cryptonite-0.27: Cryptography Primitives sink
License BSD-style
Maintainer Vincent Hanquez <>
Stability stable
Portability good
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010




Deterministic instances

data ChaChaDRG Source #

ChaCha Deterministic Random Generator

data SystemDRG Source #

A referentially transparent System representation of the random evaluated out of the system.

Holding onto a specific DRG means that all the already evaluated bytes will be consistently replayed.

There's no need to reseed this DRG, as only pure entropy is represented here.


Instances details
DRG SystemDRG Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Random.SystemDRG


seedNew :: MonadRandom randomly => randomly Seed Source #

Create a new Seed from system entropy

seedFromInteger :: Integer -> Seed Source #

Convert an integer to a Seed

seedToInteger :: Seed -> Integer Source #

Convert a Seed to an integer

Deterministic Random class

getSystemDRG :: IO SystemDRG Source #

Grab one instance of the System DRG

drgNew :: MonadRandom randomly => randomly ChaChaDRG Source #

Create a new DRG from system entropy

drgNewSeed :: Seed -> ChaChaDRG Source #

Create a new DRG from a seed

drgNewTest :: ( Word64 , Word64 , Word64 , Word64 , Word64 ) -> ChaChaDRG Source #

Create a new DRG from 5 Word64.

This is a convenient interface to create deterministic interface for quickcheck style testing.

It can also be used in other contexts provided the input has been properly randomly generated.

Note that the Arbitrary instance provided by QuickCheck for Word64 does not have a uniform distribution. It is often better to use instead arbitraryBoundedRandom .

withDRG :: DRG gen => gen -> MonadPseudoRandom gen a -> (a, gen) Source #

Run a pure computation with a Deterministic Random Generator in the MonadPseudoRandom

withRandomBytes :: ( ByteArray ba, DRG g) => g -> Int -> (ba -> a) -> (a, g) Source #

Generate len random bytes and mapped the bytes to the function f.

This is equivalent to use Control.Arrow first with randomBytesGenerate

class DRG gen where Source #

A Deterministic Random Generator (DRG) class


randomBytesGenerate :: ByteArray byteArray => Int -> gen -> (byteArray, gen) Source #

Generate N bytes of randomness from a DRG

Random abstraction

class Monad m => MonadRandom m where Source #

A monad constraint that allows to generate random bytes


getRandomBytes :: ByteArray byteArray => Int -> m byteArray Source #


Instances details
MonadRandom IO Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Random.Types


getRandomBytes :: ByteArray byteArray => Int -> IO byteArray Source #

DRG gen => MonadRandom ( MonadPseudoRandom gen) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Crypto.Random.Types

data MonadPseudoRandom gen a Source #

A simple Monad class very similar to a State Monad with the state being a DRG.