Cabal- A framework for packaging Haskell software
Copyright Isaac Jones 2003-2005
Ross Paterson 2006
Duncan Coutts 2007-2008 2012
License BSD3
Portability portable
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



This is the entry point to actually building the modules in a package. It doesn't actually do much itself, most of the work is delegated to compiler-specific actions. It does do some non-compiler specific bits like running pre-processors.



build Source #


:: PackageDescription

Mostly information from the .cabal file

-> LocalBuildInfo

Configuration information

-> BuildFlags

Flags that the user passed to build

-> [ PPSuffixHandler ]

preprocessors to run before compiling

-> IO ()

Build the libraries and executables in this package.

showBuildInfo Source #


:: PackageDescription

Mostly information from the .cabal file

-> LocalBuildInfo

Configuration information

-> BuildFlags

Flags that the user passed to build

-> IO String

repl Source #


:: PackageDescription

Mostly information from the .cabal file

-> LocalBuildInfo

Configuration information

-> ReplFlags

Flags that the user passed to build

-> [ PPSuffixHandler ]

preprocessors to run before compiling

-> [ String ]
-> IO ()

startInterpreter :: Verbosity -> ProgramDb -> Compiler -> Platform -> PackageDBStack -> IO () Source #

Start an interpreter without loading any package files.

initialBuildSteps Source #


:: FilePath

"dist" prefix

-> PackageDescription

mostly information from the .cabal file

-> LocalBuildInfo

Configuration information

-> Verbosity

The verbosity to use

-> IO ()

Runs componentInitialBuildSteps on every configured component.

createInternalPackageDB :: Verbosity -> LocalBuildInfo -> FilePath -> IO PackageDB Source #

Initialize a new package db file for libraries defined internally to the package.

componentInitialBuildSteps Source #


:: FilePath

"dist" prefix

-> PackageDescription

mostly information from the .cabal file

-> LocalBuildInfo

Configuration information

-> ComponentLocalBuildInfo
-> Verbosity

The verbosity to use

-> IO ()

Creates the autogenerated files for a particular configured component.