cardano-crypto-1.1.1: Cryptography primitives for cardano
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



implementation of the proposal specification for Paper Wallet see

however we allow more genericity in the implementation to allow not only 12 mnemonic words to freeze but also 15, 18 and 21.

because the output mnemonic words are always 3 words longer (for the IV) we cannot use 24 words long mnemonic sentence.


  • we use PBKDF2 with 'HMAC 512' to generate the OTP.
  • we use 10000 iteration for the PBKDF2
  • we use the 4 bytes IOHK for the CONSTANT


data Entropy (n :: Nat ) Source #

BIP39's entropy is a byte array of a given size (in bits, see ValidEntropySize for the valid size).

To it is associated

data MnemonicSentence (mw :: Nat ) Source #

Mnemonic Sentence is a list of WordIndex .

This is the generic representation of a mnemonic phrase that can be used for transalating to a different dictionary (example: English to Japanese).

This is mainly used to convert from/to the Entropy and for cardanoSlSeed


Instances details
ValidMnemonicSentence mw => IsList ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Associated Types

type Item ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #

Eq ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Ord ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Show ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

NormalForm ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

type Item ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

type ConsistentEntropy ent mw csz = ( ValidEntropySize ent, ValidChecksumSize ent csz, ValidMnemonicSentence mw, MnemonicWords ent ~ mw) Source #

Type Constraint Alias to check the entropy size, the number of mnemonic words and the checksum size is consistent. i.e. that the following is true:

| entropysize | checksumsize | entropysize + checksumsize | mnemonicsize | +---------------+--------------+----------------------------+--------------+ | 96 | 3 | 99 | 9 | | 128 | 4 | 132 | 12 | | 160 | 5 | 165 | 15 | | 192 | 6 | 198 | 18 | | 224 | 7 | 231 | 21 | | 256 | 8 | 264 | 24 |

This type constraint alias also perform all the GHC's cumbersome type level literal handling.

scramble :: forall entropysizeI entropysizeO mnemonicsize scramblesize csI csO. ( ConsistentEntropy entropysizeI mnemonicsize csI, ConsistentEntropy entropysizeO scramblesize csO, (mnemonicsize + IVSizeWords ) ~ scramblesize, (entropysizeI + IVSizeBits ) ~ entropysizeO) => ScrambleIV -> Entropy entropysizeI -> Passphrase -> Entropy entropysizeO Source #

scramble the given entropy into an entropy slighly larger.

This entropy can then be converted to a mnemonic sentence:

freeze iv mnemonics passphrase = entropyToWords . scramble iv entropy passphrase
    entropy = case wordsToEntropy mnemonics of
        Nothing -> error "mnemonic to entropy failed"
        Just e  -> e

unscramble :: forall entropysizeI entropysizeO mnemonicsize scramblesize csI csO. ( ConsistentEntropy entropysizeI scramblesize csI, ConsistentEntropy entropysizeO mnemonicsize csO, (mnemonicsize + IVSizeWords ) ~ scramblesize, (entropysizeO + IVSizeBits ) ~ entropysizeI) => Entropy entropysizeI -> Passphrase -> Entropy entropysizeO Source #

The reverse operation of scramble

This function recovers the original entropy from the given scrambled entropy and the associated password.

recover scrambled passphrase = entropyToWords entropysizeO .
    unscramble entropysizeI entropysizeO entropyScrambled passphrase
    entropyScrambled = case wordsToEntropy entropysizeI scrambled of
        Nothing -> error "mnemonic to entropy failed"
        Just e  -> e

scrambleMnemonic :: forall entropysizeI entropysizeO mnemonicsize scramblesize csI csO. ( ConsistentEntropy entropysizeI mnemonicsize csI, ConsistentEntropy entropysizeO scramblesize csO, (mnemonicsize + IVSizeWords ) ~ scramblesize, (entropysizeI + IVSizeBits ) ~ entropysizeO) => Proxy entropysizeI -> ScrambleIV -> MnemonicSentence mnemonicsize -> Passphrase -> MnemonicSentence scramblesize Source #

helper function to scramble mnemonics