parsec- Monadic parser combinators
Copyright (c) Paolo Martini 2007
License BSD-style (see the LICENSE file)
Stability provisional
Portability portable
Safe Haskell Safe
Language Haskell2010



Parsec compatibility module



haskellDef :: LanguageDef st Source #

The language definition for the Haskell language.

haskell :: TokenParser st Source #

A lexer for the haskell language.

mondrianDef :: LanguageDef st Source #

The language definition for the language Mondrian.

mondrian :: TokenParser st Source #

A lexer for the mondrian language.

emptyDef :: LanguageDef st Source #

This is the most minimal token definition. It is recommended to use this definition as the basis for other definitions. emptyDef has no reserved names or operators, is case sensitive and doesn't accept comments, identifiers or operators.

haskellStyle :: LanguageDef st Source #

This is a minimal token definition for Haskell style languages. It defines the style of comments, valid identifiers and case sensitivity. It does not define any reserved words or operators.

javaStyle :: LanguageDef st Source #

This is a minimal token definition for Java style languages. It defines the style of comments, valid identifiers and case sensitivity. It does not define any reserved words or operators.

data GenLanguageDef s u m Source #

The GenLanguageDef type is a record that contains all parameterizable features of the Text.Parsec.Token module. The module Text.Parsec.Language contains some default definitions.


