cryptonite-0.27: Cryptography Primitives sink

cryptonite-0.27: Cryptography Primitives sink

A repository of cryptographic primitives.

  • Symmetric ciphers: AES, DES, 3DES, CAST5, Blowfish, Twofish, Camellia, RC4, Salsa, XSalsa, ChaCha.
  • Hash: SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, SHAKE, MD2, MD4, MD5, Keccak, Skein, Ripemd, Tiger, Whirlpool, Blake2
  • MAC: HMAC, KMAC, Poly1305
  • Asymmetric crypto: DSA, RSA, DH, ECDH, ECDSA, ECC, Curve25519, Curve448, Ed25519, Ed448
  • Key Derivation Function: PBKDF2, Scrypt, HKDF, Argon2, BCrypt, BCryptPBKDF
  • Cryptographic Random generation: System Entropy, Deterministic Random Generator
  • Data related: Anti-Forensic Information Splitter (AFIS)

If anything cryptographic related is missing from here, submit a pull request to have it added. This package strives to be a cryptographic kitchen sink that provides cryptography for everyone.

Evaluate the security related to your requirements before using.

Read Crypto.Tutorial for a quick start guide.
