blockfrost-client-core- common client definitions / instances
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Core shared by clients



data SortOrder Source #

asc :: SortOrder Source #

Ascending shortcut

def :: Default a => a Source #

The default value for this type.

desc :: SortOrder Source #

Descending shortcut

page :: Int -> Paged Source #

Default Paged at specific page number

paged :: Int -> Int -> Paged Source #

Construct Paged from page size and page number.

Throws error on invalid values.

allPages :: Monad m => ( Paged -> m [a]) -> m [a] Source #

Query all results, until we get less than maximum items per page.

nextPage :: Paged -> Paged Source #

Increment page number

projectFromEnv :: IO Project Source #

Read file according to BLOCKFROST_TOKEN_PATH environment variable name.

projectFromEnv' :: String -> IO Project Source #

Read file according to environment variable name.

projectFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Project Source #

Read file with token and turn it into Project Expects tokens prefixed with environment, e.g. testnetA3C2E...

Orphan instances