cardano-wallet-core-2022.7.1: The Wallet Backend for a Cardano node.
Copyright © 2018-2020 IOHK
License Apache-2.0
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Provides functions for checking if TCP ports can be connected to, or are available to listen on.

These can be used for: - Waiting until a server in another process has started. - Start servers for testing when there may be multiple test suites running in parallel.



data PortNumber Source #

Port number. Use the Num instance (i.e. use a literal) to create a PortNumber value.

>>> 1 :: PortNumber
>>> read "1" :: PortNumber
>>> show (12345 :: PortNumber)
>>> 50000 < (51000 :: PortNumber)
>>> 50000 < (52000 :: PortNumber)
>>> 50000 + (10000 :: PortNumber)


Instances details
Bounded PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Enum PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Eq PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Integral PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Num PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Ord PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Read PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Real PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Show PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

Storable PortNumber
Instance details

Defined in Network.Socket.Types

getRandomPort :: IO PortNumber Source #

Find a TCPv4 port which is likely to be free for listening on localhost . This binds a socket, receives an OS-assigned port, then closes the socket.

Note that this is vulnerable to race conditions if another process binds the port returned by getRandomPort before this process does.

Do not use this unless you have no other option.


isPortOpen :: SockAddr -> IO Bool Source #

Checks whether connect() to a given TCPv4 SockAddr succeeds or returns eCONNREFUSED .

Rethrows connection exceptions in all other cases (e.g. when the host is unroutable).

Code courtesy of nh2:

simpleSockAddr :: ( Word8 , Word8 , Word8 , Word8 ) -> PortNumber -> SockAddr Source #

Creates a SockAttr from host IP and port number.

Example: > simpleSockAddr (127,0,0,1) 8000


portFromURL :: URI -> PortNumber Source #

Get the port from a URI, which is assumed to be a HTTP or HTTPS URL.

randomUnusedTCPPorts :: Int -> IO [ Int ] Source #

Get a list of random TCPv4 ports that currently do not have any servers listening on them. It may return less than the requested number of ports.

Note that this method of allocating ports is subject to race conditions. Production code should use better methods such as passing a listening socket to the child process.