{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2018-2020 IOHK
-- License: Apache-2.0
-- Database / Persistence layer for the pool production.

module Cardano.Pool.DB
    ( -- * Interface
      DBLayer (..)

      -- * Utilities
    , determinePoolLifeCycleStatus

      -- * Errors
    , ErrPointAlreadyExists (..)
    ) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
    ( BlockHeader
    , CertificatePublicationTime (..)
    , EpochNo (..)
    , PoolId
    , PoolLifeCycleStatus (..)
    , PoolRegistrationCertificate
    , PoolRetirementCertificate
    , Settings
    , SlotNo (..)
    , StakePoolMetadata
    , StakePoolMetadataHash
    , StakePoolMetadataUrl
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
    ( MonadIO )
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
    ( ExceptT )
import Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens
    ( view )
import Data.Map.Strict
    ( Map )
import Data.Quantity
    ( Quantity (..) )
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
    ( POSIXTime )
import Data.Word
    ( Word64 )
import System.Random
    ( StdGen )

-- | A Database interface for storing pool production in DB.
-- To use it, you will need the NamedFieldPuns extension and wrap operations
-- with @atomically@:
-- Example:
-- >>> :set -XNamedFieldPuns
-- >>> DBLayer{atomically,putPoolProduction} = db
-- >>> atomically $ putPoolProduction blockHeader pool
-- This gives you the power to also run /multiple/ operations atomically.
-- FIXME: Allowing 'MonadIO' to enable logging also within db transactions.
-- Ideally, we should lower than constraint to only allow logging effects and
-- not any dragons in IO.
data DBLayer m = forall stm. (MonadFail stm, MonadIO stm) => DBLayer
    { ()
        :: BlockHeader
        -> PoolId
        -> ExceptT ErrPointAlreadyExists stm ()
        -- ^ Write for a given slot id the id of stake pool that produced a
        -- a corresponding block

    , ()
        :: EpochNo
        -> stm (Map PoolId [BlockHeader])
        -- ^ Read the all stake pools together with corresponding slot ids
        -- for a given epoch.

    , ()
        :: stm (Map PoolId (Quantity "block" Word64))
        -- ^ Read the total pool production since the pool was first registered.

    , ()
        :: EpochNo
        -> [(PoolId, Quantity "lovelace" Word64)]
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Replace an existing distribution for the given epoch by the one
        -- given as argument.
        -- If there's no existing distribution, simply inserts it.

    , ()
        :: EpochNo
        -> stm [(PoolId, Quantity "lovelace" Word64)]

    , ()
        :: Int
        -> stm [BlockHeader]
        -- ^ Read the latest @k@ blockheaders in ascending order. The tip will
        -- be the last element in the list.
        -- This is useful for the @NetworkLayer@ to know how far we have synced.
        -- Returns all headers if limit is <= 0.

    , ()
        :: PoolId
        -> stm PoolLifeCycleStatus
        -- ^ Read the current life cycle status of the given pool.

    , ()
        :: CertificatePublicationTime
        -> PoolRegistrationCertificate
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Add a mapping between stake pools and their corresponding
        -- certificate. If the mapping already exists, data are replaced with
        -- the latest version.

    , ()
        :: PoolId
        -> stm (Maybe (CertificatePublicationTime, PoolRegistrationCertificate))
        -- ^ Find the /latest/ registration certificate for the given pool,
        -- together with the point in time that the certificate was added.
        -- Note that a pool may also have other certificates associated with it
        -- that affect its current lifecycle status.
        -- See 'readPoolLifeCycleStatus' for a complete picture.

    , ()
        :: CertificatePublicationTime
        -> PoolRetirementCertificate
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Add a retirement certificate for a particular pool.

    , ()
        :: PoolId
        -> stm (Maybe (CertificatePublicationTime, PoolRetirementCertificate))
        -- ^ Find the /latest/ retirement certificate for the given pool,
        -- together with the point in time that the certificate was added.
        -- Note that a pool may also have other certificates associated with it
        -- that affect its current lifecycle status.
        -- See 'readPoolLifeCycleStatus' for a complete picture.

    , ()
        :: Int
        -> stm [(PoolId, StakePoolMetadataUrl, StakePoolMetadataHash)]
        -- ^ Read the list of metadata remaining to fetch from remote server,
        -- possibly empty if every pool already has an associated metadata
        -- cached.
        -- It returns at most `n` results, where `n` is the first argument.

    , ()
        :: (StakePoolMetadataUrl, StakePoolMetadataHash)
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Store a fetch attempt for a given hash, so that it isn't retried
        -- too often.

    , ()
        :: stm [PoolId]
        -- ^ List the list of known pools, based on their registration
        -- certificate. This list doesn't necessarily match the keys of the
        -- map we would get from 'readPoolProduction' because not all registered
        -- pools have necessarily produced any block yet!

    , ()
        :: EpochNo
        -> stm [PoolRetirementCertificate]
        -- ^ List all pools with an active retirement epoch that is earlier
        -- than or equal to the specified epoch.

    , ()
        :: EpochNo
        -> stm [PoolLifeCycleStatus]
        -- ^ List the lifecycle data of all non-retired pools: pools that
        -- either don't have an active retirement epoch or pools that have
        -- an active retirement epoch that is later than the given epoch.

    , ()
        :: StakePoolMetadataHash
        -> StakePoolMetadata
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Store metadata fetched from a remote server.

    , ()
        :: stm ()
        -- ^ Delete all pool metadata.

    , ()
        :: stm (Map StakePoolMetadataHash StakePoolMetadata)

    , ()
        :: stm StdGen
        -- ^ Read the seed assigned to this particular database. The seed is
        -- created with the database and is "unique" for each database. This
        -- however allow to have a seed that can be used to produce consistent
        -- results across requests.

    , ()
        :: SlotNo
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Remove all entries of slot ids newer than the argument

    , ()
        :: [PoolId]
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Overwrite the set of delisted pools with a completely new set.
        -- Pools may be delisted for reasons such as non-compliance.

    , ()
        :: stm [PoolId]
        -- ^ Fetch the set of delisted pools.

    , ()
        :: [PoolId]
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Remove all data relating to the specified pools.

    , ()
        :: EpochNo
        -> stm [PoolRetirementCertificate]
        -- ^ Remove all pools with an active retirement epoch that is earlier
        --   than or equal to the specified epoch.
        -- Returns the retirement certificates of the pools that were removed.
        -- See also:
        --    - 'listRetiredPools'.
        --    - 'removePools'.

    , ()
        :: BlockHeader
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Add a block header

    , ()
        :: Int -- limit
        -> stm [BlockHeader]
        -- ^ List headers, usually stored during syncing.
        -- Returns all headers if limit is <= 0.

    , ()
        :: stm Settings
        -- ^ Get the settings.

    , ()
        :: Settings
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Modify the settings.

    , ()
        :: stm (Maybe POSIXTime)
        -- ^ Get the last metadata GC time.

    , ()
        :: POSIXTime
        -> stm ()
        -- ^ Set the last metadata GC time.
    , ()
        :: stm ()
        -- ^ Clean a database

    , ()
        :: forall a. stm a -> m a
        -- ^ Run an operation.
        -- For a Sqlite DB, this would be "run a query inside a transaction".

-- | Given the /latest/ registration and retirement certificates for a pool,
--   determine the pool's current life cycle status, based on the relative
--   order in which the certificates were published.
-- If two certificates are supplied, then:
--   * the certificates must be from the same pool.
--   * the publication times must be non-equal.
-- Violating either of the above pre-conditions is a programming error.
-- This function determines order of precedence according to the "pool
-- inference rule", as described in "A Formal Specification of the Cardano
-- Ledger":
-- https://hydra.iohk.io/build/3202141/download/1/ledger-spec.pdf
    :: (Ord publicationTime, Show publicationTime)
    => Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRegistrationCertificate)
    -> Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRetirementCertificate)
    -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
determinePoolLifeCycleStatus :: Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRegistrationCertificate)
-> Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRetirementCertificate)
-> PoolLifeCycleStatus
determinePoolLifeCycleStatus Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRegistrationCertificate)
mReg Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRetirementCertificate)
mRet = case (Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRegistrationCertificate)
mReg, Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRetirementCertificate)
mRet) of
    (Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRegistrationCertificate)
Nothing, Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRetirementCertificate)
_) ->
    (Just (publicationTime
_, PoolRegistrationCertificate
regCert), Maybe (publicationTime, PoolRetirementCertificate)
Nothing) ->
        PoolRegistrationCertificate -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
PoolRegistered PoolRegistrationCertificate
    (Just (publicationTime
regTime, PoolRegistrationCertificate
regCert), Just (publicationTime
retTime, PoolRetirementCertificate
        | PoolId
regPoolId PoolId -> PoolId -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
/= PoolId
retPoolId ->
        | publicationTime
regTime publicationTime -> publicationTime -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
> publicationTime
retTime ->
            -- A re-registration always /supersedes/ a prior retirement.
            PoolRegistrationCertificate -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
PoolRegistered PoolRegistrationCertificate
        | publicationTime
regTime publicationTime -> publicationTime -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< publicationTime
retTime ->
            -- A retirement always /augments/ the latest known registration.
-> PoolRetirementCertificate -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
PoolRegisteredAndRetired PoolRegistrationCertificate
regCert PoolRetirementCertificate
        | Bool
otherwise ->
        regPoolId :: PoolId
regPoolId = ((PoolId -> Const PoolId PoolId)
 -> PoolRegistrationCertificate
 -> Const PoolId PoolRegistrationCertificate)
-> PoolRegistrationCertificate -> PoolId
forall a s. ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> s -> a
view IsLabel
  ((PoolId -> Const PoolId PoolId)
   -> PoolRegistrationCertificate
   -> Const PoolId PoolRegistrationCertificate)
(PoolId -> Const PoolId PoolId)
-> PoolRegistrationCertificate
-> Const PoolId PoolRegistrationCertificate
#poolId PoolRegistrationCertificate
        retPoolId :: PoolId
retPoolId = ((PoolId -> Const PoolId PoolId)
 -> PoolRetirementCertificate
 -> Const PoolId PoolRetirementCertificate)
-> PoolRetirementCertificate -> PoolId
forall a s. ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> s -> a
view IsLabel
  ((PoolId -> Const PoolId PoolId)
   -> PoolRetirementCertificate
   -> Const PoolId PoolRetirementCertificate)
(PoolId -> Const PoolId PoolId)
-> PoolRetirementCertificate
-> Const PoolId PoolRetirementCertificate
#poolId PoolRetirementCertificate

        differentPoolsError :: PoolLifeCycleStatus
differentPoolsError = [Char] -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error ([Char] -> PoolLifeCycleStatus) -> [Char] -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [[Char]] -> [Char]
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
            [ [Char]
"programming error:"
            , [Char]
" determinePoolLifeCycleStatus:"
            , [Char]
" called with certificates for different pools:"
            , [Char]
" pool id of registration certificate: "
            , PoolId -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show PoolId
            , [Char]
" pool id of retirement certificate: "
            , PoolId -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show PoolId

        timeCollisionError :: PoolLifeCycleStatus
timeCollisionError = [Char] -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error ([Char] -> PoolLifeCycleStatus) -> [Char] -> PoolLifeCycleStatus
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [[Char]] -> [Char]
forall a. Monoid a => [a] -> a
            [ [Char]
"programming error:"
            , [Char]
" determinePoolLifeCycleStatus:"
            , [Char]
" called with identical certificate publication times:"
            , [Char]
" pool id of registration certificate: "
            , PoolId -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show PoolId
            , [Char]
" pool id of retirement certificate: "
            , PoolId -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show PoolId
            , [Char]
" publication time of registration certificate: "
            , publicationTime -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show publicationTime
            , [Char]
" publication time of retirement certificate: "
            , publicationTime -> [Char]
forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show publicationTime

-- | Forbidden operation was executed on an already existing slot
newtype ErrPointAlreadyExists
    = ErrPointAlreadyExists BlockHeader -- Point already exists in db
    deriving (ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> Bool
(ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> Bool)
-> (ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> Bool)
-> Eq ErrPointAlreadyExists
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> Bool
$c/= :: ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> Bool
== :: ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> Bool
$c== :: ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> Bool
Eq, Int -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ShowS
[ErrPointAlreadyExists] -> ShowS
ErrPointAlreadyExists -> [Char]
(Int -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ShowS)
-> (ErrPointAlreadyExists -> [Char])
-> ([ErrPointAlreadyExists] -> ShowS)
-> Show ErrPointAlreadyExists
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [ErrPointAlreadyExists] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [ErrPointAlreadyExists] -> ShowS
show :: ErrPointAlreadyExists -> [Char]
$cshow :: ErrPointAlreadyExists -> [Char]
showsPrec :: Int -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> ErrPointAlreadyExists -> ShowS