freer-simple- A friendly effect system for Haskell.
Copyright (c) 2016 Allele Dev; 2017 Ixperta Solutions s.r.o.; 2017 Alexis King
License BSD3
Maintainer Alexis King <>
Stability experimental
Portability GHC specific language extensions.
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Internal machinery for this effects library. This includes:

  • Eff data type, for expressing effects.
  • NonDet data type, for nondeterministic effects.
  • Functions for facilitating the construction of effects and their handlers.

Using as a starting point.


Effect Monad

data Eff effs a Source #

The Eff monad provides the implementation of a computation that performs an arbitrary set of algebraic effects. In Eff effs a , effs is a type-level list that contains all the effects that the computation may perform. For example, a computation that produces an Integer by consuming a String from the global environment and acting upon a single mutable cell containing a Bool would have the following type:

Eff '[Reader String, State Bool] Integer

Normally, a concrete list of effects is not used to parameterize Eff . Instead, the Member or Members constraints are used to express constraints on the list of effects without coupling a computation to a concrete list of effects. For example, the above example would more commonly be expressed with the following type:

Members '[Reader String, State Bool] effs => Eff effs Integer

This abstraction allows the computation to be used in functions that may perform other effects, and it also allows the effects to be handled in any order.


Val a

Pure value ( return = pure = Val ).

forall b. E ( Union effs b) ( Arrs effs b a)

Sending a request of type Union effs with the continuation Arrs r b a .


Instances details
( MonadBase b m, LastMember m effs) => MonadBase b ( Eff effs) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Freer.Internal


liftBase :: b α -> Eff effs α Source #

Monad ( Eff effs) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Freer.Internal


(>>=) :: Eff effs a -> (a -> Eff effs b) -> Eff effs b Source #

(>>) :: Eff effs a -> Eff effs b -> Eff effs b Source #

return :: a -> Eff effs a Source #

Functor ( Eff effs) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Freer.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Eff effs a -> Eff effs b Source #

(<$) :: a -> Eff effs b -> Eff effs a Source #

Applicative ( Eff effs) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Freer.Internal


pure :: a -> Eff effs a Source #

(<*>) :: Eff effs (a -> b) -> Eff effs a -> Eff effs b Source #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Eff effs a -> Eff effs b -> Eff effs c Source #

(*>) :: Eff effs a -> Eff effs b -> Eff effs b Source #

(<*) :: Eff effs a -> Eff effs b -> Eff effs a Source #

( MonadIO m, LastMember m effs) => MonadIO ( Eff effs) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Freer.Internal


liftIO :: IO a -> Eff effs a Source #

Member NonDet effs => Alternative ( Eff effs) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Freer.Internal

Member NonDet effs => MonadPlus ( Eff effs) Source #
Instance details

Defined in Control.Monad.Freer.Internal


mzero :: Eff effs a Source #

mplus :: Eff effs a -> Eff effs a -> Eff effs a Source #

type Arr effs a b = a -> Eff effs b Source #

Effectful arrow type: a function from a :: * to b :: * that also does effects denoted by effs :: [* -> *] .

type Arrs effs a b = FTCQueue ( Eff effs) a b Source #

An effectful function from a :: * to b :: * that is a composition of several effectful functions. The paremeter effs :: [* -> *] describes the overall effect. The composition members are accumulated in a type-aligned queue.

Open Union

Open Union (type-indexed co-product) of effects.

Fast Type-aligned Queue

Fast type-aligned queue optimized to effectful functions of type (a -> m b) .

Sending Arbitrary Effect

send :: Member eff effs => eff a -> Eff effs a Source #

“Sends” an effect, which should be a value defined as part of an effect algebra (see the module documentation for Control.Monad.Freer ), to an effectful computation. This is used to connect the definition of an effect to the Eff monad so that it can be used and handled.

sendM :: ( Monad m, LastMember m effs) => m a -> Eff effs a Source #

Identical to send , but specialized to the final effect in effs to assist type inference. This is useful for running actions in a monad transformer stack used in conjunction with runM .

Lifting Effect Stacks

raise :: Eff effs a -> Eff (e ': effs) a Source #

Embeds a less-constrained Eff into a more-constrained one. Analogous to MTL's lift .

Handling Effects

run :: Eff '[] a -> a Source #

Runs a pure Eff computation, since an Eff computation that performs no effects (i.e. has no effects in its type-level list) is guaranteed to be pure. This is usually used as the final step of running an effectful computation, after all other effects have been discharged using effect handlers.

Typically, this function is composed as follows:

  & runEff1 eff1Arg
  & runEff2 eff2Arg1 eff2Arg2
  & run

runM :: Monad m => Eff '[m] a -> m a Source #

Like run , runM runs an Eff computation and extracts the result. Unlike run , runM allows a single effect to remain within the type-level list, which must be a monad. The value returned is a computation in that monad, which is useful in conjunction with sendM or liftBase for plugging in traditional transformer stacks.

Building Effect Handlers

handleRelay Source #


:: (a -> Eff effs b)

Handle a pure value.

-> ( forall v. eff v -> Arr effs v b -> Eff effs b)

Handle a request for effect of type eff :: * -> * .

-> Eff (eff ': effs) a
-> Eff effs b

Result with effects of type eff :: * -> * handled.

Given a request, either handle it or relay it.

handleRelayS Source #


:: s
-> (s -> a -> Eff effs b)

Handle a pure value.

-> ( forall v. s -> eff v -> (s -> Arr effs v b) -> Eff effs b)

Handle a request for effect of type eff :: * -> * .

-> Eff (eff ': effs) a
-> Eff effs b

Result with effects of type eff :: * -> * handled.

Parameterized handleRelay . Allows sending along some state of type s :: * to be handled for the target effect, or relayed to a handler that can- handle the target effect.

interpose :: Member eff effs => (a -> Eff effs b) -> ( forall v. eff v -> Arr effs v b -> Eff effs b) -> Eff effs a -> Eff effs b Source #

Intercept the request and possibly reply to it, but leave it unhandled.

interposeS :: Member eff effs => s -> (s -> a -> Eff effs b) -> ( forall v. s -> eff v -> (s -> Arr effs v b) -> Eff effs b) -> Eff effs a -> Eff effs b Source #

Like interpose , but with support for an explicit state to help implement the interpreter.

replaceRelay :: (a -> Eff (v ': effs) w) -> ( forall x. t x -> Arr (v ': effs) x w -> Eff (v ': effs) w) -> Eff (t ': effs) a -> Eff (v ': effs) w Source #

Interpret an effect by transforming it into another effect on top of the stack. The primary use case of this function is allow interpreters to be defined in terms of other ones without leaking intermediary implementation details through the type signature.

replaceRelayS :: s -> (s -> a -> Eff (v ': effs) w) -> ( forall x. s -> t x -> (s -> Arr (v ': effs) x w) -> Eff (v ': effs) w) -> Eff (t ': effs) a -> Eff (v ': effs) w Source #

Like replaceRelay , but with support for an explicit state to help implement the interpreter.

replaceRelayN :: forall gs t a effs w. Weakens gs => (a -> Eff (gs :++: effs) w) -> ( forall x. t x -> Arr (gs :++: effs) x w -> Eff (gs :++: effs) w) -> Eff (t ': effs) a -> Eff (gs :++: effs) w Source #

Low-level Functions for Building Effect Handlers

qApp :: Arrs effs b w -> b -> Eff effs w Source #

Function application in the context of an array of effects, Arrs effs b w .

qComp :: Arrs effs a b -> ( Eff effs b -> Eff effs' c) -> Arr effs' a c Source #

Composition of effectful arrows ( Arrs ). Allows for the caller to change the effect environment, as well.

Nondeterminism Effect

data NonDet a where Source #

A data type for representing nondeterminstic choice.