StateVar-1.2.2: State variables
Copyright (c) Edward Kmett 2014-2019 Sven Panne 2009-2021
License BSD3
Maintainer Sven Panne <>
Stability stable
Portability portable
Safe Haskell Safe
Language Haskell2010



State variables are references in the IO monad, like IORef s or parts of the OpenGL state. Note that state variables are not neccessarily writable or readable, they may come in read-only or write-only flavours, too. As a very simple example for a state variable, consider an explicitly allocated memory buffer. This buffer could easily be converted into a StateVar :

makeStateVarFromPtr :: Storable a => Ptr a -> StateVar a
makeStateVarFromPtr p = makeStateVar (peek p) (poke p)

The example below puts 11 into a state variable (i.e. into the buffer), increments the contents of the state variable by 22, and finally prints the resulting content:

  do p <- malloc :: IO (Ptr Int)
     let v = makeStateVarFromPtr p
     v $= 11
     v $~ (+ 22)
     x <- get v
     print x

However, Ptr can be used directly through the same API:

  do p <- malloc :: IO (Ptr Int)
     p $= 11
     p $~ (+ 22)
     x <- get p
     print x

IORef s are state variables, too, so an example with them looks extremely similiar:

  do v <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
     v $= 11
     v $~ (+ 22)
     x <- get v
     print x

Readable State Variables

class HasGetter t a | t -> a where Source #

This is the class of all readable state variables.


get :: MonadIO m => t -> m a Source #


Instances details
HasGetter ( IO a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


get :: MonadIO m => IO a -> m a Source #

Storable a => HasGetter ( Ptr a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


get :: MonadIO m => Ptr a -> m a Source #

Storable a => HasGetter ( ForeignPtr a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar

HasGetter ( STM a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


get :: MonadIO m => STM a -> m a Source #

HasGetter ( TVar a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


get :: MonadIO m => TVar a -> m a Source #

HasGetter ( IORef a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar

HasGetter ( StateVar a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar

type GettableStateVar = IO Source #

A concrete implementation of a read-only state variable is simply an IO action to read the value.

makeGettableStateVar Source #


:: IO a


-> GettableStateVar a

Construct a GettableStateVar from an IO action.

Writable State Variables

class HasSetter t a | t -> a where Source #

This is the class of all writable state variables.


($=) :: MonadIO m => t -> a -> m () infixr 2 Source #

Write a new value into a state variable.


Instances details
Storable a => HasSetter ( Ptr a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($=) :: MonadIO m => Ptr a -> a -> m () Source #

Storable a => HasSetter ( ForeignPtr a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($=) :: MonadIO m => ForeignPtr a -> a -> m () Source #

HasSetter ( TVar a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($=) :: MonadIO m => TVar a -> a -> m () Source #

HasSetter ( IORef a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($=) :: MonadIO m => IORef a -> a -> m () Source #

HasSetter ( SettableStateVar a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar

HasSetter ( StateVar a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($=) :: MonadIO m => StateVar a -> a -> m () Source #

($=!) :: ( HasSetter t a, MonadIO m) => t -> a -> m () infixr 2 Source #

This is a variant of $= which is strict in the value to be set.

newtype SettableStateVar a Source #

A concrete implementation of a write-only state variable, carrying an IO action to write the new value.


SettableStateVar (a -> IO ())

makeSettableStateVar Source #


:: (a -> IO ())


-> SettableStateVar a

Construct a SettableStateVar from an IO action for writing.

Updatable State Variables

class HasSetter t b => HasUpdate t a b | t -> a b where Source #

This is the class of all updatable state variables.

Minimal complete definition



($~) :: MonadIO m => t -> (a -> b) -> m () infixr 2 Source #

Transform the contents of a state variable with a given funtion.

default ($~) :: ( MonadIO m, a ~ b, HasGetter t a) => t -> (a -> b) -> m () Source #

($~!) :: MonadIO m => t -> (a -> b) -> m () infixr 2 Source #

This is a variant of $~ which is strict in the transformed value.

default ($~!) :: ( MonadIO m, a ~ b, HasGetter t a) => t -> (a -> b) -> m () Source #


Instances details
Storable a => HasUpdate ( Ptr a) a a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($~) :: MonadIO m => Ptr a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

($~!) :: MonadIO m => Ptr a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

Storable a => HasUpdate ( ForeignPtr a) a a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($~) :: MonadIO m => ForeignPtr a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

($~!) :: MonadIO m => ForeignPtr a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

HasUpdate ( TVar a) a a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($~) :: MonadIO m => TVar a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

($~!) :: MonadIO m => TVar a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

HasUpdate ( IORef a) a a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($~) :: MonadIO m => IORef a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

($~!) :: MonadIO m => IORef a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

HasUpdate ( StateVar a) a a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($~) :: MonadIO m => StateVar a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

($~!) :: MonadIO m => StateVar a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

data StateVar a Source #

A concrete implementation of a readable and writable state variable, carrying one IO action to read the value and another IO action to write the new value. This data type represents a piece of mutable, imperative state with possible side-effects. These tend to encapsulate all sorts tricky behavior in external libraries, and may well throw exceptions. Inhabitants should satsify the following properties:

  • In the absence of concurrent mutation from other threads or a thrown exception:
do x <- get v; v $= y; v $= x

should restore the previous state.

  • Ideally, in the absence of thrown exceptions:
v $= a >> get v

should return a , regardless of a . In practice some StateVar s only permit a very limited range of value assignments, and do not report failure.


StateVar ( IO a) (a -> IO ())


Instances details
HasGetter ( StateVar a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar

HasSetter ( StateVar a) a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($=) :: MonadIO m => StateVar a -> a -> m () Source #

HasUpdate ( StateVar a) a a Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.StateVar


($~) :: MonadIO m => StateVar a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

($~!) :: MonadIO m => StateVar a -> (a -> a) -> m () Source #

makeStateVar Source #


:: IO a


-> (a -> IO ())


-> StateVar a

Construct a StateVar from two IO actions, one for reading and one for

mapStateVar :: (b -> a) -> (a -> b) -> StateVar a -> StateVar b Source #

Change the type of a StateVar