cardano-wallet-core-2022.7.1: The Wallet Backend for a Cardano node.
Copyright © 2018-2022 IOHK
License Apache-2.0
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Pure model for the transactions ( Tx ) and metadata about them ( TxMeta ) in a collection of wallets.



data DeltaTxWalletsHistory Source #

Verbs to change transactions store and wallet-indexed meta stores.


ExpandTxWalletsHistory WalletId [( Tx , TxMeta )]

Add transactions and meta for a wallet.

ChangeTxMetaWalletsHistory WalletId ManipulateTxMetaHistory

Change metas for a wallet.


Delete all transactions that have no metas.

RemoveWallet WalletId

Remove all metas of a wallet.

type TxWalletsHistory = ( TxHistory , Map WalletId TxMetaHistory ) Source #

Transactions history is a shared transactions store together with a set of meta-transactions stores indexed by wallet.

mkTransactionInfo :: Monad m => TimeInterpreter m -> BlockHeader -> TxRelationF ' With -> TxMeta -> m TransactionInfo Source #

Compute a high level view of a transaction known as TransactionInfo from a TxMeta and a TxRelationF . Assumes that these data refer to the same TxId , does not check this.