foundation-0.0.29: Alternative prelude with batteries and no dependencies
License BSD-style
Maintainer Vincent Hanquez <>
Stability experimental
Portability portable
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Give access to Array non public functions which can be used to make certains optimisations.

Most of what is available here has no guarantees of stability. Anything can be removed and changed.



data UArray ty Source #

An array of type built on top of GHC primitive.

The elements need to have fixed sized and the representation is a packed contiguous array in memory that can easily be passed to foreign interface


UArray !( Offset ty) !( CountOf ty) !(UArrayBackend ty)


Instances details
From String ( UArray Word8 )
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

From AsciiString ( UArray Word8 )
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

PrimType ty => IsList ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

Associated Types

type Item ( UArray ty) Source #

( PrimType ty, Eq ty) => Eq ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

Data ty => Data ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base


gfoldl :: ( forall d b. Data d => c (d -> b) -> d -> c b) -> ( forall g. g -> c g) -> UArray ty -> c ( UArray ty) Source #

gunfold :: ( forall b r. Data b => c (b -> r) -> c r) -> ( forall r. r -> c r) -> Constr -> c ( UArray ty) Source #

toConstr :: UArray ty -> Constr Source #

dataTypeOf :: UArray ty -> DataType Source #

dataCast1 :: Typeable t => ( forall d. Data d => c (t d)) -> Maybe (c ( UArray ty)) Source #

dataCast2 :: Typeable t => ( forall d e. ( Data d, Data e) => c (t d e)) -> Maybe (c ( UArray ty)) Source #

gmapT :: ( forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

gmapQl :: (r -> r' -> r) -> r -> ( forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> UArray ty -> r Source #

gmapQr :: forall r r'. (r' -> r -> r) -> r -> ( forall d. Data d => d -> r') -> UArray ty -> r Source #

gmapQ :: ( forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> UArray ty -> [u] Source #

gmapQi :: Int -> ( forall d. Data d => d -> u) -> UArray ty -> u Source #

gmapM :: Monad m => ( forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> UArray ty -> m ( UArray ty) Source #

gmapMp :: MonadPlus m => ( forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> UArray ty -> m ( UArray ty) Source #

gmapMo :: MonadPlus m => ( forall d. Data d => d -> m d) -> UArray ty -> m ( UArray ty) Source #

( PrimType ty, Ord ty) => Ord ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

( PrimType ty, Show ty) => Show ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

PrimType ty => Semigroup ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

PrimType ty => Monoid ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

NormalForm ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

PrimType ty => Copy ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Copy

PrimType ty => Collection ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Collection

PrimType ty => Buildable ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Buildable

PrimType ty => Fold1able ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Foldable

PrimType ty => Foldable ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Foldable


foldl' :: (a -> Element ( UArray ty) -> a) -> a -> UArray ty -> a Source #

foldr :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> a -> a) -> a -> UArray ty -> a Source #

foldr' :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> a -> a) -> a -> UArray ty -> a Source #

PrimType ty => IndexedCollection ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Indexed

PrimType ty => InnerFunctor ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.InnerFunctor

PrimType ty => Sequential ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Sequential


take :: CountOf ( Element ( UArray ty)) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

revTake :: CountOf ( Element ( UArray ty)) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

drop :: CountOf ( Element ( UArray ty)) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

revDrop :: CountOf ( Element ( UArray ty)) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

splitAt :: CountOf ( Element ( UArray ty)) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

revSplitAt :: CountOf ( Element ( UArray ty)) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

splitOn :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> [ UArray ty] Source #

break :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

breakEnd :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

breakElem :: Element ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

takeWhile :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

dropWhile :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

intersperse :: Element ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

intercalate :: Element ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty -> Element ( UArray ty) Source #

span :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

spanEnd :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

filter :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

partition :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> ( UArray ty, UArray ty) Source #

reverse :: UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

uncons :: UArray ty -> Maybe ( Element ( UArray ty), UArray ty) Source #

unsnoc :: UArray ty -> Maybe ( UArray ty, Element ( UArray ty)) Source #

snoc :: UArray ty -> Element ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty Source #

cons :: Element ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

find :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Bool ) -> UArray ty -> Maybe ( Element ( UArray ty)) Source #

sortBy :: ( Element ( UArray ty) -> Element ( UArray ty) -> Ordering ) -> UArray ty -> UArray ty Source #

singleton :: Element ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty Source #

head :: NonEmpty ( UArray ty) -> Element ( UArray ty) Source #

last :: NonEmpty ( UArray ty) -> Element ( UArray ty) Source #

tail :: NonEmpty ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty Source #

init :: NonEmpty ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty Source #

replicate :: CountOf ( Element ( UArray ty)) -> Element ( UArray ty) -> UArray ty Source #

isPrefixOf :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool Source #

isSuffixOf :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool Source #

isInfixOf :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Bool Source #

stripPrefix :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Maybe ( UArray ty) Source #

stripSuffix :: UArray ty -> UArray ty -> Maybe ( UArray ty) Source #

PrimType ty => Zippable ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Zippable

PrimType a => Hashable ( UArray a) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Hashing.Hashable


hashMix :: Hasher st => UArray a -> st -> st Source #

TryFrom ( UArray Word8 ) String
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

PrimType ty => From ( Array ty) ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

PrimType ty => From ( UArray ty) ( Block ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

PrimType ty => From ( UArray ty) ( Array ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

PrimType ty => From ( Block ty) ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

( NatWithinBound ( CountOf ty) n, KnownNat n, PrimType ty) => TryFrom ( UArray ty) ( BlockN n ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

( NatWithinBound Int n, PrimType ty) => From ( BlockN n ty) ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.From

type Item ( UArray ty)
Instance details

Defined in Basement.UArray.Base

type Item ( UArray ty) = ty
type Element ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Element

type Element ( UArray ty) = ty
type Mutable ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Buildable

type Step ( UArray ty) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Foundation.Collection.Buildable

type Step ( UArray ty) = ty

fromForeignPtr :: PrimType ty => ( ForeignPtr ty, Int , Int ) -> UArray ty Source #

Create a foreign UArray from foreign memory and given offset/size

No check are performed to make sure this is valid, so this is unsafe.

This is particularly useful when dealing with foreign memory and ByteString

withPtr :: forall ty prim a. ( PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => UArray ty -> ( Ptr ty -> prim a) -> prim a Source #

Get a Ptr pointing to the data in the UArray.

Since a UArray is immutable, this Ptr shouldn't be to use to modify the contents

If the UArray is pinned, then its address is returned as is, however if it's unpinned, a pinned copy of the UArray is made before getting the address.

copyToPtr Source #


:: ( PrimType ty, PrimMonad prim)
=> UArray ty

the source array to copy

-> Ptr ty

The destination address where the copy is going to start

-> prim ()

Copy all the block content to the memory starting at the destination address

recast :: ( PrimType a, PrimType b) => UArray a -> UArray b Source #

Recast an array of type a to an array of b

a and b need to have the same size otherwise this raise an async exception

Mutable facilities

new :: ( PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => CountOf ty -> prim ( MUArray ty ( PrimState prim)) Source #

Create a new mutable array of size @n.

When memory for a new array is allocated, we decide if that memory region should be pinned (will not be copied around by GC) or unpinned (can be moved around by GC) depending on its size.

You can change the threshold value used by setting the environment variable HS_FOUNDATION_UARRAY_UNPINNED_MAX .

newPinned :: ( PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => CountOf ty -> prim ( MUArray ty ( PrimState prim)) Source #

Create a new pinned mutable array of size @n.

all the cells are uninitialized and could contains invalid values.

All mutable arrays are allocated on a 64 bits aligned addresses

withMutablePtr :: ( PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => MUArray ty ( PrimState prim) -> ( Ptr ty -> prim a) -> prim a Source #

Create a pointer on the beginning of the mutable array and call a function f .

The mutable buffer can be mutated by the f function and the change will be reflected in the mutable array

If the mutable array is unpinned, a trampoline buffer is created and the data is only copied when f return.