{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

-- |
-- Copyright: © 2018-2020 IOHK
-- License: Apache-2.0
-- Implementation of address derivation for the random scheme, as
-- implemented by the legacy Cardano wallets.
-- For full documentation of the key derivation schemes,
-- see the "Cardano.Crypto.Wallet" module, and the implementation in
-- <https://github.com/input-output-hk/cardano-crypto/blob/4590efa638397e952a51a8994b5543e4ea3c1ecd/cbits/encrypted_sign.c cardano-crypto>.

module Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation.Byron
    ( -- * Types
    , DerivationPathFrom

      -- * Generation
    , unsafeGenerateKeyFromSeed
    , generateKeyFromSeed
    , minSeedLengthBytes
    , unsafeMkByronKeyFromMasterKey
    , mkByronKeyFromMasterKey

      -- * Derivation
    , deriveAccountPrivateKey
    , deriveAddressPrivateKey

    ) where

import Prelude

import Cardano.Crypto.Wallet
    ( DerivationScheme (DerivationScheme1)
    , XPrv
    , XPub
    , deriveXPrv
    , generate
    , toXPub
    , unXPrv
    , unXPub
    , xprv
import Cardano.Mnemonic
    ( SomeMnemonic (..), entropyToBytes, mnemonicToEntropy )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation
    ( BoundedAddressLength (..)
    , Depth (..)
    , DerivationType (..)
    , ErrMkKeyFingerprint (..)
    , Index (..)
    , KeyFingerprint (..)
    , MkKeyFingerprint (..)
    , NetworkDiscriminant (..)
    , PaymentAddress (..)
    , PersistPrivateKey (..)
    , WalletKey (..)
    , fromHex
    , hex
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Passphrase
    ( Passphrase (..)
    , PassphraseHash (..)
    , PassphraseScheme (..)
    , changePassphraseXPrv
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.Address
    ( Address (..) )
import Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.Types.ProtocolMagic
    ( ProtocolMagic (..), testnetMagic )
import Cardano.Wallet.Util
    ( invariant )
import Control.DeepSeq
    ( NFData )
import Crypto.Hash
    ( hash )
import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms
    ( SHA512 (..) )
import Crypto.Hash.Utils
    ( blake2b256 )
import Data.ByteArray
    ( ScrubbedBytes )
import Data.ByteString
    ( ByteString )
import Data.Kind
    ( Type )
import Data.Proxy
    ( Proxy (..) )
import GHC.Generics
    ( Generic )
import GHC.TypeLits
    ( KnownNat )

import qualified Cardano.Byron.Codec.Cbor as CBOR
import qualified Cardano.Crypto.Wallet as CC
import qualified Cardano.Wallet.Primitive.AddressDerivation as W
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Encoding as CBOR
import qualified Codec.CBOR.Write as CBOR
import qualified Crypto.KDF.PBKDF2 as PBKDF2
import qualified Data.ByteArray as BA
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8

                                   Key Types

-- | Material for deriving HD random scheme keys, which can be used for making
-- addresses.
data ByronKey (depth :: Depth) key = ByronKey
    { ByronKey depth key -> key
getKey :: key
    -- ^ The raw private or public key.
    , ByronKey depth key -> DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom depth
    -- ^ The address derivation indices for the level of this key.
    , ByronKey depth key -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
    -- ^ Used for encryption of payload containing address derivation path.
    } deriving stock ((forall x. ByronKey depth key -> Rep (ByronKey depth key) x)
-> (forall x. Rep (ByronKey depth key) x -> ByronKey depth key)
-> Generic (ByronKey depth key)
forall x. Rep (ByronKey depth key) x -> ByronKey depth key
forall x. ByronKey depth key -> Rep (ByronKey depth key) x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall (depth :: Depth) key x.
Rep (ByronKey depth key) x -> ByronKey depth key
forall (depth :: Depth) key x.
ByronKey depth key -> Rep (ByronKey depth key) x
$cto :: forall (depth :: Depth) key x.
Rep (ByronKey depth key) x -> ByronKey depth key
$cfrom :: forall (depth :: Depth) key x.
ByronKey depth key -> Rep (ByronKey depth key) x

instance (NFData key, NFData (DerivationPathFrom depth)) => NFData (ByronKey depth key)
deriving instance (Show key, Show (DerivationPathFrom depth)) => Show (ByronKey depth key)
deriving instance (Eq key, Eq (DerivationPathFrom depth)) => Eq (ByronKey depth key)

-- | The hierarchical derivation indices for a given level/depth.
type family DerivationPathFrom (depth :: Depth) :: Type where
    -- The root key is generated from the seed.
    DerivationPathFrom 'RootK =
    -- The account key is generated from the root key and account index.
    DerivationPathFrom 'AccountK =
        Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
    -- The address key is generated from the account key and address index.
    DerivationPathFrom 'AddressK =
        (Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK, Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK)

instance WalletKey ByronKey where
    changePassphrase :: (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
changePassphrase = (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
forall (depth :: Depth).
(PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
    -- Extract the public key part of a private key.
    publicKey :: ByronKey depth XPrv -> ByronKey depth XPub
publicKey = (XPrv -> XPub) -> ByronKey depth XPrv -> ByronKey depth XPub
forall key key' (depth :: Depth).
(key -> key') -> ByronKey depth key -> ByronKey depth key'
mapKey HasCallStack => XPrv -> XPub
XPrv -> XPub
    -- Hash a public key to some other representation.
    digest :: ByronKey depth XPub -> Digest a
digest = ByteString -> Digest a
forall ba a.
(ByteArrayAccess ba, HashAlgorithm a) =>
ba -> Digest a
hash (ByteString -> Digest a)
-> (ByronKey depth XPub -> ByteString)
-> ByronKey depth XPub
-> Digest a
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. XPub -> ByteString
unXPub (XPub -> ByteString)
-> (ByronKey depth XPub -> XPub)
-> ByronKey depth XPub
-> ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByronKey depth XPub -> XPub
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
    getRawKey :: ByronKey depth raw -> raw
getRawKey = ByronKey depth raw -> raw
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
    liftRawKey :: raw -> ByronKey depth raw
liftRawKey = String -> raw -> ByronKey depth raw
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"not supported"
    keyTypeDescriptor :: Proxy ByronKey -> String
keyTypeDescriptor Proxy ByronKey
_ = String

instance KnownNat pm => PaymentAddress ('Testnet pm) ByronKey where
    paymentAddress :: ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> Address
paymentAddress ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
k = ByteString -> Address
        (ByteString -> Address) -> ByteString -> Address
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Encoding -> ByteString
        (Encoding -> ByteString) -> Encoding -> ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XPub -> [Encoding] -> Encoding
CBOR.encodeAddress (ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> XPub
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
getKey ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
            [ Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
-> Encoding
CBOR.encodeDerivationPathAttr Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
pwd Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
acctIx Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
            , ProtocolMagic -> Encoding
CBOR.encodeProtocolMagicAttr (KnownNat pm => ProtocolMagic
forall (pm :: Nat). KnownNat pm => ProtocolMagic
testnetMagic @pm)
        (Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
acctIx, Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
addrIx) = ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> DerivationPathFrom 'AddressK
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
        pwd :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
pwd = ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
    liftPaymentAddress :: KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey -> Address
liftPaymentAddress (KeyFingerprint ByteString
bytes) =
        ByteString -> Address
Address ByteString

instance PaymentAddress 'Mainnet ByronKey where
    paymentAddress :: ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> Address
paymentAddress ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
k = ByteString -> Address
        (ByteString -> Address) -> ByteString -> Address
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Encoding -> ByteString
        (Encoding -> ByteString) -> Encoding -> ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XPub -> [Encoding] -> Encoding
CBOR.encodeAddress (ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> XPub
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
getKey ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
            [ Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
-> Encoding
CBOR.encodeDerivationPathAttr Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
pwd Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
acctIx Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
addrIx ]
        (Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
acctIx, Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
addrIx) = ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> DerivationPathFrom 'AddressK
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
        pwd :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
pwd = ByronKey 'AddressK XPub -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase ByronKey 'AddressK XPub
    liftPaymentAddress :: KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey -> Address
liftPaymentAddress (KeyFingerprint ByteString
bytes) =
        ByteString -> Address
Address ByteString

instance MkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address where
    paymentKeyFingerprint :: Address
-> Either
     (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address)
     (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey)
paymentKeyFingerprint addr :: Address
addr@(Address ByteString
bytes) =
        case (forall s. Decoder s ByteString) -> ByteString -> Maybe ByteString
forall a. (forall s. Decoder s a) -> ByteString -> Maybe a
CBOR.deserialiseCbor forall s. Decoder s ByteString
CBOR.decodeAddressPayload ByteString
bytes of
            Just ByteString
_  -> KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey
-> Either
     (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address)
     (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey)
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey
 -> Either
      (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address)
      (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey))
-> KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey
-> Either
     (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address)
     (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey
forall k (s :: Symbol) (key :: k).
ByteString -> KeyFingerprint s key
KeyFingerprint ByteString
            Maybe ByteString
Nothing -> ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address
-> Either
     (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address)
     (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey)
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address
 -> Either
      (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address)
      (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey))
-> ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address
-> Either
     (ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address)
     (KeyFingerprint "payment" ByronKey)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Address -> Proxy ByronKey -> ErrMkKeyFingerprint ByronKey Address
forall k (key :: k) from.
from -> Proxy key -> ErrMkKeyFingerprint key from
ErrInvalidAddress Address
addr (Proxy ByronKey
forall k (t :: k). Proxy t
Proxy @ByronKey)

instance BoundedAddressLength ByronKey where
    -- Matching 'paymentAddress' above.
    maxLengthAddressFor :: Proxy ByronKey -> Address
maxLengthAddressFor Proxy ByronKey
_ = ByteString -> Address
        (ByteString -> Address) -> ByteString -> Address
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Encoding -> ByteString
        (Encoding -> ByteString) -> Encoding -> ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ XPub -> [Encoding] -> Encoding
CBOR.encodeAddress XPub
            [ Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
-> Encoding
CBOR.encodeDerivationPathAttr Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
passphrase Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
forall a. Bounded a => a
maxBound Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
forall a. Bounded a => a
            , ProtocolMagic -> Encoding
CBOR.encodeProtocolMagicAttr (Int32 -> ProtocolMagic
ProtocolMagic Int32
forall a. Bounded a => a
        -- Must apparently always be 32 bytes:
        passphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
        passphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
passphrase = ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall (purpose :: Symbol). ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase purpose
Passphrase (ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
-> ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> ScrubbedBytes
forall bin bout.
(ByteArrayAccess bin, ByteArray bout) =>
bin -> bout
BA.convert (ByteString -> ScrubbedBytes) -> ByteString -> ScrubbedBytes
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Word8 -> ByteString
BS.replicate Int
32 Word8

        xpub :: CC.XPub
        xpub :: XPub
xpub = HasCallStack => XPrv -> XPub
XPrv -> XPub
CC.toXPub (XPrv -> XPub) -> XPrv -> XPub
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ ByteString -> ByteString -> XPrv
forall passPhrase seed.
(ByteArrayAccess passPhrase, ByteArrayAccess seed) =>
seed -> passPhrase -> XPrv
CC.generate (Int -> Word8 -> ByteString
BS.replicate Int
32 Word8
0) ByteString
            xprvPass :: ByteString
xprvPass = ByteString
forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty :: BS.ByteString

                                 Key generation

-- | The amount of entropy carried by a BIP-39 12-word mnemonic is 16 bytes.
minSeedLengthBytes :: Int
minSeedLengthBytes :: Int
minSeedLengthBytes = Int

-- | Generate a root key from a corresponding seed.
-- The seed should be at least 16 bytes.
    :: SomeMnemonic
    -> Passphrase "encryption"
    -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
generateKeyFromSeed :: SomeMnemonic -> Passphrase "encryption" -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
generateKeyFromSeed = DerivationPathFrom 'RootK
-> SomeMnemonic -> Passphrase "encryption" -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
forall (depth :: Depth).
DerivationPathFrom depth
-> SomeMnemonic -> Passphrase "encryption" -> ByronKey depth XPrv
unsafeGenerateKeyFromSeed ()

-- | Generate a new key from seed. Note that the @depth@ is left open so that
-- the caller gets to decide what type of key this is. This is mostly for
-- testing, in practice, seeds are used to represent root keys, and one should
-- use 'generateKeyFromSeed'.
    :: DerivationPathFrom depth
    -> SomeMnemonic
    -> Passphrase "encryption"
    -> ByronKey depth XPrv
unsafeGenerateKeyFromSeed :: DerivationPathFrom depth
-> SomeMnemonic -> Passphrase "encryption" -> ByronKey depth XPrv
unsafeGenerateKeyFromSeed DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath (SomeMnemonic Mnemonic mw
mw) (Passphrase ScrubbedBytes
pwd) = ByronKey :: forall (depth :: Depth) key.
-> DerivationPathFrom depth
-> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> ByronKey depth key
    { getKey :: XPrv
getKey = XPrv
    , DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom depth
    , payloadPassphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase = XPub -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
hdPassphrase (HasCallStack => XPrv -> XPub
XPrv -> XPub
toXPub XPrv
    masterKey :: XPrv
masterKey = ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes -> XPrv
forall passPhrase seed.
(ByteArrayAccess passPhrase, ByteArrayAccess seed) =>
seed -> passPhrase -> XPrv
generate (ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes
hashSeed ScrubbedBytes
seed') ScrubbedBytes
    seed :: ScrubbedBytes
seed  = Entropy (EntropySize mw) -> ScrubbedBytes
forall (n :: Nat). Entropy n -> ScrubbedBytes
entropyToBytes (Entropy (EntropySize mw) -> ScrubbedBytes)
-> Entropy (EntropySize mw) -> ScrubbedBytes
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Mnemonic mw -> Entropy (EntropySize mw)
forall (mw :: Nat). Mnemonic mw -> Entropy (EntropySize mw)
mnemonicToEntropy Mnemonic mw
    seed' :: ScrubbedBytes
seed' = String -> ScrubbedBytes -> (ScrubbedBytes -> Bool) -> ScrubbedBytes
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a -> (a -> Bool) -> a
"seed length : " String -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Int -> String
forall a. Show a => a -> String
show (ScrubbedBytes -> Int
forall ba. ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Int
BA.length ScrubbedBytes
            String -> ShowS
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> String
" in (Passphrase \"seed\") is not valid")
s -> ScrubbedBytes -> Int
forall ba. ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Int
BA.length ScrubbedBytes
s Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
>= Int
minSeedLengthBytes Bool -> Bool -> Bool
&& ScrubbedBytes -> Int
forall ba. ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Int
BA.length ScrubbedBytes
s Int -> Int -> Bool
forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
<= Int

-- | Hash the seed entropy (generated from mnemonic) used to initiate a HD
-- wallet. This increases the key length to 34 bytes, selectKey is greater than the
-- minimum for 'generate' (32 bytes).
-- Note that our current implementation deviates from BIP-39 because we use a
-- hash function (Blake2b) rather than key stretching with PBKDF2.
-- There are two methods of hashing the seed entropy, for different use cases.
-- 1. Normal random derivation wallet seeds. The seed entropy is hashed using
--    Blake2b_256, inside a double CBOR serialization sandwich.
-- 2. Seeds for redeeming paper wallets. The seed entropy is hashed using
--    Blake2b_256, without any serialization.
hashSeed :: ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes
hashSeed :: ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes
hashSeed = ByteString -> ScrubbedBytes
forall bin bout.
(ByteArrayAccess bin, ByteArray bout) =>
bin -> bout
BA.convert (ByteString -> ScrubbedBytes)
-> (ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString) -> ScrubbedBytes -> ScrubbedBytes
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> ByteString
cbor (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> (ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString) -> ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. ByteArrayAccess a => a -> ByteString
blake2b256 (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> (ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString) -> ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> ByteString
cbor (ByteString -> ByteString)
-> (ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString) -> ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString
forall bin bout.
(ByteArrayAccess bin, ByteArray bout) =>
bin -> bout
    cbor :: ByteString -> ByteString
cbor = Encoding -> ByteString
CBOR.toStrictByteString (Encoding -> ByteString)
-> (ByteString -> Encoding) -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. ByteString -> Encoding

-- | Derive a symmetric key for encrypting and authenticating the address
-- derivation path. PBKDF2 encryption using HMAC with the hash algorithm SHA512
-- is employed.
hdPassphrase :: XPub -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
hdPassphrase :: XPub -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
hdPassphrase XPub
masterKey = ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall (purpose :: Symbol). ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase purpose
Passphrase (ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
-> ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    PRF ByteString
-> Parameters -> ByteString -> ByteString -> ScrubbedBytes
forall password salt ba.
(ByteArrayAccess password, ByteArrayAccess salt, ByteArray ba) =>
PRF password -> Parameters -> password -> salt -> ba
    (SHA512 -> PRF ByteString
forall a password.
(HashAlgorithm a, ByteArrayAccess password) =>
a -> PRF password
    (Int -> Int -> Parameters
PBKDF2.Parameters Int
500 Int
    (XPub -> ByteString
unXPub XPub
"address-hashing" :: ByteString)

    :: XPrv
    -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
mkByronKeyFromMasterKey :: XPrv -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
mkByronKeyFromMasterKey = DerivationPathFrom 'RootK -> XPrv -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
forall (depth :: Depth).
DerivationPathFrom depth -> XPrv -> ByronKey depth XPrv
unsafeMkByronKeyFromMasterKey ()

    :: DerivationPathFrom depth
    -> XPrv
    -> ByronKey depth XPrv
unsafeMkByronKeyFromMasterKey :: DerivationPathFrom depth -> XPrv -> ByronKey depth XPrv
unsafeMkByronKeyFromMasterKey DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath XPrv
masterKey = ByronKey :: forall (depth :: Depth) key.
-> DerivationPathFrom depth
-> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> ByronKey depth key
    { getKey :: XPrv
getKey = XPrv
    , DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom depth
    , payloadPassphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase = XPub -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
hdPassphrase (HasCallStack => XPrv -> XPub
XPrv -> XPub
toXPub XPrv


-- | Re-encrypt the private key using a different passphrase, and regenerate
-- the payload passphrase.
-- **Important**:
-- This function doesn't check that the old passphrase is correct! Caller is
-- expected to have already checked that. Using an incorrect passphrase here
-- will lead to very bad thing.
    :: (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
    -> (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
    -> ByronKey depth XPrv
    -> ByronKey depth XPrv
changePassphraseRnd :: (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
-> ByronKey depth XPrv
changePassphraseRnd (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
old (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
new ByronKey depth XPrv
key = ByronKey :: forall (depth :: Depth) key.
-> DerivationPathFrom depth
-> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> ByronKey depth key
    { getKey :: XPrv
getKey = XPrv
    , derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath = ByronKey depth XPrv -> DerivationPathFrom depth
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath ByronKey depth XPrv
    , payloadPassphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase = XPub -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
hdPassphrase (HasCallStack => XPrv -> XPub
XPrv -> XPub
toXPub XPrv
    masterKey :: XPrv
masterKey = (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
-> (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user") -> XPrv -> XPrv
changePassphraseXPrv (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
old (PassphraseScheme, Passphrase "user")
new (ByronKey depth XPrv -> XPrv
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
getKey ByronKey depth XPrv

                                 HD derivation

-- This instance is unsound. It only exists because we need to derive the
-- reward account in the wallet engine when making transaction (in case there
-- are any withdrawals).
-- With 'ByronKey', withdrawals will always be `0`, and the result of this
-- function shouldn't be evaluated (relying on laziness here). If they do, then
-- we're doing something wrong.
instance W.HardDerivation ByronKey where
    type AddressIndexDerivationType ByronKey = 'WholeDomain

    deriveAccountPrivateKey :: Passphrase "encryption"
-> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
-> Index 'Hardened 'AccountK
-> ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
deriveAccountPrivateKey Passphrase "encryption"
_ ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
_ Index 'Hardened 'AccountK
_ = String -> ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
"unsound evaluation of 'deriveAccountPrivateKey' in the context of Byron key"

    deriveAddressPrivateKey :: Passphrase "encryption"
-> ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
-> Role
-> Index (AddressIndexDerivationType ByronKey) 'AddressK
-> ByronKey 'AddressK XPrv
deriveAddressPrivateKey Passphrase "encryption"
_ ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
_ Role
_ Index (AddressIndexDerivationType ByronKey) 'AddressK
_ = String -> ByronKey 'AddressK XPrv
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
"unsound evaluation of 'deriveAddressPrivateKey' in the context of Byron key"

-- | Derives account private key from the given root private key, using
-- derivation scheme 1.
-- NOTE: The caller is expected to provide the corresponding passphrase (and to
-- have checked that the passphrase is valid). Providing a wrong passphrase will
-- not make the function fail but will instead, yield an incorrect new key that
-- doesn't belong to the wallet.
    :: Passphrase "encryption"
    -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
    -> Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
    -> ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
deriveAccountPrivateKey :: Passphrase "encryption"
-> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
-> ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
deriveAccountPrivateKey (Passphrase ScrubbedBytes
pwd) ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
masterKey idx :: Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
idx@(Index Word32
accIx) = ByronKey :: forall (depth :: Depth) key.
-> DerivationPathFrom depth
-> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> ByronKey depth key
    { getKey :: XPrv
getKey = DerivationScheme -> ScrubbedBytes -> XPrv -> Word32 -> XPrv
forall passPhrase.
ByteArrayAccess passPhrase =>
DerivationScheme -> passPhrase -> XPrv -> Word32 -> XPrv
deriveXPrv DerivationScheme
DerivationScheme1 ScrubbedBytes
pwd (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv -> XPrv
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
getKey ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
masterKey) Word32
    , derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom 'AccountK
derivationPath = Index 'WholeDomain 'AccountK
DerivationPathFrom 'AccountK
    , payloadPassphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase = ByronKey 'RootK XPrv -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase ByronKey 'RootK XPrv

-- | Derives address private key from the given account private key, using
-- derivation scheme 1.
-- NOTE: The caller is expected to provide the corresponding passphrase (and to
-- have checked that the passphrase is valid). Providing a wrong passphrase will
-- not make the function fail but will instead, yield an incorrect new key that
-- doesn't belong to the wallet.
    :: Passphrase "encryption"
    -> ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
    -> Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
    -> ByronKey 'AddressK XPrv
deriveAddressPrivateKey :: Passphrase "encryption"
-> ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
-> Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
-> ByronKey 'AddressK XPrv
deriveAddressPrivateKey (Passphrase ScrubbedBytes
pwd) ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
accountKey idx :: Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
idx@(Index Word32
addrIx) = ByronKey :: forall (depth :: Depth) key.
-> DerivationPathFrom depth
-> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> ByronKey depth key
    { getKey :: XPrv
getKey = DerivationScheme -> ScrubbedBytes -> XPrv -> Word32 -> XPrv
forall passPhrase.
ByteArrayAccess passPhrase =>
DerivationScheme -> passPhrase -> XPrv -> Word32 -> XPrv
deriveXPrv DerivationScheme
DerivationScheme1 ScrubbedBytes
pwd (ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv -> XPrv
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
getKey ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
accountKey) Word32
    , derivationPath :: DerivationPathFrom 'AddressK
derivationPath = (ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv -> DerivationPathFrom 'AccountK
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> DerivationPathFrom depth
derivationPath ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv
accountKey, Index 'WholeDomain 'AddressK
    , payloadPassphrase :: Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase = ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
ByronKey depth key -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
payloadPassphrase ByronKey 'AccountK XPrv

                          Storing and retrieving keys

instance PersistPrivateKey (ByronKey 'RootK) where
    serializeXPrv :: (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash) -> (ByteString, ByteString)
serializeXPrv ((ByronKey XPrv
k DerivationPathFrom 'RootK
_ (Passphrase ScrubbedBytes
p)), PassphraseHash
h) =
        ( ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. ByteArrayAccess a => a -> ByteString
hex (XPrv -> ByteString
unXPrv XPrv
k) ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ByteString
":" ByteString -> ByteString -> ByteString
forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString
forall a. ByteArrayAccess a => a -> ByteString
hex ScrubbedBytes
        , ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString
forall a. ByteArrayAccess a => a -> ByteString
hex (ScrubbedBytes -> ByteString)
-> (PassphraseHash -> ScrubbedBytes)
-> PassphraseHash
-> ByteString
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. PassphraseHash -> ScrubbedBytes
getPassphraseHash (PassphraseHash -> ByteString) -> PassphraseHash -> ByteString
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PassphraseHash

    unsafeDeserializeXPrv :: (ByteString, ByteString) -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
unsafeDeserializeXPrv (ByteString
k, ByteString
h) = (String -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash))
-> ((ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
    -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash))
-> Either String (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
-> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
forall a c b. (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either String -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
forall p a. p -> a
err (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
-> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
forall a. a -> a
id (Either String (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
 -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash))
-> Either String (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
-> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (,)
        (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
 -> PassphraseHash -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash))
-> Either String (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv)
-> Either
     String (PassphraseHash -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash))
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ((XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
 -> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv)
-> Either String (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
-> Either String (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
-> ByronKey 'RootK XPrv
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
(DerivationPathFrom depth ~ ()) =>
(key, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload") -> ByronKey depth key
mkKey (ByteString
-> Either String (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
deserializeKey ByteString
  String (PassphraseHash -> (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash))
-> Either String PassphraseHash
-> Either String (ByronKey 'RootK XPrv, PassphraseHash)
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<*> (ScrubbedBytes -> PassphraseHash)
-> Either String ScrubbedBytes -> Either String PassphraseHash
forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap ScrubbedBytes -> PassphraseHash
PassphraseHash (ByteString -> Either String ScrubbedBytes
forall bout. ByteArray bout => ByteString -> Either String bout
fromHex ByteString
        err :: p -> a
err p
_ = String -> a
forall a. HasCallStack => String -> a
error String
"unsafeDeserializeXPrv: unable to deserialize ByronKey"
        mkKey :: (key, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload") -> ByronKey depth key
mkKey (key
key, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
pwd) = key
-> DerivationPathFrom depth
-> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> ByronKey depth key
forall (depth :: Depth) key.
-> DerivationPathFrom depth
-> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
-> ByronKey depth key
ByronKey key
key () Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
            :: ByteString
            -> Either String
                ( XPrv
                , Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
        deserializeKey :: ByteString
-> Either String (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
deserializeKey ByteString
b = case (ByteString -> Either String ByteString)
-> [ByteString] -> [Either String ByteString]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map (ByteArray ByteString => ByteString -> Either String ByteString
forall bout. ByteArray bout => ByteString -> Either String bout
fromHex @ByteString) (Char -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
B8.split Char
':' ByteString
b) of
            [Right ByteString
rawK, Right ByteString
p] ->
                case ByteString -> Either String XPrv
forall bin. ByteArrayAccess bin => bin -> Either String XPrv
xprv ByteString
rawK of
                    Right XPrv
k' -> (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
-> Either String (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
forall a b. b -> Either a b
Right (XPrv
k', ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload"
forall (purpose :: Symbol). ScrubbedBytes -> Passphrase purpose
Passphrase (ByteString -> ScrubbedBytes
forall bin bout.
(ByteArrayAccess bin, ByteArray bout) =>
bin -> bout
BA.convert ByteString
                    Left String
e -> String
-> Either String (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left String
            [Either String ByteString]
_ ->
-> Either String (XPrv, Passphrase "addr-derivation-payload")
forall a b. a -> Either a b
Left String
"Key input must be two hex strings separated by :"


-- | Transform the wrapped key.
mapKey :: (key -> key') -> ByronKey depth key -> ByronKey depth key'
mapKey :: (key -> key') -> ByronKey depth key -> ByronKey depth key'
mapKey key -> key'
f ByronKey depth key
rnd = ByronKey depth key
rnd { getKey :: key'
getKey = key -> key'
f (ByronKey depth key -> key
forall (depth :: Depth) raw. ByronKey depth raw -> raw
getKey ByronKey depth key
rnd) }