cardano-wallet-core-2022.7.1: The Wallet Backend for a Cardano node.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Shared QuickCheck generators for wallet types.

Our convention is to let each test module define its own Arbitrary orphans. This module allows for code-reuse where desired, by providing generators.



genMnemonic :: forall mw ent csz. ( ConsistentEntropy ent mw csz, EntropySize mw ~ ent) => Gen ( Mnemonic mw) Source #

Generates an arbitrary mnemonic of a size according to the type parameter.

E.g: >>> arbitrary = SomeMnemonic $ genMnemonic @12

genSlotNo :: Gen SlotNo Source #

Don't generate too large slots

genNestedTxMetadata :: Gen TxMetadata Source #

Generates a TxMetadata with arbitrary levels of nesting.

genSimpleTxMetadata :: Gen TxMetadata Source #

Generates a TxMetadata containing only simple values, without nesting.