cryptonite-0.27: Cryptography Primitives sink
License BSD-style
Maintainer Olivier Chéron <>
Stability experimental
Portability unknown
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




Provide the KMAC (Keccak Message Authentication Code) algorithm, derived from the SHA-3 base algorithm Keccak and defined in NIST SP800-185.



class HashAlgorithm a => HashSHAKE a Source #

Type class of SHAKE algorithms.

Minimal complete definition

cshakeInternalFinalize, cshakeOutputLength

kmac :: ( HashSHAKE a, ByteArrayAccess string, ByteArrayAccess key, ByteArrayAccess ba) => string -> key -> ba -> KMAC a Source #

Compute a KMAC using the supplied customization string and key.

newtype KMAC a Source #

Represent a KMAC that is a phantom type with the hash used to produce the mac.

The Eq instance is constant time. No Show instance is provided, to avoid printing by mistake.




data Context a Source #

Represent an ongoing KMAC state, that can be appended with update and finalized to a KMAC with finalize .

initialize :: forall a string key. ( HashSHAKE a, ByteArrayAccess string, ByteArrayAccess key) => string -> key -> Context a Source #

Initialize a new incremental KMAC context with the supplied customization string and key.

update :: ( HashSHAKE a, ByteArrayAccess ba) => Context a -> ba -> Context a Source #

Incrementally update a KMAC context.

updates :: ( HashSHAKE a, ByteArrayAccess ba) => Context a -> [ba] -> Context a Source #

Incrementally update a KMAC context with multiple inputs.

finalize :: forall a. HashSHAKE a => Context a -> KMAC a Source #

Finalize a KMAC context and return the KMAC.