dlist-1.0: Difference lists
Copyright © 2006-2009 Don Stewart 2013-2020 Sean Leather
License BSD-3-Clause
Maintainer sean.leather@gmail.com
Stability stable
Safe Haskell Trustworthy
Language Haskell2010



A difference list is an abstraction representing a list that supports \(\mathcal{O}\) ( 1 ) append and snoc operations. This module provides the type for a difference list, DList , and a collection of supporting functions for (a) converting to and from lists and (b) operating on DList s efficiently.


Difference List Type

data DList a where Source #

A difference list is an abstraction representing a list that supports \(\mathcal{O}\) ( 1 ) append and snoc operations, making it useful for replacing frequent applications of ++ such as logging and pretty printing (esp. if those uses of ++ are left-nested).

Bundled Patterns

pattern Nil :: DList a

A unidirectional pattern synonym for empty . This is implemented with toList .

pattern Cons :: a -> [a] -> DList a

A unidirectional pattern synonym for cons . This is implemented with toList .


Instances details
Monad DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Functor DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

MonadFail DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Applicative DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Foldable DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Traversable DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Alternative DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

MonadPlus DList Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

IsList ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Associated Types

type Item ( DList a) Source #

Eq a => Eq ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Ord a => Ord ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Read a => Read ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Show a => Show ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

a ~ Char => IsString ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Semigroup ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

Monoid ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

NFData a => NFData ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal


rnf :: DList a -> () Source #

type Item ( DList a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.DList.Internal

type Item ( DList a) = a


fromList :: [a] -> DList a Source #

fromList xs is a DList representing the list xs .

fromList obeys the laws:

toList . fromList = id
fromList . toList = id

This function is implemented with ++ . Repeated uses of fromList are just as inefficient as repeated uses of ++ . If you find yourself doing some form of the following (possibly indirectly), you may not be taking advantage of the DList representation and library:

fromList . f . toList

More likely, you will convert from a list, perform some operation on the DList , and convert back to a list:

toList . g . fromList

toList :: DList a -> [a] Source #

toList xs is the list represented by xs .

toList obeys the laws:

toList . fromList = id
fromList . toList = id

Evaluating toList xs may “collapse” the chain of function composition underlying many DList functions ( append in particular) used to construct xs . This may affect any efficiency you achieved due to laziness in the construction.

apply :: DList a -> [a] -> [a] Source #

apply xs ys is the list represented by the xs after appending ys to it.

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( 1 ).

apply obeys the law:

apply xs ys = toList xs ++ ys

Basic Functions

empty :: DList a Source #

empty is a DList with no elements.

empty obeys the law:

toList empty = []

singleton :: a -> DList a Source #

singleton x is a DList with the single element x .

singleton obeys the law:

toList (singleton x) = [x]

cons :: a -> DList a -> DList a infixr 9 Source #

cons x xs is a DList with the head x and the tail xs .

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( 1 ).

cons obeys the law:

toList (cons x xs) = x : toList xs

snoc :: DList a -> a -> DList a infixl 9 Source #

snoc xs x is a DList with the initial DList xs and the last element x .

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( 1 ).

snoc obeys the law:

toList (snoc xs x) = toList xs ++ [x]

append :: DList a -> DList a -> DList a Source #

append xs ys is a DList obtained from the concatenation of the elements of xs and ys .

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( 1 ).

append obeys the law:

toList (append xs ys) = toList xs ++ toList ys

concat :: [ DList a] -> DList a Source #

concat xss is a DList representing the concatenation of all DList s in the list xss .

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( length xss ).

concat obeys the law:

toList (concat xss) = concat (map toList xss)

replicate :: Int -> a -> DList a Source #

replicate n x is a DList of length n with x as the value of every element.

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( n ).

replicate obeys the law:

toList (replicate n x) = replicate n x

head :: DList a -> a Source #

head xs is the first element of xs . If xs is empty, an error is raised.

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( 1 ).

head obeys the law:

head xs = head (toList xs)

tail :: DList a -> [a] Source #

tail xs is a list of the elements in xs excluding the first element. If xs is empty, an error is raised.

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( length ( toList xs) ).

tail obeys the law:

tail xs = tail (toList xs)

unfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> DList a Source #

unfoldr f z is the DList constructed from the recursive application of f . The recursion starts with the seed value z and ends when, for some z' : b , f z' == Nothing .

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( length ( unfoldr f z) ).

unfoldr obeys the law:

toList (unfoldr f z) = unfoldr f z

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> DList a -> b Source #

foldr f z xs is the right-fold of f over xs .

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( length ( toList xs) ).

foldr obeys the law:

foldr f z xs = foldr f z (toList xs)

map :: (a -> b) -> DList a -> DList b Source #

map f xs is the DList obtained by applying f to each element of xs .

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( length ( toList xs) ).

map obeys the law:

toList (map f xs) = map f (toList xs)

intercalate :: DList a -> [ DList a] -> DList a Source #

intercalate xs xss is the concatenation of xss after the insertion of xs between every pair of elements.

\(\mathcal{O}\) ( length xss ).

intercalate obeys the law:

toList (intercalate xs xss) = intercalate (toList xs) (map toList xss)