cardano-addresses-3.11.0: Library utilities for mnemonic generation and address derivation.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




We call Entropy an arbitrary sequence of bytes that has been generated through high quality randomness methods . The allowed size of an Entropy is 96-256 bits and is necessarily a multiple of 32 bits (4 bytes).

We call Mnemonic an Entropy with an appended checksum calculated by taking the first ent / 32 bits of the SHA256 hash of it, where ent designates the Entropy size in bits.

The concatenated result is split into groups of 11 bits, each encoding a number from 0 to 2047 serving as an index into a known dictionary . This makes for a human-readable sentence of English words.

Entropy Size Checksum Size Sentence Length Example
96 bits (12 bytes) 3 bits 9 words test child burst immense armed parrot company walk dog
128 bits (16 bytes) 4 bits 12 words test walk nut penalty hip pave soap entry language right filter choice
160 bits (20 bytes) 5 bits 15 words art forum devote street sure rather head chuckle guard poverty release quote oak craft enemy
192 bits (24 bytes) 6 bits 18 words churn shaft spoon second erode useless thrive burst group seed element sign scrub buffalo jelly grace neck useless
224 bits (28 bytes) 7 bits 21 words draft ability female child jump maid roof hurt below live topple paper exclude ordinary coach churn sunset emerge blame ketchup much
256 bits (32 bytes) 8 bits 24 words excess behave track soul table wear ocean cash stay nature item turtle palm soccer lunch horror start stumble month panic right must lock dress


data SomeMnemonic where Source #

Ease the manipulation of Mnemonic by encapsulating the type constraints inside a constructor. This is particularly useful for functions which do not require anything but a valid Mnemonic without any particular pre-condition on the size of the Mnemonic itself.

Since: 1.0.0


SomeMnemonic :: forall mw. KnownNat mw => Mnemonic mw -> SomeMnemonic

class MkSomeMnemonic (sz :: [ Nat ]) where Source #

This class enables caller to parse text list of variable length into mnemonic sentences.

Note that the given Nat s **have** to be valid mnemonic sizes, otherwise the underlying code won't even compile, with not-so-friendly error messages.


mkSomeMnemonic :: [ Text ] -> Either ( MkSomeMnemonicError sz) SomeMnemonic Source #

Construct a mnemonic from a list of words. This function is particularly useful when the number of words is not necessarily known at runtime. The function is however ambiguous and requires thereby a type application.


>>> mkSomeMnemonic @'[ 12 ] [ "test", "child", "burst", "immense", "armed", "parrot", "company", "walk", "dog" ]
Left "Invalid number of words: 12 words are expected."
>>> mkSomeMnemonic @'[ 9, 12, 15 ] [ "test", "child", "burst", "immense", "armed", "parrot", "company", "walk", "dog" ]
Right (SomeMnemonic ...)

Since: 1.0.0

class NatVals (ns :: [ Nat ]) where Source #

Small helper to collect Nat values from a type-level list


Instances details
NatVals ('[] :: [ Nat ]) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Cardano.Mnemonic

( KnownNat n, NatVals rest) => NatVals (n ': rest) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Cardano.Mnemonic


natVals :: Proxy (n ': rest) -> [ Integer ] Source #


mkMnemonic :: forall (mw :: Nat ) (ent :: Nat ) csz. ( ConsistentEntropy ent mw csz, EntropySize mw ~ ent) => [ Text ] -> Either ( MkMnemonicError csz) ( Mnemonic mw) Source #

Smart-constructor for Mnemonic . Requires a type application to disambiguate the mnemonic size.

example :

>>> mkMnemonic @15 sentence
Mnemonic {} :: Mnemonic 15

property :

mkMnemonic (mnemonicToText mnemonic) == Right mnemonic

Since: 1.0.0

mnemonicToText :: Mnemonic mw -> [ Text ] Source #

Convert a Mnemonic to a sentence of English mnemonic words.

Since: 1.0.0


genEntropy :: forall (ent :: Nat ) csz. ( ValidEntropySize ent, ValidChecksumSize ent csz) => IO ( Entropy ent) Source #

Generate Entropy of a given size using a cryptographically secure random seed.


>>> genEntropy @128
Entropy {} :: Entropy 128

Since: 1.0.0

mkEntropy :: forall (ent :: Nat ) csz. ( ValidEntropySize ent, ValidChecksumSize ent csz) => ScrubbedBytes -> Either ( EntropyError csz) ( Entropy ent) Source #

Smart-constructor for the Entropy . Make sure the ByteString comes from a highly random source or use genEntropy .

example :

>>> mkEntropy @160 bytes
Entropy {} :: Entropy 160

property :

mkEntropy (entropyToBytes ent) == Right ent

Since: 1.0.0

entropyToBytes :: Entropy n -> ScrubbedBytes Source #

Convert Entropy to plain bytes.

Since: 1.0.0

entropyToMnemonic :: forall mw ent csz. ( ValidMnemonicSentence mw, ValidEntropySize ent, ValidChecksumSize ent csz, ent ~ EntropySize mw, mw ~ MnemonicWords ent) => Entropy ent -> Mnemonic mw Source #

Convert an Entropy to a corresponding Mnemonic Sentence. Since Entropy and Mnemonic can only be created through smart-constructors, this function cannot fail and is total.

Since: 1.0.0

type ValidEntropySize (n :: Nat ) = ( KnownNat n, NatWithinBound Int n, Elem n '[96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256]) Source #

Type Constraint Alias to check a given Nat is valid for an entropy size

i.e. it must be one of the following: 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256.

type ValidMnemonicSentence (mw :: Nat ) = ( KnownNat mw, NatWithinBound Int mw, Elem mw '[9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24]) Source #

Type Constraint to validate the given Nat is valid for the supported MnemonicSentence

type ConsistentEntropy (ent :: Nat ) (mw :: Nat ) (csz :: Nat ) = ( ValidEntropySize ent, ValidChecksumSize ent csz, ValidMnemonicSentence mw, MnemonicWords ent ~ mw) Source #

Type Constraint Alias to check the entropy size, the number of mnemonic words and the checksum size is consistent. i.e. that the following is true:

| entropysize | checksumsize | entropysize + checksumsize | mnemonicsize | +---------------+--------------+----------------------------+--------------+ | 96 | 3 | 99 | 9 | | 128 | 4 | 132 | 12 | | 160 | 5 | 165 | 15 | | 192 | 6 | 198 | 18 | | 224 | 7 | 231 | 21 | | 256 | 8 | 264 | 24 |

This type constraint alias also perform all the GHC's cumbersome type level literal handling.

type family CheckSumBits (n :: Nat ) :: Nat where ... Source #

Number of bits of checksum related to a specific entropy size in bits

type family EntropySize (n :: Nat ) :: Nat where ... Source #

Corresponding entropy size in bits for a given number of words


EntropySize 9 = 96
EntropySize 12 = 128
EntropySize 15 = 160
EntropySize 18 = 192
EntropySize 21 = 224
EntropySize 24 = 256

type family MnemonicWords (n :: Nat ) :: Nat where ... Source #

Number of Words related to a specific entropy size in bits


  • Natural XX is out of bounds for Int : This usually occurs when ones is trying to specify an invalid size for an Entropy or Mnemonic . For example:
>>> genEntropy @42
  • Natural CheckSumBits 42 is out of bounds for Int
  • This could be the case as well when forgetting to use an adequate type application:
>>> mkEntropy mempty
  • Natural ent is out of bounds for Int

Orphan instances