cryptonite-0.27: Cryptography Primitives sink
License BSD-style
Maintainer Vincent Hanquez <>
Stability experimental
Portability Good
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010





data EntropyPool Source #

Pool of Entropy. Contains a self-mutating pool of entropy, that is always guaranteed to contain data.

createEntropyPool :: IO EntropyPool Source #

Create a new entropy pool with a default size.

While you can create as many entropy pools as you want, the pool can be shared between multiples RNGs.

createEntropyPoolWith :: Int -> [ EntropyBackend ] -> IO EntropyPool Source #

Create a new entropy pool of a specific size

While you can create as many entropy pools as you want, the pool can be shared between multiples RNGs.

getEntropyFrom :: ByteArray byteArray => EntropyPool -> Int -> IO byteArray Source #

Grab a chunk of entropy from the entropy pool.