cardano-crypto-1.1.1: Cryptography primitives for cardano
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




data Entropy (n :: Nat ) Source #

BIP39's entropy is a byte array of a given size (in bits, see ValidEntropySize for the valid size).

To it is associated

type ValidEntropySize (n :: Nat ) = ( KnownNat n, NatWithinBound Int n, Elem n '[96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256]) Source #

Type Constraint Alias to check a given Nat is valid for an entropy size

i.e. it must be one of the following: 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256.

data Checksum (bits :: Nat ) Source #

this is the Checksum of a given Entropy

the Nat type parameter represent the size, in bits, of this checksum.

type ValidChecksumSize (ent :: Nat ) (csz :: Nat ) = ( KnownNat csz, NatWithinBound Int csz, Elem csz '[3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], CheckSumBits ent ~ csz) Source #

type family MnemonicWords (n :: Nat ) :: Nat where ... Source #

Number of Words related to a specific entropy size in bits

type family EntropySize (n :: Nat ) :: Nat where ... Source #

Corresponding entropy size in bits for a given number of words


EntropySize 9 = 96
EntropySize 12 = 128
EntropySize 15 = 160
EntropySize 18 = 192
EntropySize 21 = 224
EntropySize 24 = 256

toEntropy :: forall n csz ba. ( ValidEntropySize n, ValidChecksumSize n csz, ByteArrayAccess ba) => ba -> Either ( EntropyError csz) ( Entropy n) Source #

Create a specific entropy type of known size from a raw bytestring

entropyRaw :: Entropy n -> ByteString Source #

Get the raw binary associated with the entropy

entropyToWords :: forall n csz mw. ConsistentEntropy n mw csz => Entropy n -> MnemonicSentence mw Source #

Given an entropy of size n, Create a list

wordsToEntropy :: forall ent csz mw. ConsistentEntropy ent mw csz => MnemonicSentence mw -> Either ( EntropyError csz) ( Entropy ent) Source #

retrieve the initial entropy from a given MnemonicSentence

This function validate the retrieved Entropy is valid, i.e. that the checksum is correct. This means you should not create a new Entropy from a MnemonicSentence , instead, you should use a Random Number Generator to create a new Entropy .


data Seed Source #


Instances details
Eq Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Ord Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Show Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

IsString Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Semigroup Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Monoid Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

ByteArray Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

ByteArrayAccess Seed Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

sentenceToSeed Source #


:: ValidMnemonicSentence mw
=> MnemonicSentence mw

MmenomicPhrase of mw words

-> Dictionary

Dictionary' of words/indexes

-> Passphrase

Passphrase used to generate

-> Seed

Create a seed from MmemonicSentence and Passphrase using the BIP39 algorithm.

phraseToSeed Source #


:: ValidMnemonicSentence mw
=> MnemonicPhrase mw

MmenomicPhrase of mw words

-> Dictionary

Dictionary' of words/indexes

-> Passphrase

Passphrase used to generate

-> Seed

Create a seed from MmemonicPhrase and Passphrase using the BIP39 algorithm.

Mnemonic Sentence

data MnemonicSentence (mw :: Nat ) Source #

Mnemonic Sentence is a list of WordIndex .

This is the generic representation of a mnemonic phrase that can be used for transalating to a different dictionary (example: English to Japanese).

This is mainly used to convert from/to the Entropy and for cardanoSlSeed


Instances details
ValidMnemonicSentence mw => IsList ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Associated Types

type Item ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #

Eq ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Ord ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Show ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

NormalForm ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

type Item ( MnemonicSentence mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

data MnemonicPhrase (mw :: Nat ) Source #

Human readable representation of a MnemonicSentence


Instances details
ValidMnemonicSentence mw => IsList ( MnemonicPhrase mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Associated Types

type Item ( MnemonicPhrase mw) Source #

Eq ( MnemonicPhrase mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Ord ( MnemonicPhrase mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

Show ( MnemonicPhrase mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

NormalForm ( MnemonicPhrase mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

type Item ( MnemonicPhrase mw) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39

type ValidMnemonicSentence (mw :: Nat ) = ( KnownNat mw, NatWithinBound Int mw, Elem mw '[9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24]) Source #

Type Constraint to validate the given Nat is valid for the supported MnemonicSentence

mnemonicSentenceToMnemonicPhrase :: forall mw. ValidMnemonicSentence mw => Dictionary -> MnemonicSentence mw -> MnemonicPhrase mw Source #

convert the given generic MnemonicSentence to a human readable MnemonicPhrase targetting the language of the given Dictionary .

translateTo Source #


:: forall mw. ValidMnemonicSentence mw
=> Dictionary

source dictionary

-> Dictionary

destination dictionary

-> MnemonicPhrase mw
-> Either DictionaryError ( MnemonicPhrase mw)

translate the given MnemonicPhrase from one dictionary into another.

This function assumes the source dictionary is compatible with the given MnemonicPhrase (see checkMnemonicPhrase )


data Dictionary Source #

this discribe the property of the Dictionary and will alllow to convert from a mnemonic phrase to MnemonicSentence

This is especially needed to build the BIP39 Seed




data WordIndex Source #

Index of the mnemonic word in the Dictionary

WordIndex are within range of [0..2047]


Instances details
Bounded WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary

Enum WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary

Eq WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary

Ord WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary

Show WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary

NormalForm WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary

TryFrom Int WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary

TryFrom ( Offset String ) WordIndex Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Encoding.BIP39.Dictionary


type ConsistentEntropy ent mw csz = ( ValidEntropySize ent, ValidChecksumSize ent csz, ValidMnemonicSentence mw, MnemonicWords ent ~ mw) Source #

Type Constraint Alias to check the entropy size, the number of mnemonic words and the checksum size is consistent. i.e. that the following is true:

| entropysize | checksumsize | entropysize + checksumsize | mnemonicsize | +---------------+--------------+----------------------------+--------------+ | 96 | 3 | 99 | 9 | | 128 | 4 | 132 | 12 | | 160 | 5 | 165 | 15 | | 192 | 6 | 198 | 18 | | 224 | 7 | 231 | 21 | | 256 | 8 | 264 | 24 |

This type constraint alias also perform all the GHC's cumbersome type level literal handling.

type family CheckSumBits (n :: Nat ) :: Nat where ... Source #

Number of bits of checksum related to a specific entropy size in bits

type family Elem (e :: Nat ) (l :: [ Nat ]) :: Constraint where ... Source #

convenient type level constraint to validate a given Nat e is an elemnt of the list of Nat l.


Elem e '[] = TypeError ((' Text "offset: field " :<>: ' ShowType e) :<>: ' Text " not elements of valids values")
Elem e (e ': _) = ()
Elem e (_ ': xs) = Elem e xs
