cryptonite-0.27: Cryptography Primitives sink
License BSD-style
Maintainer Vincent Hanquez <>
Stability stable
Portability good
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010





initialize Source #


:: ( ByteArrayAccess key, ByteArrayAccess nonce)
=> Int

number of rounds (8,12,20)

-> key

the key (128 or 256 bits)

-> nonce

the nonce (64 or 96 bits)

-> State

the initial ChaCha state

Initialize a new ChaCha context with the number of rounds, the key and the nonce associated.

combine Source #


:: ByteArray ba
=> State

the current ChaCha state

-> ba

the source to xor with the generator

-> (ba, State )

Combine the chacha output and an arbitrary message with a xor, and return the combined output and the new state.

generate Source #


:: ByteArray ba
=> State

the current ChaCha state

-> Int

the length of data to generate

-> (ba, State )

Generate a number of bytes from the ChaCha output directly

data State Source #

ChaCha context


Instances details
NFData State Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Cipher.ChaCha

Simple interface for DRG purpose

initializeSimple Source #


:: ByteArrayAccess seed
=> seed

a 40 bytes long seed

-> StateSimple

Initialize simple ChaCha State

The seed need to be at least 40 bytes long

generateSimple :: ByteArray ba => StateSimple -> Int -> (ba, StateSimple ) Source #

similar to generate but assume certains values

data StateSimple Source #

ChaCha context for DRG purpose (see Crypto.Random.ChaChaDRG)


Instances details
NFData StateSimple Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Cipher.ChaCha