursive usages of B f are allowed.
  • B f can also contain usages of b f under a Functor h . For example, one could use Maybe (B f) when defining B f .

type CanDeriveFunctorT t f g x = ( GenericP 1 (t f x), GenericP 1 (t g x), GFunctor 1 f g ( RepP 1 (t f x)) ( RepP 1 (t g x))) Source #

CanDeriveFunctorT T f g x is in practice a predicate about T only. Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (T f) .
  • T f x can contain fields of type t f y as long as there exists a FunctorT t instance. In particular, recursive usages of T f y are allowed.
  • T f x can also contain usages of t f y under a Functor h . For example, one could use Maybe (T f y) when defining T f y .


gbtraverseDefault :: forall b f g e. ( Applicative e, CanDeriveTraversableB b f g) => ( forall a. f a -> e (g a)) -> b f -> e (b g) Source #

Default implementation of btraverse based on Generic .

class GTraversable n f g repbf repbg where Source #


gtraverse :: Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall a. f a -> t (g a)) -> repbf x -> t (repbg x) Source #


Instances details
GTraversable (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k3 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Traversable


gtraverse :: forall t (x :: k). Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> t (g a)) -> U1 x -> t ( U1 x) Source #

GTraversable (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( V1 :: k3 -> Type ) ( V1 :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Traversable


gtraverse :: forall t (x :: k). Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> t (g a)) -> V1 x -> t ( V1 x) Source #

GTraversable (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( Rec a a :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec a a :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Traversable


gtraverse :: forall t (x :: k). Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall (a0 :: k). f a0 -> t (g a0)) -> Rec a a x -> t ( Rec a a x) Source #

( GTraversable n f g l l', GTraversable n f g r r') => GTraversable (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) (l :+: r :: k3 -> Type ) (l' :+: r' :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Traversable


gtraverse :: forall t (x :: k). Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> t (g a)) -> (l :+: r) x -> t ((l' :+: r') x) Source #

( GTraversable n f g l l', GTraversable n f g r r') => GTraversable (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) (l :*: r :: k3 -> Type ) (l' :*: r' :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Traversable


gtraverse :: forall t (x :: k). Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> t (g a)) -> (l :*: r) x -> t ((l' :*: r') x) Source #

GTraversable n f g bf bg => GTraversable (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( M1 i c bf :: k3 -> Type ) ( M1 i c bg :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Traversable


gtraverse :: forall t (x :: k). Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> t (g a)) -> M1 i c bf x -> t ( M1 i c bg x) Source #

type CanDeriveTraversableB b f g = ( GenericP 0 (b f), GenericP 0 (b g), GTraversable 0 f g ( RepP 0 (b f)) ( RepP 0 (b g))) Source #

CanDeriveTraversableB B f g is in practice a predicate about B only. It is analogous to CanDeriveFunctorB , so it essentially requires the following to hold, for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (B f) .
  • B f can contain fields of type b f as long as there exists a TraversableB b instance. In particular, recursive usages of B f are allowed.
  • B f can also contain usages of b f under a Traversable h . For example, one could use Maybe (B f) when defining B f .

type CanDeriveTraversableT t f g x = ( GenericP 1 (t f x), GenericP 1 (t g x), GTraversable 1 f g ( RepP 1 (t f x)) ( RepP 1 (t g x))) Source #

CanDeriveTraversableT T f g x is in practice a predicate about T only. It is analogous to CanDeriveFunctorT , so it essentially requires the following to hold, for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (T f x) .
  • T f x can contain fields of type t f x as long as there exists a TraversableT t instance. In particular, recursive usages of T f x are allowed.
  • T f x can also contain usages of t f x under a Traversable h . For example, one could use Maybe (T f x) when defining T f x .


gbdistributeDefault :: CanDeriveDistributiveB b f g => Functor f => f (b g) -> b ( Compose f g) Source #

Default implementation of bdistribute based on Generic .

class Functor f => GDistributive (n :: Nat ) f repbg repbfg where Source #


gdistribute :: Proxy n -> f (repbg x) -> repbfg x Source #


Instances details
Functor f => GDistributive n f ( U1 :: k -> Type ) ( U1 :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Distributive


gdistribute :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> f ( U1 x) -> U1 x Source #

( GDistributive n f l l', GDistributive n f r r') => GDistributive n f (l :*: r :: k -> Type ) (l' :*: r' :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Distributive


gdistribute :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> f ((l :*: r) x) -> (l' :*: r') x Source #

GDistributive n f bg bfg => GDistributive n f ( M1 i c bg :: k -> Type ) ( M1 i c bfg :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Distributive


gdistribute :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> f ( M1 i c bg x) -> M1 i c bfg x Source #

type CanDeriveDistributiveB b f g = ( GenericP 0 (b g), GenericP 0 (b ( Compose f g)), GDistributive 0 f ( RepP 0 (b g)) ( RepP 0 (b ( Compose f g)))) Source #

CanDeriveDistributiveB B f g is in practice a predicate about B only. Intuitively, it says the the following holds for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (B f) .
  • (B f) has only one constructor, and doesn't contain "naked" fields (that is, not covered by f ).
  • B f can contain fields of type b f as long as there exists a DistributiveB b instance. In particular, recursive usages of B f are allowed.
  • B f can also contain usages of b f under a Distributive h . For example, one could use a -> (B f) as a field of B f .

type CanDeriveDistributiveT (t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> i -> Type ) f g x = ( GenericP 1 (t g x), GenericP 1 (t ( Compose f g) x), GDistributive 1 f ( RepP 1 (t g x)) ( RepP 1 (t ( Compose f g) x))) Source #

CanDeriveDistributiveT T f g x is in practice a predicate about T only. Intuitively, it says the the following holds for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (B f x) .
  • (B f x) has only one constructor, and doesn't contain "naked" fields (that is, not covered by f ). In particular, x needs to occur under f .
  • B f x can contain fields of type b f y as long as there exists a DistributiveT b instance. In particular, recursive usages of B f x are allowed.
  • B f x can also contain usages of b f y under a Distributive h . For example, one could use a -> (B f x) as a field of B f x .


gbpureDefault :: forall b f. CanDeriveApplicativeB b f f => ( forall a. f a) -> b f Source #

gbprodDefault :: forall b f g. CanDeriveApplicativeB b f g => b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g) Source #

Default implementation of bprod based on Generic .

class GApplicative n (f :: k -> Type ) (g :: k -> Type ) repbf repbg repbfg where Source #


gprod :: Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy g -> repbf x -> repbg x -> repbfg x Source #

gpure :: (f ~ g, repbf ~ repbg) => Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy repbf -> Proxy repbfg -> ( forall a. f a) -> repbf x Source #


Instances details
GApplicative (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k3 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k3 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Applicative


gprod :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy g -> U1 x -> U1 x -> U1 x Source #

gpure :: forall (x :: k). (f ~ g, U1 ~ U1 ) => Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy U1 -> Proxy U1 -> ( forall (a :: k). f a) -> U1 x Source #

Monoid x => GApplicative (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Applicative


gprod :: forall (x0 :: k). Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy g -> Rec x x x0 -> Rec x x x0 -> Rec x x x0 Source #

gpure :: forall (x0 :: k). (f ~ g, Rec x x ~ Rec x x) => Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy ( Rec x x) -> Proxy ( Rec x x) -> ( forall (a :: k). f a) -> Rec x x x0 Source #

( GApplicative n f g lf lg lfg, GApplicative n f g rf rg rfg) => GApplicative (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) (lf :*: rf :: k3 -> Type ) (lg :*: rg :: k3 -> Type ) (lfg :*: rfg :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Applicative


gprod :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy g -> (lf :*: rf) x -> (lg :*: rg) x -> (lfg :*: rfg) x Source #

gpure :: forall (x :: k). (f ~ g, (lf :*: rf) ~ (lg :*: rg)) => Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy (lf :*: rf) -> Proxy (lfg :*: rfg) -> ( forall (a :: k). f a) -> (lf :*: rf) x Source #

GApplicative n f g repf repg repfg => GApplicative (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( M1 i c repf :: k3 -> Type ) ( M1 i c repg :: k3 -> Type ) ( M1 i c repfg :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Applicative


gprod :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy g -> M1 i c repf x -> M1 i c repg x -> M1 i c repfg x Source #

gpure :: forall (x :: k). (f ~ g, M1 i c repf ~ M1 i c repg) => Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy ( M1 i c repf) -> Proxy ( M1 i c repfg) -> ( forall (a :: k). f a) -> M1 i c repf x Source #

type CanDeriveApplicativeB b f g = ( GenericP 0 (b f), GenericP 0 (b g), GenericP 0 (b (f `Product` g)), GApplicative 0 f g ( RepP 0 (b f)) ( RepP 0 (b g)) ( RepP 0 (b (f `Product` g)))) Source #

CanDeriveApplicativeB B f g is in practice a predicate about B only. Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (B f) .
  • B has only one constructor (that is, it is not a sum-type).
  • Every field of B f is either a monoid, or of the form f a , for some type a .

type CanDeriveApplicativeT t f g x = ( GenericP 1 (t f x), GenericP 1 (t g x), GenericP 1 (t (f `Product` g) x), GApplicative 1 f g ( RepP 1 (t f x)) ( RepP 1 (t g x)) ( RepP 1 (t (f `Product` g) x))) Source #

CanDeriveApplicativeT T f g x is in practice a predicate about T only. Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (T f) .
  • T has only one constructor (that is, it is not a sum-type).
  • Every field of T f x is either a monoid, or of the form f a , for some type a .


gbaddDictsDefault :: forall b c f. ( CanDeriveConstraintsB c b f, AllB c b) => b f -> b ( Dict c `Product` f) Source #

Default implementation of baddDicts based on Generic .

class GConstraints n c f repbx repbf repbdf where Source #


gaddDicts :: GAll n c repbx => repbf x -> repbdf x Source #


Instances details
GConstraints n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) (f :: k2) ( U1 :: Type -> Type ) ( U1 :: k3 -> Type ) ( U1 :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints


gaddDicts :: forall (x :: k). GAll n c U1 => U1 x -> U1 x Source #

GConstraints n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) (f :: k2) ( V1 :: Type -> Type ) ( V1 :: k3 -> Type ) ( V1 :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints


gaddDicts :: forall (x :: k). GAll n c V1 => V1 x -> V1 x Source #

GConstraints n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) (f :: k2) ( Rec a' a :: Type -> Type ) ( Rec b' b :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec b' b :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints


gaddDicts :: forall (x :: k). GAll n c ( Rec a' a) => Rec b' b x -> Rec b' b x Source #

( GConstraints n c f lx lf ldf, GConstraints n c f rx rf rdf) => GConstraints n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) (f :: k2) (lx :+: rx) (lf :+: rf :: k3 -> Type ) (ldf :+: rdf :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints


gaddDicts :: forall (x :: k). GAll n c (lx :+: rx) => (lf :+: rf) x -> (ldf :+: rdf) x Source #

( GConstraints n c f lx lf ldf, GConstraints n c f rx rf rdf) => GConstraints n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) (f :: k2) (lx :*: rx) (lf :*: rf :: k3 -> Type ) (ldf :*: rdf :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints


gaddDicts :: forall (x :: k). GAll n c (lx :*: rx) => (lf :*: rf) x -> (ldf :*: rdf) x Source #

GConstraints n c f repbx repbf repbdf => GConstraints n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) (f :: k2) ( M1 i k4 repbx) ( M1 i k4 repbf :: k3 -> Type ) ( M1 i k4 repbdf :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints


gaddDicts :: forall (x :: k). GAll n c ( M1 i k4 repbx) => M1 i k4 repbf x -> M1 i k4 repbdf x Source #

type CanDeriveConstraintsB c b f = ( GenericN (b f), GenericN (b ( Dict c `Product` f)), AllB c b ~ GAll 0 c ( GAllRepB b), GConstraints 0 c f ( GAllRepB b) ( RepN (b f)) ( RepN (b ( Dict c `Product` f)))) Source #

CanDeriveConstraintsB B f g is in practice a predicate about B only. Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary f :

  • There is an instance of Generic (B f) .
  • B f can contain fields of type b f as long as there exists a ConstraintsB b instance. In particular, recursive usages of B f are allowed.

type CanDeriveConstraintsT c t f x = ( GenericN (t f x), GenericN (t ( Dict c `Product` f) x), AllT c t ~ GAll 1 c ( GAllRepT t), GConstraints 1 c f ( GAllRepT t) ( RepN (t f x)) ( RepN (t ( Dict c `Product` f) x))) Source #

CanDeriveConstraintsT T f g x is in practice a predicate about T only. Intuitively, it says that the following holds, for any arbitrary f and x :

  • There is an instance of Generic (T f x) .
  • T f can contain fields of type t f x as long as there exists a ConstraintsT t instance. In particular, recursive usages of T f x are allowed.

type family GAll (n :: Nat ) (c :: k -> Constraint ) (repbf :: Type -> Type ) :: Constraint Source #


Instances details
type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( U1 :: Type -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints

type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( U1 :: Type -> Type ) = ()
type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( V1 :: Type -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints

type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( V1 :: Type -> Type ) = ()
type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) (l :+: r) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints

type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) (l :+: r) = ( GAll n c l, GAll n c r)
type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) (l :*: r) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints

type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) (l :*: r) = ( GAll n c l, GAll n c r)
type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( Rec l r :: Type -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints

type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( Rec l r :: Type -> Type )
type GAll n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) ( M1 i k2 repbf) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints

type GAll n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) ( M1 i k2 repbf) = GAll n c repbf

type GAllRepB b = TagSelf0 b Source #

The representation used for the generic computation of the AllB c b constraints.

type GAllRepT t = TagSelf1 t Source #

The representation used for the generic computation of the AllT c t constraints. .

data family Y :: k Source #

data Self (p :: Type ) (a :: Type ) (x :: Type ) Source #

data Other (p :: Type ) (a :: Type ) (x :: Type ) Source #

type family SelfOrOther (b :: k) (b' :: k) :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type where ... Source #

type TagSelf0 b = TagSelf0' ( Indexed b 1) ( RepN (b X )) Source #

We use the type-families to generically compute AllB c b . Intuitively, if b' f' occurs inside b f , then we should just add AllB b' c to AllB b c . The problem is that if b is a recursive type, and b' is b , then ghc will choke and blow the stack (instead of computing a fixpoint).

So, we would like to behave differently when b = b' and add () instead of AllB b c to break the recursion. Our trick will be to use a type family to inspect Rep (b X) , for an arbitrary X , and distinguish recursive usages from non-recursive ones, tagging them with different types, so we can distinguish them in the instances.

type family TagSelf0' (b :: kf -> Type ) (repbf :: Type -> Type ) :: Type -> Type where ... Source #

type TagSelf1 b = TagSelf1' ( Indexed b 2) ( Zip ( Rep ( Indexed (b X ) 1 Y )) ( Rep (b X Y ))) Source #

We use the type-families to generically compute AllT c b . Intuitively, if t' f' x' occurs inside t f x , then we should just add AllT t' c to AllT t c . The problem is that if t is a recursive type, and t' is t , then ghc will choke and blow the stack (instead of computing a fixpoint).

So, we would like to behave differently when t = t' and add () instead of AllT t c to break the recursion. Our trick will be to use a type family to inspect Rep (t X Y) , for arbitrary X and Y and distinguish recursive usages from non-recursive ones, tagging them with different types, so we can distinguish them in the instances.

type family TagSelf1' (b :: kf -> kg -> Type ) (repbf :: Type -> Type ) :: Type -> Type where ... Source #


TagSelf1' b ( M1 mt m s) = M1 mt m ( TagSelf1' b s)
TagSelf1' b (l :+: r) = TagSelf1' b l :+: TagSelf1' b r
TagSelf1' b (l :*: r) = TagSelf1' b l :*: TagSelf1' b r
TagSelf1' (b :: kf -> kg -> Type ) ( Rec ((b' :: kf -> kg -> Type ) fl fr) ((b'' :: kf -> kg -> Type ) gl gr)) = SelfOrOther b b' (b' fl gr) (b'' gl gr)
TagSelf1' b ( Rec x y) = Rec x y
TagSelf1' b U1 = U1
TagSelf1' b V1 = V1

Bare values

class GBare (n :: Nat ) repbi repbb where Source #


gstrip :: Proxy n -> repbi x -> repbb x Source #

gcover :: Proxy n -> repbb x -> repbi x Source #


Instances details
GBare n ( U1 :: k -> Type ) ( U1 :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Bare


gstrip :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> U1 x -> U1 x Source #

gcover :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> U1 x -> U1 x Source #

GBare n ( V1 :: k -> Type ) ( V1 :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Bare


gstrip :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> V1 x -> V1 x Source #

gcover :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> V1 x -> V1 x Source #

repbi ~ repbb => GBare n ( Rec repbi repbi :: k -> Type ) ( Rec repbb repbb :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Bare


gstrip :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> Rec repbi repbi x -> Rec repbb repbb x Source #

gcover :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> Rec repbb repbb x -> Rec repbi repbi x Source #

( GBare n l l', GBare n r r') => GBare n (l :+: r :: k -> Type ) (l' :+: r' :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Bare


gstrip :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> (l :+: r) x -> (l' :+: r') x Source #

gcover :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> (l' :+: r') x -> (l :+: r) x Source #

( GBare n l l', GBare n r r') => GBare n (l :*: r :: k -> Type ) (l' :*: r' :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Bare


gstrip :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> (l :*: r) x -> (l' :*: r') x Source #

gcover :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> (l' :*: r') x -> (l :*: r) x Source #

GBare n repbi repbb => GBare n ( M1 i k2 repbi :: k1 -> Type ) ( M1 i k2 repbb :: k1 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Bare


gstrip :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> M1 i k2 repbi x -> M1 i k2 repbb x Source #

gcover :: forall (x :: k). Proxy n -> M1 i k2 repbb x -> M1 i k2 repbi x Source #

type CanDeriveBareB b = ( GenericP 0 (b Bare Identity ), GenericP 0 (b Covered Identity ), GBare 0 ( RepP 0 (b Covered Identity )) ( RepP 0 (b Bare Identity ))) Source #

All types that admit a generic FunctorB instance, and have all their occurrences of f under a Wear admit a generic BareB instance.

Generic derivation support

data family Param (n :: Nat ) (a :: k) :: k Source #

type family Indexed (t :: k) (i :: Nat ) :: k where ... Source #


Indexed (t a) i = Indexed t (i + 1) ( Param i a)
Indexed t _ = t

type family FilterIndex (n :: Nat ) (t :: k) :: k where ... Source #


FilterIndex n (t ( Param n a)) = FilterIndex n t ( Param n a)
FilterIndex n (t ( Param _ a)) = FilterIndex n t a
FilterIndex _ t = t

type family Zip (a :: Type -> Type ) (b :: Type -> Type ) :: Type -> Type where ... Source #

newtype Rec (p :: Type ) a x Source #





Instances details
GTraversable (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( Rec a a :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec a a :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Traversable


gtraverse :: forall t (x :: k). Applicative t => Proxy n -> ( forall (a0 :: k). f a0 -> t (g a0)) -> Rec a a x -> t ( Rec a a x) Source #

GConstraints n (c :: k1 -> Constraint ) (f :: k2) ( Rec a' a :: Type -> Type ) ( Rec b' b :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec b' b :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints


gaddDicts :: forall (x :: k). GAll n c ( Rec a' a) => Rec b' b x -> Rec b' b x Source #

Monoid x => GApplicative (n :: k1) (f :: k2 -> Type ) (g :: k2 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k3 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k3 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Applicative


gprod :: forall (x0 :: k). Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy g -> Rec x x x0 -> Rec x x x0 -> Rec x x x0 Source #

gpure :: forall (x0 :: k). (f ~ g, Rec x x ~ Rec x x) => Proxy n -> Proxy f -> Proxy ( Rec x x) -> Proxy ( Rec x x) -> ( forall (a :: k). f a) -> Rec x x x0 Source #

GFunctor n (f :: k1 -> Type ) (g :: k1 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k2 -> Type ) ( Rec x x :: k2 -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Functor


gmap :: forall (x0 :: k). Proxy n -> ( forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> Rec x x x0 -> Rec x x x0 Source #

repbi ~ repbb => GBare n ( Rec repbi repbi :: k -> Type ) ( Rec repbb repbb :: k -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Bare


gstrip :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> Rec repbi repbi x -> Rec repbb repbb x Source #

gcover :: forall (x :: k0). Proxy n -> Rec repbb repbb x -> Rec repbi repbi x Source #

type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( Rec l r :: Type -> Type ) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Barbies.Generics.Constraints

type GAll n (c :: k -> Constraint ) ( Rec l r :: Type -> Type )

class ( Coercible ( Rep a) ( RepN a), Generic a) => GenericN (a :: Type ) where Source #

Associated Types

type RepN (a :: Type ) :: Type -> Type Source #

type RepN a = Zip ( Rep ( Indexed a 0)) ( Rep a)


Instances details
( Coercible ( Rep a) ( RepN a), Generic a) => GenericN a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Generics.GenericN

Associated Types

type RepN a :: Type -> Type Source #

class ( Coercible ( Rep a) ( RepP n a), Generic a) => GenericP (n :: Nat ) (a :: Type ) where Source #

Associated Types

type RepP n a :: Type -> Type Source #


Instances details
( Coercible ( Rep a) ( RepP n a), Generic a) => GenericP n a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Generics.GenericN

Associated Types

type RepP n a :: Type -> Type Source #