cardano-wallet-core-2022.7.1: The Wallet Backend for a Cardano node.
Copyright © 2022 IOHK
License Apache-2.0
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



This module provides tools to estimate pool rewards for the purpose of ranking pools.


Pool information

NOTE [RewardEpochs]

We need to be careful to show the right information at the right time in order prevent manipulation of the proof-of-stake (PoS) protocol.

In particular, we need to show those pool costs, margins, and owner stakes that will affect the rewards for a delegation choice made at the present moment.

The reward cycle is illustrated in Section 11.2 of SL-D1, here a brief sketch.

                    mark   set     go
          we are here

We imagine that we are in epoch e1 , and choose to delegate to a pool. At the end of epoch e1 , a snapshot of the stake distribution will be taken. This snapshot will be labeled "mark" during epoch e2 , "set" during epoch e3 , and "go" during epoch e4 . Blocks will be produced randomly according to this stake distribution when it is labeled "set", i.e. in epoch e3 . Rewards for this block production will be computed when this stake distribution is labeled "go", i.e. during epoch e4 , and these rewards will paid out at the beginning of epoch e5 .

The owner stake is part of the snapshot taken at the end of epoch e1 . If the pool is newly registered, its cost, margin and pledge are also immediately available in epoch e1 . However, if a pool re-registers, the changes to its cost, margin and pledge will not be visible until the next epoch; put differently, the rewards for the stake snapshot taken at the end of epoch e1 will only depend on changes to cost, margin, and pledge that the pool owner initiated in epoch e0 . This prevents pool owners from duping delegators by changing pool costs during an epoch. However, the pool owner could still choose to undelegate his stake, and fail to meet his pledge at the end of epoch e1 , which results in zero rewards paid out at the beginning of e5 .

To summarize, in order to make an informed delegation choice during epoch e1 , the delegator needs to know RewardInfoPool where

For the performanceEstimate , it's best to estimate it from recent pool block production using functions provided here.

data RewardParams Source #

Global parameters used for computing rewards




Ranking formulas

poolSaturation :: RewardParams -> RewardInfoPool -> Double Source #

The saturation of a pool is the ratio of the current pool stake to the fully saturated stake.

optimalRewards :: RewardParams -> Percentage -> Rational -> Coin Source #

Optimal rewards for a stake pool according to Eq.(2) of Section 5.5.3 in SL-D1.

optimalRewards s sigma

NOTE: This computation uses Double internally and is only suitable for the purpose of ranking, not for computing actual monetary rewards.

currentROS :: RewardParams -> RewardInfoPool -> Coin -> Percentage Source #

The yearly rate of return per unit of stake, assuming that the pool's stake remains at the same level. Rewards compound every epoch.

saturationROS :: RewardParams -> RewardInfoPool -> Percentage Source #

The (yearly) return per unit of stake for a pool that has reached saturation.

Redelegation warning

redelegationWarning Source #


:: EpochNo

Epoch when delegation was made

-> ( RewardInfoPool , Coin )

( Info about the pool that we delegate to , absolute stake that we delegate )

-> StakePoolsSummary

Current summary of all stake pools (for comparison)

-> EpochNo

Current epoch

-> RedelegationWarning

Compute redelegation warning from current pool performance.

Note: This function uses the performanceEstimate for the pool that we delegate to, but ignores this fields for the argument StakePoolsSummary .

Legacy metrics

nonMyopicMemberReward Source #


:: RewardParams
-> RewardInfoPool
-> Bool

The pool ranks in the top nOpt pools

-> Coin

stake that the member wants to delegate

-> Coin

Non-Myopic Pool Member Rewards according to Eq.(3) of Section 5.6.4 in SL-D1.

desirability :: RewardParams -> RewardInfoPool -> Coin Source #

The desirabilty of a pool is equal to the total member rewards at saturation IF the owner meets their pledge.

scorePools Source #


:: Ord poolId
=> RewardParams
-> Map poolId ( RewardInfoPool , a)
-> Coin

Stake that the user wants to delegate

-> Map poolId ( PoolScore , RewardInfoPool , a)

Compute the desirability and non-myopic rewards for all pools.

To compute the non-myopic rewards, we need to know all pools in order to rank them by desirability, and we need to know the stake that the user wants to delegate.