statistics- A library of statistical types, data, and functions
Copyright (c) 2011 Bryan O'Sullivan
License BSD3
Stability experimental
Portability portable
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Fourier-related transformations of mathematical functions.

These functions are written for simplicity and correctness, not speed. If you need a fast FFT implementation for your application, you should strongly consider using a library of FFTW bindings instead.


Type synonyms

Discrete cosine transform

dct :: ( Vector v CD , Vector v Double , Vector v Int ) => v Double -> v Double Source #

Discrete cosine transform (DCT-II).

dct_ :: ( Vector v CD , Vector v Double , Vector v Int ) => v CD -> v Double Source #

Discrete cosine transform (DCT-II). Only real part of vector is transformed, imaginary part is ignored.

idct :: ( Vector v CD , Vector v Double ) => v Double -> v Double Source #

Inverse discrete cosine transform (DCT-III). It's inverse of dct only up to scale parameter:

(idct . dct) x = (* length x)

idct_ :: ( Vector v CD , Vector v Double ) => v CD -> v Double Source #

Inverse discrete cosine transform (DCT-III). Only real part of vector is transformed, imaginary part is ignored.

Fast Fourier transform

fft :: Vector v CD => v CD -> v CD Source #

Radix-2 decimation-in-time fast Fourier transform.

ifft :: Vector v CD => v CD -> v CD Source #

Inverse fast Fourier transform.