conduit-extra-1.3.6: Batteries included conduit: adapters for common libraries.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Convert a stream of blaze-builder Builder s into a stream of ByteString s.

Works with both blaze-builder < 0.4's Builder s and Builder .

Adapted from blaze-builder-enumerator, written by myself and Simon Meier.

Note that the functions here can work in any monad built on top of IO or ST .



Conduits from builders to bytestrings

builderToByteString :: forall (m :: Type -> Type ). PrimMonad m => ConduitT Builder ByteString m () Source #

Incrementally execute builders and pass on the filled chunks as bytestrings.

Since: conduit-1.3.0

unsafeBuilderToByteString :: forall (m :: Type -> Type ). PrimMonad m => ConduitT Builder ByteString m () Source #

Incrementally execute builders on the given buffer and pass on the filled chunks as bytestrings. Note that, if the given buffer is too small for the execution of a build step, a larger one will be allocated.

WARNING: This conduit yields bytestrings that are NOT referentially transparent. Their content will be overwritten as soon as control is returned from the inner sink!

Since: conduit-1.3.0

builderToByteStringWith :: forall (m :: Type -> Type ). PrimMonad m => BufferAllocStrategy -> ConduitT Builder ByteString m () Source #

A conduit that incrementally executes builders and passes on the filled chunks as bytestrings to an inner sink.

INV: All bytestrings passed to the inner sink are non-empty.

Since: conduit-1.3.0


builderToByteStringFlush :: forall (m :: Type -> Type ). PrimMonad m => ConduitT ( Flush Builder ) ( Flush ByteString ) m () Source #

Same as builderToByteString , but input and output are wrapped in Flush .

Since: conduit-1.3.0

Buffer allocation strategies

type BufferAllocStrategy = ( IO Buffer, Int -> Buffer -> IO ( IO Buffer)) Source #

A buffer allocation strategy (buf0, nextBuf) specifies the initial buffer to use and how to compute a new buffer nextBuf minSize buf with at least size minSize from a filled buffer buf . The double nesting of the IO monad helps to ensure that the reference to the filled buffer buf is lost as soon as possible, but the new buffer doesn't have to be allocated too early.

Since: conduit-1.3.0

allNewBuffersStrategy :: Int -> BufferAllocStrategy Source #

The simplest buffer allocation strategy: whenever a buffer is requested, allocate a new one that is big enough for the next build step to execute.

NOTE that this allocation strategy may spill quite some memory upon direct insertion of a bytestring by the builder. Thats no problem for garbage collection, but it may lead to unreasonably high memory consumption in special circumstances.

Since: conduit-1.3.0

reuseBufferStrategy :: IO Buffer -> BufferAllocStrategy Source #

An unsafe, but possibly more efficient buffer allocation strategy: reuse the buffer, if it is big enough for the next build step to execute.

Since: conduit-1.3.0