{-# LANGUAGE CPP        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- we are exporting `Void` with constructors
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-dodgy-exports #-}

-- | A shim layer for `Win32-network`'s `IOManager`
module System.IOManager
  ( WithIOManager
  , IOManager (..)
  , IOManagerError (..)
  , withIOManager

  -- * Deprecated API
  , AssociateWithIOCP
  , associateWithIOCP
  ) where

#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Win32.Types (HANDLE)
import qualified System.Win32.Async.IOManager as Win32.Async
import Network.Socket (Socket)
import Data.Void (Void)

#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
type IOManagerError = Win32.Async.IOManagerError
type IOManagerError = Void

-- | This is public api to interact with the io manager; On Windows 'IOManager'
-- holds 'System.Win32.Async.IOManager.associateWithIOCompletionPort';
-- on other platforms 'IOManager' can run over any type, and thus is
-- guaranteed to be no-op.
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
newtype IOManager = IOManager {
    associateWithIOManager :: Either HANDLE Socket -> IO ()

associateWithIOCP :: IOManager -> Either HANDLE Socket -> IO ()
associateWithIOCP = associateWithIOManager

newtype IOManager = IOManager {
    IOManager -> forall hole. hole -> IO ()
associateWithIOManager :: forall hole. hole -> IO ()

associateWithIOCP :: forall hole. IOManager -> hole -> IO ()
associateWithIOCP :: IOManager -> hole -> IO ()
associateWithIOCP = \IOManager
x -> IOManager -> forall hole. hole -> IO ()
associateWithIOManager IOManager

type AssociateWithIOCP = IOManager
{-# DEPRECATED AssociateWithIOCP "Usage of type alias AssociateWithIOCP is deprecated, use 'IOManager' instead " #-}

{-# DEPRECATED associateWithIOCP "Usage of 'associateWithIOCP' is deprecated, use 'associateWithIOManager' instead." #-}

type WithIOManager = forall a. (IOManager -> IO a) -> IO a

-- | 'withIOManager' allows to do asynchronous io on Windows hiding the
-- differences between posix and Win32.
-- It starts an io manger thread, which should be only one running at a time, so
-- the best place to call it is very close to the 'main' function and last for
-- duration of the application.
-- Async 'IO' operations which are using the 'iocp' port should not leak
-- out-side of 'withIOManager'.  They will be silently cancelled when
-- 'withIOManager' exists.  In particular one should not return 'IOManager'
-- from 'withIOManager'.
withIOManager :: WithIOManager
#if defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
withIOManager = \f ->
  Win32.Async.withIOManager $
    \iocp -> f (IOManager $ \fd -> Win32.Async.associateWithIOCompletionPort fd iocp)
withIOManager :: (IOManager -> IO a) -> IO a
withIOManager = \IOManager -> IO a
f -> IOManager -> IO a
f ((forall hole. hole -> IO ()) -> IOManager
IOManager ((forall hole. hole -> IO ()) -> IOManager)
-> (forall hole. hole -> IO ()) -> IOManager
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \hole
_ -> () -> IO ()
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())