optics-core-0.4.1: Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




generic :: ( Generic a, Generic b) => Iso a b ( Rep a x) ( Rep b y) Source #

Convert from the data type to its representation (or back)

>>> view (generic % re generic) "hello" :: String

generic1 :: ( Generic1 f, Generic1 g) => Iso (f x) (g y) ( Rep1 f x) ( Rep1 g y) Source #

Convert from the data type to its representation (or back)

_Rec1 :: Iso ( Rec1 f p) ( Rec1 g q) (f p) (g q) Source #

_K1 :: Iso ( K1 i c p) ( K1 j d q) c d Source #

_M1 :: Iso ( M1 i c f p) ( M1 j d g q) (f p) (g q) Source #

_L1 :: Prism ((a :+: c) t) ((b :+: c) t) (a t) (b t) Source #

_R1 :: Prism ((c :+: a) t) ((c :+: b) t) (a t) (b t) Source #


class GFieldImpl (name :: Symbol ) s t a b | name s -> a where Source #


Instances details
( Generic s, Generic t, path ~ GetFieldPaths s name ( Rep s), HasField name s a, GSetFieldSum path ( Rep s) ( Rep t) b) => GFieldImpl name s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

class GSetFieldSum (path :: PathTree Symbol ) g h b | path h -> b, path g b -> h where Source #


gsetFieldSum :: g x -> b -> h x Source #


Instances details
GSetFieldSum path g h b => GSetFieldSum path ( M1 D m g) ( M1 D m h) b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

(path ~ GSetFieldPath con epath, When ( IsLeft epath) ( HideReps g h), GSetFieldProd path g h b) => GSetFieldSum (' PathLeaf epath) ( M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) g) ( M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) h) b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gsetFieldSum :: M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) g x -> b -> M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) h x Source #

( GSetFieldSum path1 g1 h1 b, GSetFieldSum path2 g2 h2 b) => GSetFieldSum (' PathTree path1 path2) (g1 :+: g2) (h1 :+: h2) b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gsetFieldSum :: (g1 :+: g2) x -> b -> (h1 :+: h2) x Source #

class GSetFieldProd (path :: [ Path ]) g h b | path h -> b, path g b -> h where Source #


gsetFieldProd :: g x -> b -> h x Source #


Instances details
r ~ b => GSetFieldProd ('[] :: [ Path ]) ( M1 S m ( Rec0 a)) ( M1 S m ( Rec0 b)) r Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

( GSetFieldProd path g1 h1 b, g2 ~ h2) => GSetFieldProd (' PathLeft ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (h1 :*: h2) b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gsetFieldProd :: (g1 :*: g2) x -> b -> (h1 :*: h2) x Source #

GSetFieldProd path g1 h1 b => GSetFieldProd (' PathLeft ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (h1 :*: g2) b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gsetFieldProd :: (g1 :*: g2) x -> b -> (h1 :*: g2) x Source #

( GSetFieldProd path g2 h2 b, g1 ~ h1) => GSetFieldProd (' PathRight ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (h1 :*: h2) b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gsetFieldProd :: (g1 :*: g2) x -> b -> (h1 :*: h2) x Source #

GSetFieldProd path g2 h2 b => GSetFieldProd (' PathRight ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (g1 :*: h2) b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gsetFieldProd :: (g1 :*: g2) x -> b -> (g1 :*: h2) x Source #

class GAffineFieldImpl (repDefined :: Bool ) (name :: Symbol ) s t a b | name s -> a where Source #


Instances details
( Generic s, Generic t, path ~ GetFieldPaths s name ( Rep s), HasField name s a, Unless ( AnyHasPath path) ( TypeError (((' Text "Type " :<>: QuoteType s) :<>: ' Text " doesn't have a field named ") :<>: QuoteSymbol name) :: Constraint ), GAffineFieldSum path ( Rep s) ( Rep t) a b) => GAffineFieldImpl ' True name s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

class GAffineFieldSum (path :: PathTree Symbol ) g h a b where Source #


Instances details
GAffineFieldSum path g h a b => GAffineFieldSum path ( M1 D m g) ( M1 D m h) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

GAffineFieldMaybe epath g h a b => GAffineFieldSum (' PathLeaf epath) ( M1 C m g) ( M1 C m h) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

( GAffineFieldSum path1 g1 h1 a b, GAffineFieldSum path2 g2 h2 a b) => GAffineFieldSum (' PathTree path1 path2) (g1 :+: g2) (h1 :+: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

class GFieldProd (path :: [ Path ]) g h a b | path g -> a, path h -> b, path g b -> h, path h a -> g where Source #


gfieldProd :: LensVL (g x) (h x) a b Source #


Instances details
(r ~ a, s ~ b) => GFieldProd ('[] :: [ Path ]) ( M1 S m ( Rec0 a)) ( M1 S m ( Rec0 b)) r s Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

( GFieldProd path g1 h1 a b, g2 ~ h2) => GFieldProd (' PathLeft ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (h1 :*: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gfieldProd :: LensVL ((g1 :*: g2) x) ((h1 :*: h2) x) a b Source #

GFieldProd path g1 h1 a b => GFieldProd (' PathLeft ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (h1 :*: g2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gfieldProd :: LensVL ((g1 :*: g2) x) ((h1 :*: g2) x) a b Source #

( GFieldProd path g2 h2 a b, g1 ~ h1) => GFieldProd (' PathRight ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (h1 :*: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gfieldProd :: LensVL ((g1 :*: g2) x) ((h1 :*: h2) x) a b Source #

GFieldProd path g2 h2 a b => GFieldProd (' PathRight ': path) (g1 :*: g2) (g1 :*: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gfieldProd :: LensVL ((g1 :*: g2) x) ((g1 :*: h2) x) a b Source #


class GPositionImpl (repDefined :: Bool ) (n :: Nat ) s t a b | n s -> a where Source #


Instances details
( Generic s, Generic t, path ~ If (n <=? 0) ( TypeError (' Text "There is no 0th position") :: PathTree ( Nat , Nat )) ( GetPositionPaths s n ( Rep s)), When (n <=? 0) ( HideReps ( Rep s) ( Rep t)), GPositionSum path ( Rep s) ( Rep t) a b) => GPositionImpl ' True n s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

class GPositionSum (path :: PathTree ( Nat , Nat )) g h a b | path g -> a, path h -> b, path g b -> h, path h a -> g where Source #


gpositionSum :: LensVL (g x) (h x) a b Source #


Instances details
GPositionSum path g h a b => GPositionSum path ( M1 D m g) ( M1 D m h) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

(path ~ GPositionPath con epath, When ( IsLeft epath) ( HideReps g h), GFieldProd path g h a b) => GPositionSum (' PathLeaf epath) ( M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) g) ( M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) h) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gpositionSum :: LensVL ( M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) g x) ( M1 C (' MetaCons con fix hs) h x) a b Source #

( GPositionSum path1 g1 h1 a b, GPositionSum path2 g2 h2 a b) => GPositionSum (' PathTree path1 path2) (g1 :+: g2) (h1 :+: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gpositionSum :: LensVL ((g1 :+: g2) x) ((h1 :+: h2) x) a b Source #


class GConstructorImpl (repDefined :: Bool ) (name :: Symbol ) s t a b | name s -> a where Source #


Instances details
( Generic s, Generic t, epath ~ GetNamePath name ( Rep s) ('[] :: [ Path ]), path ~ FromRight ( TypeError (((' Text "Type " :<>: QuoteType s) :<>: ' Text " doesn't have a constructor named ") :<>: QuoteSymbol name) :: [ Path ]) epath, When ( IsLeft epath) ( HideReps ( Rep s) ( Rep t)), GConstructorSum path ( Rep s) ( Rep t) a b) => GConstructorImpl ' True name s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

class GConstructorSum (path :: [ Path ]) g h a b | path g -> a, path h -> b, path g b -> h, path h a -> g where Source #


gconstructorSum :: Prism (g x) (h x) a b Source #


Instances details
GConstructorSum path g h a b => GConstructorSum path ( M1 D m g) ( M1 D m h) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

GConstructorTuple g h a b => GConstructorSum ('[] :: [ Path ]) ( M1 C m g) ( M1 C m h) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic

( GConstructorSum path g1 h1 a b, g2 ~ h2) => GConstructorSum (' PathLeft ': path) (g1 :+: g2) (h1 :+: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gconstructorSum :: Prism ((g1 :+: g2) x) ((h1 :+: h2) x) a b Source #

GConstructorSum path g1 h1 a b => GConstructorSum (' PathLeft ': path) (g1 :+: g2) (h1 :+: g2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gconstructorSum :: Prism ((g1 :+: g2) x) ((h1 :+: g2) x) a b Source #

( GConstructorSum path g2 h2 a b, g1 ~ h1) => GConstructorSum (' PathRight ': path) (g1 :+: g2) (h1 :+: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gconstructorSum :: Prism ((g1 :+: g2) x) ((h1 :+: h2) x) a b Source #

GConstructorSum path g2 h2 a b => GConstructorSum (' PathRight ': path) (g1 :+: g2) (g1 :+: h2) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gconstructorSum :: Prism ((g1 :+: g2) x) ((g1 :+: h2) x) a b Source #

class GConstructorTuple g h a b | g -> a, h -> b, g b -> h, h a -> g where Source #


gconstructorTuple :: Iso (g x) (h x) a b Source #


Instances details
( Dysfunctional () () g h a b, TypeError ((' Text "Generic based access supports constructors" :$$: ' Text "containing up to 5 fields. Please generate") :$$: ' Text "PrismS with Template Haskell if you need more.") :: Constraint ) => GConstructorTuple g h a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


gconstructorTuple :: Iso (g x) (h x) a b Source #

(a ~ (), b ~ ()) => GConstructorTuple ( U1 :: Type -> Type ) ( U1 :: Type -> Type ) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Generic


class GPlateImpl g a where Source #
