conduit-extra-1.3.6: Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries.
Copyright 2011 Michael Snoyman 2010 John Millikin
License MIT
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Consume attoparsec parsers via conduit.

This code was taken from attoparsec-enumerator and adapted for conduits.



sinkParser :: ( AttoparsecInput a, MonadThrow m) => Parser a b -> ConduitT a o m b Source #

Convert an Attoparsec Parser into a Sink . The parser will be streamed bytes until it returns Done or Fail .

If parsing fails, a ParseError will be thrown with throwM .

Since 0.5.0

sinkParserEither :: ( AttoparsecInput a, Monad m) => Parser a b -> ConduitT a o m ( Either ParseError b) Source #

Same as sinkParser , but we return an Either type instead of raising an exception.

Since 1.1.5


conduitParser :: ( AttoparsecInput a, MonadThrow m) => Parser a b -> ConduitT a ( PositionRange , b) m () Source #

Consume a stream of parsed tokens, returning both the token and the position it appears at. This function will raise a ParseError on bad input.

Since 0.5.0

conduitParserEither :: ( Monad m, AttoparsecInput a) => Parser a b -> ConduitT a ( Either ParseError ( PositionRange , b)) m () Source #

Same as conduitParser , but we return an Either type instead of raising an exception.

