asn1-encoding-0.9.6: ASN1 data reader and writer in RAW, BER and DER forms
License BSD-style
Maintainer Vincent Hanquez <>
Stability experimental
Portability unknown
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




generic class for decoding and encoding stream

class ASN1Decoding a where Source #

Describe an ASN1 decoding, that transform a bytestream into an asn1stream


decodeASN1 :: a -> ByteString -> Either ASN1Error [ ASN1 ] Source #

decode a lazy bytestring into an ASN1 stream

class ASN1Encoding a where Source #

Describe an ASN1 encoding, that transform an asn1stream into a bytestream


encodeASN1 :: a -> [ ASN1 ] -> ByteString Source #

encode a stream into a lazy bytestring

strict bytestring version

decodeASN1' :: ASN1Decoding a => a -> ByteString -> Either ASN1Error [ ASN1 ] Source #

decode a strict bytestring into an ASN1 stream

decodeASN1Repr' :: ASN1DecodingRepr a => a -> ByteString -> Either ASN1Error [ ASN1Repr ] Source #

decode a strict bytestring into an ASN1Repr stream

encodeASN1' :: ASN1Encoding a => a -> [ ASN1 ] -> ByteString Source #

encode a stream into a strict bytestring