fmt- A new formatting library
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Old-style formatting a la text-format .



>>> import Fmt

format :: ( HasCallStack , FormatType r) => Format -> r Source #

An old-style formatting function taken from text-format (see Data.Text.Format ). Unlike format from Data.Text.Format , it can produce String and strict Text as well (and print to console too). Also it's polyvariadic:

>>> format "{} + {} = {}" 2 2 4
2 + 2 = 4

You can use arbitrary formatters:

>>> format "0x{} + 0x{} = 0x{}" (hexF 130) (hexF 270) (hexF (130+270))
0x82 + 0x10e = 0x190

newtype Format Source #

A format string. This is intentionally incompatible with other string types, to make it difficult to construct a format string by concatenating string fragments (a very common way to accidentally make code vulnerable to malicious data).

This type is an instance of IsString , so the easiest way to construct a query is to enable the OverloadedStrings language extension and then simply write the query in double quotes.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Fmt

f :: Format
f = "hello {}"

The underlying type is Text , so literal Haskell strings that contain Unicode characters will be correctly handled.



renderFormat :: Format -> [ Builder ] -> Builder Source #

Render a format string and arguments to a Builder .