optics-core-0.4.1: Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Note: GHC.Generics exports a number of names that collide with Optics (at least to ).

You can use hiding of imports to mitigate this to an extent. The following imports represent a fair compromise for user code:

import Optics
import GHC.Generics hiding (to)
import GHC.Generics.Optics

You can use generic to replace from and to from GHC.Generics .



generic :: ( Generic a, Generic b) => Iso a b ( Rep a x) ( Rep b y) Source #

Convert from the data type to its representation (or back)

>>> view (generic % re generic) "hello" :: String

generic1 :: ( Generic1 f, Generic1 g) => Iso (f x) (g y) ( Rep1 f x) ( Rep1 g y) Source #

Convert from the data type to its representation (or back)

_Rec1 :: Iso ( Rec1 f p) ( Rec1 g q) (f p) (g q) Source #

_K1 :: Iso ( K1 i c p) ( K1 j d q) c d Source #

_M1 :: Iso ( M1 i c f p) ( M1 j d g q) (f p) (g q) Source #

_L1 :: Prism ((a :+: c) t) ((b :+: c) t) (a t) (b t) Source #

_R1 :: Prism ((c :+: a) t) ((c :+: b) t) (a t) (b t) Source #