hourglass-0.2.12: simple performant time related library
License BSD-style
Maintainer Vincent Hanquez <vincent@snarc.org>
Stability experimental
Portability unknown
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Get the system timezone and current time value in multiple formats


Current time in computer friendly format

timeCurrent :: IO Elapsed Source #

Get the current elapsed seconds since epoch

timeCurrentP :: IO ElapsedP Source #

Get the current elapsed seconds (precise to the nanosecond) since epoch

Current time in human friendly DateTime format

dateCurrent :: IO DateTime Source #

Get the current global date

This is equivalent to:

timeGetDateTimeOfDay `fmap` timeCurrentP

localDateCurrentAt :: TimezoneOffset -> IO ( LocalTime DateTime ) Source #

Get the localized date at a specific timezone offset.

System timezone

timezoneCurrent :: IO TimezoneOffset Source #

Get the current timezone offset

This include daylight saving time when in operation.