-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:69
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | This module exports HTML combinators used to create documents.
module Text.Blaze.XHtml1.FrameSet
    ( module Text.Blaze.Html
    , docType
    , docTypeHtml
    , a
    , abbr
    , acronym
    , address
    , applet
    , area
    , b
    , basefont
    , bdo
    , big
    , blockquote
    , body
    , br
    , button
    , caption
    , center
    , cite
    , code
    , col
    , colgroup
    , dd
    , del
    , dfn
    , dir
    , div
    , dl
    , dt
    , em
    , fieldset
    , font
    , form
    , frame
    , frameset
    , h1
    , h2
    , h3
    , h4
    , h5
    , h6
    , head
    , hr
    , html
    , i
    , iframe
    , img
    , input
    , ins
    , isindex
    , kbd
    , label
    , legend
    , li
    , link
    , map
    , menu
    , meta
    , noframes
    , noscript
    , object
    , ol
    , optgroup
    , option
    , p
    , param
    , pre
    , q
    , s
    , samp
    , script
    , select
    , small
    , span
    , strong
    , style
    , sub
    , sup
    , table
    , tbody
    , td
    , textarea
    , tfoot
    , th
    , thead
    , title
    , tr
    , tt
    , u
    , ul
    , var
    ) where

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:77
import Prelude ((>>), (.))

import Text.Blaze
import Text.Blaze.Internal
import Text.Blaze.Html

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:156
-- | Combinator for the document type. This should be placed at the top
-- of every HTML page.
-- Example:
-- > docType
-- Result:
-- > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 FrameSet//EN"
-- >     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
docType :: Html  -- ^ The document type HTML.
docType :: Html
docType = Text -> Html
preEscapedText Text
"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 FrameSet//EN\"\n    \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd\">\n"
{-# INLINE docType #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:177
-- | Combinator for the @\<html>@ element. This combinator will also
-- insert the correct doctype.
-- Example:
-- > docTypeHtml $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 FrameSet//EN"
-- >     "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
-- > <html><span>foo</span></html>
docTypeHtml :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
            -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
docTypeHtml :: Html -> Html
docTypeHtml Html
inner = Html
docType Html -> Html -> Html
forall (m :: * -> *) a b. Monad m => m a -> m b -> m b
>> Html -> Html
html Html
{-# INLINE docTypeHtml #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<a>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > a $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <a><span>foo</span></a>
a :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
  -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
a :: Html -> Html
a = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"a" StaticString
"<a" StaticString
{-# INLINE a #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<abbr>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > abbr $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <abbr><span>foo</span></abbr>
abbr :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
abbr :: Html -> Html
abbr = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"abbr" StaticString
"<abbr" StaticString
{-# INLINE abbr #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<acronym>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > acronym $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <acronym><span>foo</span></acronym>
acronym :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
        -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
acronym :: Html -> Html
acronym = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"acronym" StaticString
"<acronym" StaticString
{-# INLINE acronym #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<address>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > address $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <address><span>foo</span></address>
address :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
        -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
address :: Html -> Html
address = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"address" StaticString
"<address" StaticString
{-# INLINE address #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<applet>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > applet $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <applet><span>foo</span></applet>
applet :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
applet :: Html -> Html
applet = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"applet" StaticString
"<applet" StaticString
{-# INLINE applet #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<area />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > area
-- Result:
-- > <area />
area :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
area :: Html
area = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"area" StaticString
"<area" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE area #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<b>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > b $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <b><span>foo</span></b>
b :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
  -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
b :: Html -> Html
b = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"b" StaticString
"<b" StaticString
{-# INLINE b #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<basefont />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > basefont
-- Result:
-- > <basefont />
basefont :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
basefont :: Html
basefont = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"basefont" StaticString
"<basefont" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE basefont #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<bdo>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > bdo $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <bdo><span>foo</span></bdo>
bdo :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
bdo :: Html -> Html
bdo = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"bdo" StaticString
"<bdo" StaticString
{-# INLINE bdo #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<big>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > big $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <big><span>foo</span></big>
big :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
big :: Html -> Html
big = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"big" StaticString
"<big" StaticString
{-# INLINE big #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<blockquote>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > blockquote $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <blockquote><span>foo</span></blockquote>
blockquote :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
           -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
blockquote :: Html -> Html
blockquote = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"blockquote" StaticString
"<blockquote" StaticString
{-# INLINE blockquote #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<body>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > body $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <body><span>foo</span></body>
body :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
body :: Html -> Html
body = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"body" StaticString
"<body" StaticString
{-# INLINE body #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<br />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > br
-- Result:
-- > <br />
br :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
br :: Html
br = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"br" StaticString
"<br" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE br #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<button>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > button $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <button><span>foo</span></button>
button :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
button :: Html -> Html
button = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"button" StaticString
"<button" StaticString
{-# INLINE button #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<caption>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > caption $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <caption><span>foo</span></caption>
caption :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
        -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
caption :: Html -> Html
caption = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"caption" StaticString
"<caption" StaticString
{-# INLINE caption #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<center>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > center $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <center><span>foo</span></center>
center :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
center :: Html -> Html
center = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"center" StaticString
"<center" StaticString
{-# INLINE center #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<cite>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > cite $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <cite><span>foo</span></cite>
cite :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
cite :: Html -> Html
cite = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"cite" StaticString
"<cite" StaticString
{-# INLINE cite #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<code>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > code $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <code><span>foo</span></code>
code :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
code :: Html -> Html
code = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"code" StaticString
"<code" StaticString
{-# INLINE code #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<col />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > col
-- Result:
-- > <col />
col :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
col :: Html
col = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"col" StaticString
"<col" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE col #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<colgroup>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > colgroup $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <colgroup><span>foo</span></colgroup>
colgroup :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
         -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
colgroup :: Html -> Html
colgroup = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"colgroup" StaticString
"<colgroup" StaticString
{-# INLINE colgroup #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<dd>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > dd $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <dd><span>foo</span></dd>
dd :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
dd :: Html -> Html
dd = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"dd" StaticString
"<dd" StaticString
{-# INLINE dd #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<del>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > del $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <del><span>foo</span></del>
del :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
del :: Html -> Html
del = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"del" StaticString
"<del" StaticString
{-# INLINE del #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<dfn>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > dfn $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <dfn><span>foo</span></dfn>
dfn :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
dfn :: Html -> Html
dfn = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"dfn" StaticString
"<dfn" StaticString
{-# INLINE dfn #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<dir>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > dir $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <dir><span>foo</span></dir>
dir :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
dir :: Html -> Html
dir = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"dir" StaticString
"<dir" StaticString
{-# INLINE dir #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<div>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > div $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <div><span>foo</span></div>
div :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
div :: Html -> Html
div = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"div" StaticString
"<div" StaticString
{-# INLINE div #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<dl>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > dl $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <dl><span>foo</span></dl>
dl :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
dl :: Html -> Html
dl = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"dl" StaticString
"<dl" StaticString
{-# INLINE dl #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<dt>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > dt $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <dt><span>foo</span></dt>
dt :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
dt :: Html -> Html
dt = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"dt" StaticString
"<dt" StaticString
{-# INLINE dt #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<em>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > em $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <em><span>foo</span></em>
em :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
em :: Html -> Html
em = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"em" StaticString
"<em" StaticString
{-# INLINE em #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<fieldset>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > fieldset $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <fieldset><span>foo</span></fieldset>
fieldset :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
         -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
fieldset :: Html -> Html
fieldset = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"fieldset" StaticString
"<fieldset" StaticString
{-# INLINE fieldset #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<font>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > font $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <font><span>foo</span></font>
font :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
font :: Html -> Html
font = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"font" StaticString
"<font" StaticString
{-# INLINE font #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<form>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > form $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <form><span>foo</span></form>
form :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
form :: Html -> Html
form = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"form" StaticString
"<form" StaticString
{-# INLINE form #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<frame />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > frame
-- Result:
-- > <frame />
frame :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
frame :: Html
frame = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"frame" StaticString
"<frame" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE frame #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<frameset>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > frameset $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <frameset><span>foo</span></frameset>
frameset :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
         -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
frameset :: Html -> Html
frameset = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"frameset" StaticString
"<frameset" StaticString
{-# INLINE frameset #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<h1>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > h1 $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <h1><span>foo</span></h1>
h1 :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
h1 :: Html -> Html
h1 = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"h1" StaticString
"<h1" StaticString
{-# INLINE h1 #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<h2>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > h2 $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <h2><span>foo</span></h2>
h2 :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
h2 :: Html -> Html
h2 = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"h2" StaticString
"<h2" StaticString
{-# INLINE h2 #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<h3>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > h3 $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <h3><span>foo</span></h3>
h3 :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
h3 :: Html -> Html
h3 = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"h3" StaticString
"<h3" StaticString
{-# INLINE h3 #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<h4>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > h4 $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <h4><span>foo</span></h4>
h4 :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
h4 :: Html -> Html
h4 = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"h4" StaticString
"<h4" StaticString
{-# INLINE h4 #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<h5>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > h5 $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <h5><span>foo</span></h5>
h5 :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
h5 :: Html -> Html
h5 = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"h5" StaticString
"<h5" StaticString
{-# INLINE h5 #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<h6>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > h6 $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <h6><span>foo</span></h6>
h6 :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
h6 :: Html -> Html
h6 = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"h6" StaticString
"<h6" StaticString
{-# INLINE h6 #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<head>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > head $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <head><span>foo</span></head>
head :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
head :: Html -> Html
head = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"head" StaticString
"<head" StaticString
{-# INLINE head #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<hr />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > hr
-- Result:
-- > <hr />
hr :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
hr :: Html
hr = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"hr" StaticString
"<hr" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE hr #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<html>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > html $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <html><span>foo</span></html>
html :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
html :: Html -> Html
html = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"html" StaticString
"<html" StaticString
{-# INLINE html #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<i>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > i $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <i><span>foo</span></i>
i :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
  -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
i :: Html -> Html
i = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"i" StaticString
"<i" StaticString
{-# INLINE i #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<iframe>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > iframe $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <iframe><span>foo</span></iframe>
iframe :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
iframe :: Html -> Html
iframe = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"iframe" StaticString
"<iframe" StaticString
{-# INLINE iframe #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<img />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > img
-- Result:
-- > <img />
img :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
img :: Html
img = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"img" StaticString
"<img" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE img #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<input />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > input
-- Result:
-- > <input />
input :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
input :: Html
input = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"input" StaticString
"<input" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE input #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<ins>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > ins $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <ins><span>foo</span></ins>
ins :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
ins :: Html -> Html
ins = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"ins" StaticString
"<ins" StaticString
{-# INLINE ins #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<isindex>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > isindex $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <isindex><span>foo</span></isindex>
isindex :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
        -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
isindex :: Html -> Html
isindex = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"isindex" StaticString
"<isindex" StaticString
{-# INLINE isindex #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<kbd>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > kbd $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <kbd><span>foo</span></kbd>
kbd :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
kbd :: Html -> Html
kbd = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"kbd" StaticString
"<kbd" StaticString
{-# INLINE kbd #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<label>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > label $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <label><span>foo</span></label>
label :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
label :: Html -> Html
label = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"label" StaticString
"<label" StaticString
{-# INLINE label #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<legend>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > legend $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <legend><span>foo</span></legend>
legend :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
legend :: Html -> Html
legend = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"legend" StaticString
"<legend" StaticString
{-# INLINE legend #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<li>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > li $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <li><span>foo</span></li>
li :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
li :: Html -> Html
li = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"li" StaticString
"<li" StaticString
{-# INLINE li #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<link />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > link
-- Result:
-- > <link />
link :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
link :: Html
link = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"link" StaticString
"<link" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE link #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<map>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > map $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <map><span>foo</span></map>
map :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
map :: Html -> Html
map = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"map" StaticString
"<map" StaticString
{-# INLINE map #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<menu>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > menu $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <menu><span>foo</span></menu>
menu :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
menu :: Html -> Html
menu = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"menu" StaticString
"<menu" StaticString
{-# INLINE menu #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<meta />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > meta
-- Result:
-- > <meta />
meta :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
meta :: Html
meta = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"meta" StaticString
"<meta" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE meta #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<noframes>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > noframes $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <noframes><span>foo</span></noframes>
noframes :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
         -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
noframes :: Html -> Html
noframes = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"noframes" StaticString
"<noframes" StaticString
{-# INLINE noframes #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<noscript>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > noscript $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <noscript><span>foo</span></noscript>
noscript :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
         -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
noscript :: Html -> Html
noscript = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"noscript" StaticString
"<noscript" StaticString
{-# INLINE noscript #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<object>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > object $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <object><span>foo</span></object>
object :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
object :: Html -> Html
object = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"object" StaticString
"<object" StaticString
{-# INLINE object #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<ol>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > ol $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <ol><span>foo</span></ol>
ol :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
ol :: Html -> Html
ol = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"ol" StaticString
"<ol" StaticString
{-# INLINE ol #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<optgroup>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > optgroup $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <optgroup><span>foo</span></optgroup>
optgroup :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
         -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
optgroup :: Html -> Html
optgroup = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"optgroup" StaticString
"<optgroup" StaticString
{-# INLINE optgroup #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<option>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > option $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <option><span>foo</span></option>
option :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
option :: Html -> Html
option = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"option" StaticString
"<option" StaticString
{-# INLINE option #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<p>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > p $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <p><span>foo</span></p>
p :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
  -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
p :: Html -> Html
p = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"p" StaticString
"<p" StaticString
{-# INLINE p #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:226
-- | Combinator for the @\<param />@ element.
-- Example:
-- > param
-- Result:
-- > <param />
param :: Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
param :: Html
param = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> () -> Html
forall a.
StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> a -> MarkupM a
Leaf StaticString
"param" StaticString
"<param" StaticString
" />" ()
{-# INLINE param #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<pre>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > pre $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <pre><span>foo</span></pre>
pre :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
pre :: Html -> Html
pre = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"pre" StaticString
"<pre" StaticString
{-# INLINE pre #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<q>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > q $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <q><span>foo</span></q>
q :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
  -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
q :: Html -> Html
q = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"q" StaticString
"<q" StaticString
{-# INLINE q #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<s>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > s $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <s><span>foo</span></s>
s :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
  -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
s :: Html -> Html
s = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"s" StaticString
"<s" StaticString
{-# INLINE s #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<samp>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > samp $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <samp><span>foo</span></samp>
samp :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
samp :: Html -> Html
samp = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"samp" StaticString
"<samp" StaticString
{-# INLINE samp #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<script>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > script $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <script><span>foo</span></script>
script :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
script :: Html -> Html
script = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"script" StaticString
"<script" StaticString
"</script>" (Html -> Html) -> (Html -> Html) -> Html -> Html
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Html -> Html
forall a. MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
{-# INLINE script #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<select>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > select $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <select><span>foo</span></select>
select :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
select :: Html -> Html
select = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"select" StaticString
"<select" StaticString
{-# INLINE select #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<small>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > small $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <small><span>foo</span></small>
small :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
small :: Html -> Html
small = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"small" StaticString
"<small" StaticString
{-# INLINE small #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<span>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > span $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <span><span>foo</span></span>
span :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
     -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
span :: Html -> Html
span = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"span" StaticString
"<span" StaticString
{-# INLINE span #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<strong>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > strong $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <strong><span>foo</span></strong>
strong :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
       -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
strong :: Html -> Html
strong = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"strong" StaticString
"<strong" StaticString
{-# INLINE strong #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<style>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > style $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <style><span>foo</span></style>
style :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
style :: Html -> Html
style = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"style" StaticString
"<style" StaticString
"</style>" (Html -> Html) -> (Html -> Html) -> Html -> Html
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Html -> Html
forall a. MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
{-# INLINE style #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<sub>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > sub $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <sub><span>foo</span></sub>
sub :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
sub :: Html -> Html
sub = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"sub" StaticString
"<sub" StaticString
{-# INLINE sub #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<sup>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > sup $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <sup><span>foo</span></sup>
sup :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
sup :: Html -> Html
sup = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"sup" StaticString
"<sup" StaticString
{-# INLINE sup #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<table>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > table $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <table><span>foo</span></table>
table :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
table :: Html -> Html
table = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"table" StaticString
"<table" StaticString
{-# INLINE table #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<tbody>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > tbody $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <tbody><span>foo</span></tbody>
tbody :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
tbody :: Html -> Html
tbody = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"tbody" StaticString
"<tbody" StaticString
{-# INLINE tbody #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<td>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > td $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <td><span>foo</span></td>
td :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
td :: Html -> Html
td = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"td" StaticString
"<td" StaticString
{-# INLINE td #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<textarea>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > textarea $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <textarea><span>foo</span></textarea>
textarea :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
         -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
textarea :: Html -> Html
textarea = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"textarea" StaticString
"<textarea" StaticString
{-# INLINE textarea #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<tfoot>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > tfoot $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <tfoot><span>foo</span></tfoot>
tfoot :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
tfoot :: Html -> Html
tfoot = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"tfoot" StaticString
"<tfoot" StaticString
{-# INLINE tfoot #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<th>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > th $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <th><span>foo</span></th>
th :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
th :: Html -> Html
th = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"th" StaticString
"<th" StaticString
{-# INLINE th #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<thead>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > thead $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <thead><span>foo</span></thead>
thead :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
thead :: Html -> Html
thead = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"thead" StaticString
"<thead" StaticString
{-# INLINE thead #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<title>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > title $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <title><span>foo</span></title>
title :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
      -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
title :: Html -> Html
title = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"title" StaticString
"<title" StaticString
{-# INLINE title #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<tr>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > tr $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <tr><span>foo</span></tr>
tr :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
tr :: Html -> Html
tr = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"tr" StaticString
"<tr" StaticString
{-# INLINE tr #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<tt>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > tt $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <tt><span>foo</span></tt>
tt :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
tt :: Html -> Html
tt = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"tt" StaticString
"<tt" StaticString
{-# INLINE tt #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<u>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > u $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <u><span>foo</span></u>
u :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
  -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
u :: Html -> Html
u = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"u" StaticString
"<u" StaticString
{-# INLINE u #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<ul>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > ul $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <ul><span>foo</span></ul>
ul :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
   -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
ul :: Html -> Html
ul = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"ul" StaticString
"<ul" StaticString
{-# INLINE ul #-}

-- WARNING: The next block of code was automatically generated by
-- src/Util/GenerateHtmlCombinators.hs:199
-- | Combinator for the @\<var>@ element.
-- Example:
-- > var $ span $ toHtml "foo"
-- Result:
-- > <var><span>foo</span></var>
var :: Html  -- ^ Inner HTML.
    -> Html  -- ^ Resulting HTML.
var :: Html -> Html
var = StaticString -> StaticString -> StaticString -> Html -> Html
forall a.
-> StaticString -> StaticString -> MarkupM a -> MarkupM a
Parent StaticString
"var" StaticString
"<var" StaticString
{-# INLINE var #-}