Copyright | © 2021 IOHK |
License | Apache-2.0 |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
input =
- inputIds :: !( NonEmpty input)
- inputBalance :: ! TokenBundle
- outputs :: !( NonEmpty TokenBundle )
- fee :: ! Coin
- feeExcess :: ! Coin
- size :: ! TxSize
- rewardWithdrawal :: ! Coin
- data SelectionError
- data SelectionFullError = SelectionFullError { }
- newtype RewardWithdrawal = RewardWithdrawal { }
- create :: TxConstraints -> RewardWithdrawal -> NonEmpty (input, TokenBundle ) -> Either SelectionError ( Selection input)
- extend :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> (input, TokenBundle ) -> Either SelectionError ( Selection input)
- balance :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> Either SelectionError ( Selection input)
- addValueToOutputs :: TxConstraints -> [ TokenMap ] -> TokenMap -> NonEmpty TokenMap
- minimizeFee :: TxConstraints -> ( Coin , NonEmpty TokenBundle ) -> ( Coin , NonEmpty TokenBundle )
- minimizeFeeStep :: TxConstraints -> ( Coin , TokenBundle ) -> ( Coin , TokenBundle )
- computeCurrentFee :: Selection input -> Either NegativeCoin Coin
- computeCurrentSize :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> TxSize
- computeMinimumFee :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> Coin
- verify :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> SelectionCorrectness
- = SelectionCorrect
- | SelectionIncorrect SelectionCorrectnessError
A selection is the basis for a single transaction.
to create a selection with one or more inputs.
to extend a selection with an additional input.
to verify the correctness of a selection.
Selection | |
data SelectionError Source #
Indicates a failure to create or extend a selection.
SelectionAdaInsufficient |
Indicates that the desired selection would not have enough ada to pay for the minimum permissible fee. |
SelectionFull SelectionFullError |
Indicates that the desired selection would exceed the maximum selection size. |
Eq SelectionError Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Migration.Selection (==) :: SelectionError -> SelectionError -> Bool Source # (/=) :: SelectionError -> SelectionError -> Bool Source # |
Show SelectionError Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Migration.Selection |
data SelectionFullError Source #
newtype RewardWithdrawal Source #
Eq RewardWithdrawal Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Migration.Selection (==) :: RewardWithdrawal -> RewardWithdrawal -> Bool Source # (/=) :: RewardWithdrawal -> RewardWithdrawal -> Bool Source # |
Show RewardWithdrawal Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Migration.Selection |
Creating selections
create :: TxConstraints -> RewardWithdrawal -> NonEmpty (input, TokenBundle ) -> Either SelectionError ( Selection input) Source #
Creates a selection with the given inputs.
Guarantees the following property for a returned selection
verify s == SelectionCorrect
if the desired selection would not have
enough ada to pay for the fee.
if the desired selection would exceed the maximum
selection size.
Extending selections
extend :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> (input, TokenBundle ) -> Either SelectionError ( Selection input) Source #
Extends a selection with an additional input.
Guarantees the following property for a returned selection
verify s == SelectionCorrect
if the desired selection would not have
enough ada to pay for the fee.
if the desired selection would exceed the maximum
selection size.
Balancing selections
balance :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> Either SelectionError ( Selection input) Source #
Balances the fee for a given selection.
The ada quantities of the outputs are maximized in order to minimize the fee excess.
Pre-condition: outputs have minimal ada quantities.
Guarantees the following property for a returned selection
verify s == SelectionCorrect
Adding value to outputs
:: TxConstraints | |
-> [ TokenMap ] |
Outputs |
-> TokenMap |
Output value to add |
-> NonEmpty TokenMap |
Outputs with the additional value added |
Adds value (obtained from an input) to an existing set of output maps.
This function attempts to merge the given value into one of the existing output maps. If merging is successful, then the returned output map list will be identical in length and content to the original output map list, except for the merged output.
If the given value cannot be merged into one of the existing output maps (because it would cause an output to exceed the output size limit), then this function appends the given output map to the given output map list, effectively creating a new output.
Pre-condition: all output maps in the given list must be within the output size limit.
Assuming the above pre-condition is met, this function guarantees that all output maps in the returned list will also be within the output size limit.
Minimizing fees
:: TxConstraints | |
-> ( Coin , NonEmpty TokenBundle ) |
Fee excess and output bundles. |
-> ( Coin , NonEmpty TokenBundle ) |
Fee excess and output bundles after optimization. |
Minimizes the given fee excess by adding ada to the given output bundles.
This function:
- guarantees to leave all non-ada quantities unchanged.
- guarantees to not change the length of the list.
- guarantees that each resulting output bundle will have an ada quantity that is greater than or equal to its original ada quantity.
- guarantees that the resulting fee excess will be less than or equal to the original fee excess.
- does not check that the given ada quantities are above the minimum required for each output, and therefore only guarantees that the resulting ada quantities will be above the minimum required if the caller makes this guarantee for the original output bundles.
This function aims to adjust as few output bundles as possible, and in the ideal case, will increase the ada quantity of just one output bundle.
Increasing the ada quantity of an output may increase the overall cost of that output, as increasing an ada quantity may increase the length of the binary representation used to encode that quantity.
By maximizing the ada increase of a single output, and minimizing the ada increases of the remaining outputs, we can minimize the cost increase of the overall selection, and therefore maximize the chance of being able to pay for the selection.
This is a consequence of the following mathematical relationship:
Consider a non-negative integer constant
defined in terms of a summation
of a fixed number
of non-negative integer variables:
a = a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an
Now consider the total space
required to encode all of the variables:
s = length a1 + length a2 + length a3 + ... + length an
For any given number base, we can get close to the minimal value of
making the following assignments:
a1 := a
a2 := 0
a3 := 0
an := 0
Consider the following example, working in base 10:
a = 999
n = 9
If we were to use a flat distribution, where the constant is partitioned
equal quantities (modulo rounding), our space cost
would be:
s = length a1 + length a2 + length a3 + ... + length a9
s = length 111 + length 111 + length 111 + ... + length 111
s = 3 + 3 + 3 + ... + 3
s = 3 × 9
s = 27
But by maximizing
and minimizing the remaining variables, we can obtain
the following smaller space cost:
s = length a1 + length a2 + length a3 + ... + length a9
s = length 999 + length 0 + length 0 + ... + length 0
s = 3 + 1 + 1 + ... + 1
s = 3 + 8
s = 11
:: TxConstraints | |
-> ( Coin , TokenBundle ) |
Fee excess and output bundle. |
-> ( Coin , TokenBundle ) |
Fee excess and output bundle after optimization. |
Minimizes the given fee excess by adding ada to the given output.
This function:
- guarantees to leave all non-ada quantities unchanged.
- increases the ada quantity of the given output until it is no longer economically worthwhile to increase it further (i.e., if the cost of a further increase would be greater than the increase itself).
- guarantees that the resulting output bundle will have an ada quantity that is greater than or equal to its original ada quantity.
- guarantees that the resulting fee excess will be less than or equal to the original fee excess.
Returns the minimized fee excess and the modified output.
Computing bulk properties of selections
computeCurrentFee :: Selection input -> Either NegativeCoin Coin Source #
Calculates the current fee for a selection.
computeCurrentSize :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> TxSize Source #
Calculates the current size of a selection.
computeMinimumFee :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> Coin Source #
Calculates the minimum permissible fee for a selection.
Verifying selections for correctness
verify :: TxConstraints -> Selection input -> SelectionCorrectness Source #
Verifies a selection for correctness.
This function is provided primarily as a convenience for testing. As such, it's not usually necessary to call this function from ordinary application code, unless you suspect that a selection value is incorrect in some way.
data SelectionCorrectness Source #
Indicates whether or not a selection is correct.
SelectionCorrect | |
SelectionIncorrect SelectionCorrectnessError |