http-types-0.12.3: Generic HTTP types for Haskell (for both client and server code).
Safe Haskell Safe-Inferred
Language Haskell98




data Status Source #

HTTP Status.

Only the statusCode is used for comparisons.

Please use mkStatus to create status codes from code and message, or the Enum instance or the status code constants (like ok200 ). There might be additional record members in the future.

Note that the Show instance is only for debugging.

mkStatus :: Int -> ByteString -> Status Source #

Create a Status from status code and message.

status101 :: Status Source #

Switching Protocols 101

status203 :: Status Source #

Non-Authoritative Information 203

nonAuthoritative203 :: Status Source #

Non-Authoritative Information 203

status206 :: Status Source #

Partial Content 206

status300 :: Status Source #

Multiple Choices 300

status301 :: Status Source #

Moved Permanently 301

status307 :: Status Source #

Temporary Redirect 307

status308 :: Status Source #

Permanent Redirect 308

status402 :: Status Source #

Payment Required 402

status405 :: Status Source #

Method Not Allowed 405

status407 :: Status Source #

Proxy Authentication Required 407

proxyAuthenticationRequired407 :: Status Source #

Proxy Authentication Required 407

status408 :: Status Source #

Request Timeout 408

status411 :: Status Source #

Length Required 411

status412 :: Status Source #

Precondition Failed 412

status413 :: Status Source #

Request Entity Too Large 413

status414 :: Status Source #

Request-URI Too Long 414

status415 :: Status Source #

Unsupported Media Type 415

status416 :: Status Source #

Requested Range Not Satisfiable 416

requestedRangeNotSatisfiable416 :: Status Source #

Requested Range Not Satisfiable 416

status417 :: Status Source #

Expectation Failed 417

status422 :: Status Source #

Unprocessable Entity 422 ( RFC 4918 )

status428 :: Status Source #

Precondition Required 428 ( RFC 6585 )

status431 :: Status Source #

Request Header Fields Too Large 431 ( RFC 6585 )

status500 :: Status Source #

Internal Server Error 500

status501 :: Status Source #

Not Implemented 501

status503 :: Status Source #

Service Unavailable 503

status504 :: Status Source #

Gateway Timeout 504

status505 :: Status Source #

HTTP Version Not Supported 505

status511 :: Status Source #

Network Authentication Required 511 ( RFC 6585 )