{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2018-2020 IOHK
-- License: Apache-2.0
-- Type-safe endpoint accessors for the wallet API. Under normal circumstances,
-- one would prefer to use 'WalletClient' from 'Cardano.Wallet.Api.Client' and
-- not to bother with endpoints at all.
-- Yet, in some cases (like in black-box testing), one could want to purposely
-- send malformed requests to specific endpoints. Thus, this module facilitates
-- the construction of valid endpoints that'd be accepted by the server, and for
-- which, users are free to send all sort of data as payload, valid or invalid.
-- This module is meant to be used via qualified imports and with
-- type-applications since all exposed functions are type ambiguous in a
-- variable @style@ of type 'WalletStyle'.
-- @import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Api.Link as Link@
-- For examples:
-- >>> Link.deleteWallet @'Shelley myWallet
-- ( "DELETE", "/v2/wallets/2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f" )
-- >>> Link.getWallet @('Byron 'Icarus) myWallet
-- ( "GET", "/v2/byron-wallets/2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f" )

module Cardano.Wallet.Api.Link
    ( -- * Wallets
    , getWallet
    , listWallets
    , postWallet
    , putWallet
    , putWalletPassphrase
    , getWalletUtxoSnapshot
    , getUTxOsStatistics
    , createMigrationPlan
    , migrateWallet

     -- * WalletKeys
    , getWalletKey
    , signMetadata
    , postAccountKey
    , getAccountKey
    , getPolicyKey
    , postPolicyKey
    , postPolicyId

      -- * Addresses
    , postRandomAddress
    , putRandomAddresses
    , listAddresses
    , listAddresses'
    , inspectAddress
    , postAnyAddress

      -- * CoinSelections
    , selectCoins

      -- * Assets
    , listAssets
    , getAsset
    , listByronAssets
    , getByronAsset

      -- * Transactions
    , createTransactionOld
    , listTransactions
    , listTransactions'
    , getTransactionFeeOld
    , deleteTransaction
    , getTransaction
    , createUnsignedTransaction
    , signTransaction
    , balanceTransaction
    , decodeTransaction
    , submitTransaction

      -- * StakePools
    , listStakePools
    , listStakeKeys
    , joinStakePool
    , quitStakePool
    , getDelegationFee
    , postPoolMaintenance
    , getPoolMaintenance

      -- * Network
    , getNetworkInfo
    , getNetworkParams
    , getNetworkClock
    , getNetworkClock'

      -- * Proxy
    , postExternalTransaction

      -- * Settings
    , putSettings
    , getSettings

      -- * Utils

    , getCurrentSMASHHealth

     -- * Shared Wallets
    , patchSharedWallet

    , PostWallet
    , Discriminate
    ) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types
    ( ApiAddressInspectData (..)
    , ApiPoolId (..)
    , ApiT (..)
    , ApiTxId (ApiTxId)
    , Iso8601Time
    , KeyFormat
    , MinWithdrawal (..)
    , WalletStyle (..)
import Cardano.Wallet.Api.Types.SchemaMetadata
    ( TxMetadataSchema (..), toSimpleMetadataFlag )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation
    ( DerivationIndex, NetworkDiscriminant (..), Role )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDiscovery.Shared
    ( CredentialType (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types
    ( PoolId, SmashServer, SortOrder, WalletId (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Address
    ( AddressState )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Coin
    ( Coin (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Hash
    ( Hash )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.TokenPolicy
    ( TokenName, TokenPolicyId, nullTokenName )
import Data.Function
    ( (&) )
import Data.Generics.Internal.VL.Lens
    ( (^.) )
import Data.Generics.Product.Typed
    ( HasType, typed )
import Data.Proxy
    ( Proxy (..) )
import Data.Text
    ( Text )
import GHC.Stack
    ( HasCallStack )
import GHC.TypeLits
    ( Symbol )
import Network.HTTP.Types.Method
    ( Method )
import Numeric.Natural
    ( Natural )
import Servant.API
    ( (:>)
    , Capture
    , Header'
    , IsElem
    , NoContentVerb
    , QueryFlag
    , QueryParam
    , ReflectMethod (..)
    , ReqBody
    , Verb
import Servant.Links
    ( HasLink (..), safeLink' )
import Web.HttpApiData
    ( ToHttpApiData (..) )

import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Api as Api

-- Wallets

-- Type-class is necessary here to type-check 'IsElem endpoint Api' below.
class PostWallet (style :: WalletStyle) where
    postWallet :: (Method, Text)

instance PostWallet 'Shelley where
    postWallet :: (Method, Text)
postWallet = (MkLink PostWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostWallet MkLink PostWallet Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

instance PostWallet 'Byron where
    postWallet :: (Method, Text)
postWallet = (MkLink PostByronWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostByronWallet MkLink PostByronWallet Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

instance PostWallet 'Shared where
    postWallet :: (Method, Text)
postWallet = (MkLink PostSharedWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostSharedWallet MkLink PostSharedWallet Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
deleteWallet :: w -> (Method, Text)
deleteWallet w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink DeleteWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.DeleteWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink DeleteByronWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.DeleteByronWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink DeleteSharedWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.DeleteSharedWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
getWallet :: w -> (Method, Text)
getWallet w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink GetWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink GetByronWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetByronWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink GetSharedWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetSharedWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
getUTxOsStatistics :: w -> (Method, Text)
getUTxOsStatistics w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink GetUTxOsStatistics Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetUTxOsStatistics (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink GetByronUTxOsStatistics Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetByronUTxOsStatistics (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
getWalletUtxoSnapshot :: w -> (Method, Text)
getWalletUtxoSnapshot w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink GetWalletUtxoSnapshot Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetWalletUtxoSnapshot (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink GetByronWalletUtxoSnapshot Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetByronWalletUtxoSnapshot (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle).
        ( Discriminate style
    => (Method, Text)
listWallets :: (Method, Text)
listWallets = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink ListWallets Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.ListWallets MkLink ListWallets Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a
    ((MkLink ListByronWallets Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.ListByronWallets MkLink ListByronWallets Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a
    ((MkLink ListSharedWallets Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.ListSharedWallets MkLink ListSharedWallets Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
putWallet :: w -> (Method, Text)
putWallet w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink PutWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PutWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink PutByronWallet Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PutByronWallet (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
putWalletPassphrase :: w -> (Method, Text)
putWalletPassphrase w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink PutWalletPassphrase Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PutWalletPassphrase (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink PutByronWalletPassphrase Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PutByronWalletPassphrase (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
migrateWallet :: w -> (Method, Text)
migrateWallet w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (MigrateShelleyWallet Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.MigrateShelleyWallet Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (MigrateByronWallet Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.MigrateByronWallet Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
createMigrationPlan :: w -> (Method, Text)
createMigrationPlan w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (CreateShelleyWalletMigrationPlan Net) Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.CreateShelleyWalletMigrationPlan Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (CreateByronWalletMigrationPlan Net) Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.CreateByronWalletMigrationPlan Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

-- WalletKeys

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> Role
    -> DerivationIndex
    -> Maybe Bool
    -> (Method, Text)
getWalletKey :: w -> Role -> DerivationIndex -> Maybe Bool -> (Method, Text)
getWalletKey w
w Role
role_ DerivationIndex
index Maybe Bool
hashed = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink GetWalletKey Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetWalletKey (\MkLink GetWalletKey Text
mk -> MkLink GetWalletKey Text
ApiT WalletId
-> ApiT Role -> ApiT DerivationIndex -> Maybe Bool -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (Role -> ApiT Role
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT Role
role_) (DerivationIndex -> ApiT DerivationIndex
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT DerivationIndex
index) Maybe Bool
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    ((MkLink GetSharedWalletKey Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetSharedWalletKey (\MkLink GetSharedWalletKey Text
mk -> MkLink GetSharedWalletKey Text
ApiT WalletId
-> ApiT Role -> ApiT DerivationIndex -> Maybe Bool -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (Role -> ApiT Role
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT Role
role_) (DerivationIndex -> ApiT DerivationIndex
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT DerivationIndex
index) Maybe Bool
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> Role
    -> DerivationIndex
    -> (Method, Text)
signMetadata :: w -> Role -> DerivationIndex -> (Method, Text)
signMetadata w
w Role
role_ DerivationIndex
index =
    (MkLink SignMetadata Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.SignMetadata (\MkLink SignMetadata Text
mk -> MkLink SignMetadata Text
ApiT WalletId -> ApiT Role -> ApiT DerivationIndex -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (Role -> ApiT Role
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT Role
role_) (DerivationIndex -> ApiT DerivationIndex
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT DerivationIndex
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> DerivationIndex
    -> (Method, Text)
postAccountKey :: w -> DerivationIndex -> (Method, Text)
postAccountKey w
w DerivationIndex
index = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink PostAccountKey Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostAccountKey (\MkLink PostAccountKey Text
mk -> MkLink PostAccountKey Text
ApiT WalletId -> ApiT DerivationIndex -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (DerivationIndex -> ApiT DerivationIndex
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT DerivationIndex
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    ((MkLink PostAccountKeyShared Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostAccountKeyShared (\MkLink PostAccountKeyShared Text
mk -> MkLink PostAccountKeyShared Text
ApiT WalletId -> ApiT DerivationIndex -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (DerivationIndex -> ApiT DerivationIndex
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT DerivationIndex
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> Maybe KeyFormat
    -> (Method, Text)
getAccountKey :: w -> Maybe KeyFormat -> (Method, Text)
getAccountKey w
w Maybe KeyFormat
extended = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink GetAccountKey Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetAccountKey (\MkLink GetAccountKey Text
mk -> MkLink GetAccountKey Text
ApiT WalletId -> Maybe KeyFormat -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid Maybe KeyFormat
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    ((MkLink GetAccountKeyShared Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetAccountKeyShared (\MkLink GetAccountKeyShared Text
mk -> MkLink GetAccountKeyShared Text
ApiT WalletId -> Maybe KeyFormat -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid Maybe KeyFormat
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> Maybe Bool
    -> (Method, Text)
getPolicyKey :: w -> Maybe Bool -> (Method, Text)
getPolicyKey w
w Maybe Bool
hashed = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink GetPolicyKey Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetPolicyKey (\MkLink GetPolicyKey Text
mk -> MkLink GetPolicyKey Text
ApiT WalletId -> Maybe Bool -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid Maybe Bool
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> Maybe Bool
    -> (Method, Text)
postPolicyKey :: w -> Maybe Bool -> (Method, Text)
postPolicyKey w
w Maybe Bool
hashed = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink PostPolicyKey Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostPolicyKey (\MkLink PostPolicyKey Text
mk -> MkLink PostPolicyKey Text
ApiT WalletId -> Maybe Bool -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid Maybe Bool
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
postPolicyId :: w -> (Method, Text)
postPolicyId w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink PostPolicyId Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostPolicyId (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

-- Addresses

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
postRandomAddress :: w -> (Method, Text)
postRandomAddress w
w =
    (MkLink (PostByronAddress Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.PostByronAddress Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
putRandomAddresses :: w -> (Method, Text)
putRandomAddresses w
w =
    (MkLink (PutByronAddresses Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.PutByronAddresses Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
listAddresses :: w -> (Method, Text)
listAddresses w
w =
    w -> Maybe AddressState -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
(HasType (ApiT WalletId) w, Discriminate style) =>
w -> Maybe AddressState -> (Method, Text)
listAddresses' @style w
w Maybe AddressState
forall a. Maybe a

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> Maybe AddressState
    -> (Method, Text)
listAddresses' :: w -> Maybe AddressState -> (Method, Text)
listAddresses' w
w Maybe AddressState
mstate = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (ListAddresses Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ListAddresses Net) (\MkLink (ListAddresses Net) Text
mk -> MkLink (ListAddresses Net) Text
ApiT WalletId -> Maybe (ApiT AddressState) -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (AddressState -> ApiT AddressState
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT (AddressState -> ApiT AddressState)
-> Maybe AddressState -> Maybe (ApiT AddressState)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe AddressState
    ((MkLink (ListByronAddresses Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ListByronAddresses Net) (\MkLink (ListByronAddresses Net) Text
mk -> MkLink (ListByronAddresses Net) Text
ApiT WalletId -> Maybe (ApiT AddressState) -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (AddressState -> ApiT AddressState
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT (AddressState -> ApiT AddressState)
-> Maybe AddressState -> Maybe (ApiT AddressState)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe AddressState
    ((MkLink (ListSharedAddresses Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ListSharedAddresses Net) (\MkLink (ListSharedAddresses Net) Text
mk -> MkLink (ListSharedAddresses Net) Text
ApiT WalletId -> Maybe (ApiT AddressState) -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (AddressState -> ApiT AddressState
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT (AddressState -> ApiT AddressState)
-> Maybe AddressState -> Maybe (ApiT AddressState)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe AddressState
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: ApiAddressInspectData
    -> (Method, Text)
inspectAddress :: ApiAddressInspectData -> (Method, Text)
inspectAddress ApiAddressInspectData
addr =
    (MkLink InspectAddress Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.InspectAddress (ApiAddressInspectData
addr ApiAddressInspectData -> (ApiAddressInspectData -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b

    :: (Method, Text)
postAnyAddress :: (Method, Text)
postAnyAddress =
    (MkLink (PostAnyAddress Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.PostAnyAddress Net) MkLink (PostAnyAddress Net) Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

-- Coin Selections

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
selectCoins :: w -> (Method, Text)
selectCoins w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (SelectCoins Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.SelectCoins Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (ByronSelectCoins Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ByronSelectCoins Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

-- Assets

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
listAssets :: w -> (Method, Text)
listAssets w
w =
    (MkLink ListAssets Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.ListAssets (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> TokenPolicyId
    -> TokenName
    -> (Method, Text)
getAsset :: w -> TokenPolicyId -> TokenName -> (Method, Text)
getAsset w
w TokenPolicyId
pid TokenName
    | TokenName
n TokenName -> TokenName -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TokenName
nullTokenName = (MkLink GetAssetDefault Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetAssetDefault MkLink GetAssetDefault Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text) -> Text
    | Bool
otherwise = (MkLink GetAsset Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetAsset MkLink GetAsset Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text)
-> Text
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)
    mkURL :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text)
-> Text
mkURL ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text
mk = ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT TokenPolicyId
pid) (TokenName -> ApiT TokenName
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT TokenName
    mkURLDefault :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text) -> Text
mkURLDefault ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text
mk = ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT TokenPolicyId

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
listByronAssets :: w -> (Method, Text)
listByronAssets w
w =
    (MkLink ListByronAssets Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.ListByronAssets (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> TokenPolicyId
    -> TokenName
    -> (Method, Text)
getByronAsset :: w -> TokenPolicyId -> TokenName -> (Method, Text)
getByronAsset w
w TokenPolicyId
pid TokenName
    | TokenName
n TokenName -> TokenName -> Bool
forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== TokenName
nullTokenName = (MkLink GetByronAssetDefault Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetByronAssetDefault MkLink GetByronAssetDefault Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text) -> Text
    | Bool
otherwise = (MkLink GetByronAsset Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetByronAsset MkLink GetByronAsset Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text)
-> Text
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)
    mkURL :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text)
-> Text
mkURL ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text
mk = ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenName -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT TokenPolicyId
pid) (TokenName -> ApiT TokenName
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT TokenName
    mkURLDefault :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text) -> Text
mkURLDefault ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text
mk = ApiT WalletId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid (TokenPolicyId -> ApiT TokenPolicyId
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT TokenPolicyId

-- Transactions

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
createTransactionOld :: w -> (Method, Text)
createTransactionOld w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (CreateTransactionOld Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.CreateTransactionOld Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (CreateByronTransactionOld Net) Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.CreateByronTransactionOld Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
listTransactions :: w -> (Method, Text)
listTransactions w
w =
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe SortOrder
-> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
(HasCallStack, Discriminate style, HasType (ApiT WalletId) w) =>
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe SortOrder
-> (Method, Text)
listTransactions' @style w
w Maybe Natural
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Maybe Iso8601Time
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Maybe Iso8601Time
forall a. Maybe a
Nothing Maybe SortOrder
forall a. Maybe a

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> Maybe Natural
    -> Maybe Iso8601Time
    -> Maybe Iso8601Time
    -> Maybe SortOrder
    -> (Method, Text)
listTransactions' :: w
-> Maybe Natural
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe SortOrder
-> (Method, Text)
listTransactions' w
w Maybe Natural
minWithdrawal Maybe Iso8601Time
inf Maybe Iso8601Time
sup Maybe SortOrder
order = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (ListTransactions Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ListTransactions Net)
        (\MkLink (ListTransactions Net) Text
mk -> MkLink (ListTransactions Net) Text
ApiT WalletId
-> Maybe MinWithdrawal
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe (ApiT SortOrder)
-> Bool
-> Text
            ApiT WalletId
            (Natural -> MinWithdrawal
MinWithdrawal (Natural -> MinWithdrawal) -> Maybe Natural -> Maybe MinWithdrawal
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe Natural
            Maybe Iso8601Time
            Maybe Iso8601Time
            (SortOrder -> ApiT SortOrder
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT (SortOrder -> ApiT SortOrder)
-> Maybe SortOrder -> Maybe (ApiT SortOrder)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe SortOrder
            (TxMetadataSchema -> Bool
toSimpleMetadataFlag TxMetadataSchema
    ((MkLink (ListByronTransactions Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ListByronTransactions Net)
        (\MkLink (ListByronTransactions Net) Text
mk -> MkLink (ListByronTransactions Net) Text
ApiT WalletId
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe Iso8601Time
-> Maybe (ApiT SortOrder)
-> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid Maybe Iso8601Time
inf Maybe Iso8601Time
sup (SortOrder -> ApiT SortOrder
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT (SortOrder -> ApiT SortOrder)
-> Maybe SortOrder -> Maybe (ApiT SortOrder)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe SortOrder
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
getTransactionFeeOld :: w -> (Method, Text)
getTransactionFeeOld w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (PostTransactionFeeOld Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.PostTransactionFeeOld Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (PostByronTransactionFeeOld Net) Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.PostByronTransactionFeeOld Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w t.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , HasType (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) t
    => w
    -> t
    -> (Method, Text)
deleteTransaction :: w -> t -> (Method, Text)
deleteTransaction w
w t
t = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink DeleteTransaction Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.DeleteTransaction MkLink DeleteTransaction Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text) -> Text
    ((MkLink DeleteByronTransaction Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.DeleteByronTransaction MkLink DeleteByronTransaction Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text) -> Text
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)
    tid :: ApiTxId
tid = ApiT (Hash "Tx") -> ApiTxId
ApiTxId (t
t t
-> ((ApiT (Hash "Tx")
     -> Const (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) (ApiT (Hash "Tx")))
    -> t -> Const (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) t)
-> ApiT (Hash "Tx")
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) (ApiT (Hash "Tx"))
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT (Hash "Tx")))
    mkURL :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text) -> Text
mkURL ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text
mk = ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid ApiTxId

    :: forall (style :: WalletStyle) w t.
        ( HasCallStack
        , Discriminate style
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , HasType (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) t
    => w
    -> t
    -> (Method, Text)
getTransaction :: w -> t -> (Method, Text)
getTransaction w
w t
t = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (GetTransaction Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.GetTransaction Net) MkLink (GetTransaction Net) Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Bool -> Text) -> Text
    ((MkLink (GetByronTransaction Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.GetByronTransaction Net) MkLink (GetByronTransaction Net) Text -> Text
(ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text) -> Text
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)
    tid :: ApiTxId
tid = ApiT (Hash "Tx") -> ApiTxId
ApiTxId (t
t t
-> ((ApiT (Hash "Tx")
     -> Const (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) (ApiT (Hash "Tx")))
    -> t -> Const (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) t)
-> ApiT (Hash "Tx")
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT (Hash "Tx")) (ApiT (Hash "Tx"))
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT (Hash "Tx")))
    mkByronURL :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text) -> Text
mkByronURL ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text
mk = ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid ApiTxId

    mkShelleyURL :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Bool -> Text) -> Text
    mkShelleyURL :: (ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Bool -> Text) -> Text
mkShelleyURL ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Bool -> Text
mk =
        ApiT WalletId -> ApiTxId -> Bool -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
wid ApiTxId
tid (TxMetadataSchema -> Bool
toSimpleMetadataFlag TxMetadataSchema

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
createUnsignedTransaction :: w -> (Method, Text)
createUnsignedTransaction w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (ConstructTransaction Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ConstructTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (ConstructByronTransaction Net) Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ConstructByronTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (ConstructSharedTransaction Net) Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ConstructSharedTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
signTransaction :: w -> (Method, Text)
signTransaction w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (SignTransaction Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.SignTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    ((MkLink (SignByronTransaction Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.SignByronTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
"Shared") -- TODO: [ADP-909] should be supported in the final version of Transaction Workflow.
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
balanceTransaction :: w -> (Method, Text)
balanceTransaction w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (BalanceTransaction Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.BalanceTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
decodeTransaction :: w -> (Method, Text)
decodeTransaction w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink (DecodeTransaction Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.DecodeTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    ((MkLink (DecodeSharedTransaction Net) Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.DecodeSharedTransaction Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall style w.
        ( HasCallStack
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
        , Discriminate style
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
submitTransaction :: w -> (Method, Text)
submitTransaction w
w = (Method, Text)
-> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall (style :: WalletStyle) a.
Discriminate style =>
a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate @style
    ((MkLink SubmitTransaction Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.SubmitTransaction (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    (String -> (Method, Text)
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported String
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

-- Stake Pools
    :: (Method, Text)
postPoolMaintenance :: (Method, Text)
postPoolMaintenance =
    (MkLink PostPoolMaintenance Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostPoolMaintenance MkLink PostPoolMaintenance Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

    :: (Method, Text)
getPoolMaintenance :: (Method, Text)
getPoolMaintenance =
    (MkLink GetPoolMaintenance Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetPoolMaintenance MkLink GetPoolMaintenance Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

    :: Maybe Coin
    -> (Method, Text)
listStakePools :: Maybe Coin -> (Method, Text)
listStakePools Maybe Coin
stake =
    (MkLink (ListStakePools ()) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ListStakePools ()) (\MkLink (ListStakePools ()) Text
mk -> MkLink (ListStakePools ()) Text
Maybe (ApiT Coin) -> Text
mk (Coin -> ApiT Coin
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT (Coin -> ApiT Coin) -> Maybe Coin -> Maybe (ApiT Coin)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe Coin

    :: forall w. (HasType (ApiT WalletId) w)
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
listStakeKeys :: w -> (Method, Text)
listStakeKeys w
w =
    (MkLink (ListStakeKeys ()) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.ListStakeKeys ()) (\MkLink (ListStakeKeys ()) Text
mk -> MkLink (ListStakeKeys ()) Text
ApiT WalletId -> Text
mk ApiT WalletId
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall s w.
        ( HasType (ApiT PoolId) s
        , HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => s
    -> w
    -> (Method, Text)
joinStakePool :: s -> w -> (Method, Text)
joinStakePool s
s w
w =
    (MkLink (JoinStakePool Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.JoinStakePool Net) (\MkLink (JoinStakePool Net) Text
mk -> MkLink (JoinStakePool Net) Text
ApiPoolId -> ApiT WalletId -> Text
mk ApiPoolId
sid ApiT WalletId
    sid :: ApiPoolId
sid = PoolId -> ApiPoolId
ApiPoolId (PoolId -> ApiPoolId) -> PoolId -> ApiPoolId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ApiT PoolId -> PoolId
forall a. ApiT a -> a
getApiT (ApiT PoolId -> PoolId) -> ApiT PoolId -> PoolId
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ s
s s
-> ((ApiT PoolId -> Const (ApiT PoolId) (ApiT PoolId))
    -> s -> Const (ApiT PoolId) s)
-> ApiT PoolId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT PoolId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT PoolId) (ApiT PoolId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT PoolId)
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
quitStakePool :: w -> (Method, Text)
quitStakePool w
w =
    (MkLink (QuitStakePool Net) Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @(Api.QuitStakePool Net) (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> (Method, Text)
getDelegationFee :: w -> (Method, Text)
getDelegationFee w
w =
    (MkLink DelegationFee Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.DelegationFee (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

-- Network Information

    :: (Method, Text)
getNetworkInfo :: (Method, Text)
getNetworkInfo =
    (MkLink GetNetworkInformation Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetNetworkInformation MkLink GetNetworkInformation Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

    :: (Method, Text)
getNetworkParams :: (Method, Text)
getNetworkParams =
    (MkLink GetNetworkParameters Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetNetworkParameters MkLink GetNetworkParameters Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

    :: (Method, Text)
getNetworkClock :: (Method, Text)
getNetworkClock =
    (MkLink GetNetworkClock Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetNetworkClock (Bool
False Bool -> (Bool -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b

    :: Bool -- ^ When 'True', block and force NTP check
    -> (Method, Text)
getNetworkClock' :: Bool -> (Method, Text)
getNetworkClock' Bool
forceNtpCheck =
    (MkLink GetNetworkClock Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetNetworkClock (Bool
forceNtpCheck Bool -> (Bool -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b

-- Proxy

    :: (Method, Text)
postExternalTransaction :: (Method, Text)
postExternalTransaction =
    (MkLink PostExternalTransaction Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PostExternalTransaction MkLink PostExternalTransaction Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

-- Settings

    :: (Method, Text)
putSettings :: (Method, Text)
putSettings =
    (MkLink PutSettings Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PutSettings MkLink PutSettings Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

    :: (Method, Text)
getSettings :: (Method, Text)
getSettings =
    (MkLink GetSettings Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetSettings MkLink GetSettings Text -> Text
forall a. a -> a

-- Utils
    :: (Method, Text)
getCurrentSMASHHealth :: (Method, Text)
getCurrentSMASHHealth = Maybe SmashServer -> (Method, Text)
getCurrentSMASHHealth' Maybe SmashServer
forall a. Maybe a

    :: Maybe SmashServer
    -> (Method, Text)
getCurrentSMASHHealth' :: Maybe SmashServer -> (Method, Text)
getCurrentSMASHHealth' Maybe SmashServer
smash =
    (MkLink GetCurrentSMASHHealth Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.GetCurrentSMASHHealth (\MkLink GetCurrentSMASHHealth Text
mk -> MkLink GetCurrentSMASHHealth Text
Maybe (ApiT SmashServer) -> Text
mk (SmashServer -> ApiT SmashServer
forall a. a -> ApiT a
ApiT (SmashServer -> ApiT SmashServer)
-> Maybe SmashServer -> Maybe (ApiT SmashServer)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe SmashServer

-- Shared Wallets
    :: forall w.
        ( HasType (ApiT WalletId) w
    => w
    -> CredentialType
    -> (Method, Text)
patchSharedWallet :: w -> CredentialType -> (Method, Text)
patchSharedWallet w
w CredentialType
cred =
    case CredentialType
cred of
Payment ->
            (MkLink PatchSharedWalletInPayment Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PatchSharedWalletInPayment (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
Delegation ->
            (MkLink PatchSharedWalletInDelegation Text -> Text)
-> (Method, Text)
forall endpoint.
(HasLink endpoint, IsElem endpoint endpoint, HasVerb endpoint) =>
(MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint @Api.PatchSharedWalletInDelegation (ApiT WalletId
wid ApiT WalletId -> (ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> Text
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
    wid :: ApiT WalletId
wid = w
w w
-> ((ApiT WalletId -> Const (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId))
    -> w -> Const (ApiT WalletId) w)
-> ApiT WalletId
forall s a. s -> ((a -> Const a a) -> s -> Const a s) -> a
^. forall s.
HasType (ApiT WalletId) s =>
Lens s s (ApiT WalletId) (ApiT WalletId)
forall a s. HasType a s => Lens s s a a
typed @(ApiT WalletId)

-- Internals

-- | A safe endpoint creator. This extracts the endpoint from a given Api type
-- in the form of:
-- - A 'Text' string (the URL)
-- - An HTTP 'Method' for calling this endpoint (e.g. GET, POST, ...)
-- This function does not type-check if the given endpoint (via type
-- application) is not actually part of the wallet API.
-- Note that the 'MkLink endpoint Text' depends on the type of 'endpoint'.
-- - For simple endpoints with no path or query parameters we have:
--   @MkLink endpoint Text ~ Text@ and therefore, we can simply do
--   >>> endpoint @Api.ListWallets id
--   ( "GET", "v2/wallets" )
-- - For endpoints with parameters, 'MkLink endpoint Text' will be a function
--   taking as many arguments as there are path or query parameters (path
--   parameters going first).
--   >>> endpoint @Api.GetWallet (\(mk :: ApiT WalletId -> Text) -> mk wid)
--   ( "GET", "v2/wallets/2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f" )
--   Or, simply:
--   >>> endpoint @Api.GetWallet (wid &)
--   ( "GET", "v2/wallets/2512a00e9653fe49a44a5886202e24d77eeb998f" )
    :: forall endpoint.
        ( HasLink endpoint
        , IsElem endpoint endpoint
        , HasVerb endpoint
    => (MkLink endpoint Text -> Text)
    -> (Method, Text)
endpoint :: (MkLink endpoint Text -> Text) -> (Method, Text)
endpoint MkLink endpoint Text -> Text
mk =
    ( Proxy endpoint -> Method
forall k (api :: k). HasVerb api => Proxy api -> Method
method (Proxy endpoint
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @endpoint)
    , Text
"v2/" Text -> Text -> Text
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> MkLink endpoint Text -> Text
mk ((Link -> Text)
-> Proxy endpoint -> Proxy endpoint -> MkLink endpoint Text
forall endpoint api a.
(IsElem endpoint api, HasLink endpoint) =>
(Link -> a) -> Proxy api -> Proxy endpoint -> MkLink endpoint a
safeLink' Link -> Text
forall a. ToHttpApiData a => a -> Text
toUrlPiece (Proxy endpoint
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @endpoint) (Proxy endpoint
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @endpoint))

-- Returns first argument for Shelley style wallet, second argument otherwise.
class Discriminate (style :: WalletStyle) where
    discriminate :: a -> a -> a -> a

instance Discriminate 'Shelley where
    discriminate :: a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate a
a a
_ a
_ = a

instance Discriminate 'Byron where
    discriminate :: a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate a
_ a
a a
_ = a

instance Discriminate 'Shared where
    discriminate :: a -> a -> a -> a
discriminate a
_ a
_ a
a = a

notSupported :: HasCallStack => String -> a
notSupported :: String -> a
notSupported String
style = String -> a
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error (String -> a) -> String -> a
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ String
"Endpoint not supported for " String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String
style String -> String -> String
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String
" style"

-- | Some endpoints are parameterized via a network discriminant in order to
-- correctly encode their end type (for example, 'CreateTransaction n'). Yet, in
-- the context of this module, the network discrimination doesn't matter for it
-- has no influence on the endpoint's value and/or path parameters.
-- To ease type signatures, we therefore arbitrarily fix the network to Mainnet.
type Net = 'Mainnet

-- | Extract the method from a given Api
class HasVerb api where
    method :: Proxy api -> Method

instance (ReflectMethod m) => HasVerb (NoContentVerb m) where
    method :: Proxy (NoContentVerb m) -> Method
method Proxy (NoContentVerb m)
_ = Proxy m -> Method
forall k (a :: k). ReflectMethod a => Proxy a -> Method
reflectMethod (Proxy m
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @m)

instance (ReflectMethod m) => HasVerb (Verb m s ct a) where
    method :: Proxy (Verb m s ct a) -> Method
method Proxy (Verb m s ct a)
_ = Proxy m -> Method
forall k (a :: k). ReflectMethod a => Proxy a -> Method
reflectMethod (Proxy m
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @m)

instance HasVerb sub => HasVerb ((path :: Symbol) :> sub) where
    method :: Proxy (path :> sub) -> Method
method Proxy (path :> sub)
_ = Proxy sub -> Method
forall k (api :: k). HasVerb api => Proxy api -> Method
method (Proxy sub
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @sub)

instance HasVerb sub => HasVerb (Capture param t :> sub) where
    method :: Proxy (Capture param t :> sub) -> Method
method Proxy (Capture param t :> sub)
_ = Proxy sub -> Method
forall k (api :: k). HasVerb api => Proxy api -> Method
method (Proxy sub
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @sub)

instance HasVerb sub => HasVerb (ReqBody a b :> sub) where
    method :: Proxy (ReqBody a b :> sub) -> Method
method Proxy (ReqBody a b :> sub)
_ = Proxy sub -> Method
forall k (api :: k). HasVerb api => Proxy api -> Method
method (Proxy sub
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @sub)

instance HasVerb sub => HasVerb (QueryParam a b :> sub) where
    method :: Proxy (QueryParam a b :> sub) -> Method
method Proxy (QueryParam a b :> sub)
_ = Proxy sub -> Method
forall k (api :: k). HasVerb api => Proxy api -> Method
method (Proxy sub
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @sub)

instance HasVerb sub => HasVerb (QueryFlag sym :> sub) where
    method :: Proxy (QueryFlag sym :> sub) -> Method
method Proxy (QueryFlag sym :> sub)
_ = Proxy sub -> Method
forall k (api :: k). HasVerb api => Proxy api -> Method
method (Proxy sub
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @sub)

instance HasVerb sub => HasVerb (Header' opts name ty :> sub) where
    method :: Proxy (Header' opts name ty :> sub) -> Method
method Proxy (Header' opts name ty :> sub)
_ = Proxy sub -> Method
forall k (api :: k). HasVerb api => Proxy api -> Method
method (Proxy sub
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @sub)