generic-lens-core- Generically derive traversals, lenses and prisms.
Copyright (C) 2020 Csongor Kiss
License BSD3
Maintainer Csongor Kiss <>
Stability experimental
Portability non-portable
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Derive constructor-name-based prisms generically.



class GAsConstructor (ctor :: Symbol ) s t a b | ctor s -> a, ctor t -> b where Source #

As AsConstructor but over generic representations as defined by GHC.Generics .


_GCtor :: Prism (s x) (t x) a b Source #


Instances details
GSumAsConstructor ctor ( HasCtorP ctor l) l r l' r' a b => GAsConstructor ctor (l :+: r) (l' :+: r') a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Generics.Sum.Internal.Constructors


_GCtor :: Prism ((l :+: r) x) ((l' :+: r') x) a b Source #

GAsConstructor ctor f f' a b => GAsConstructor ctor ( M1 D meta f) ( M1 D meta f') a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Generics.Sum.Internal.Constructors


_GCtor :: Prism ( M1 D meta f x) ( M1 D meta f' x) a b Source #

( GIsList f g as bs, ListTuple a b as bs) => GAsConstructor ctor ( M1 C (' MetaCons ctor fixity fields) f) ( M1 C (' MetaCons ctor fixity fields) g) a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Generics.Sum.Internal.Constructors


_GCtor :: Prism ( M1 C (' MetaCons ctor fixity fields) f x) ( M1 C (' MetaCons ctor fixity fields) g x) a b Source #

type Context' ctor s a = ( Context0 ctor s s a a, ErrorUnless ctor s ( HasCtorP ctor ( Rep s))) Source #

class Context (ctor :: Symbol ) s t a b | ctor s -> a, ctor t -> b Source #


Instances details
(ErrorUnless ctor s ( HasCtorP ctor ( Rep s)), GAsConstructor' ctor ( Rep s) a, GAsConstructor' ctor ( Rep ( Indexed s)) a', GAsConstructor ctor ( Rep s) ( Rep t) a b, t ~ Infer s a' b, GAsConstructor' ctor ( Rep ( Indexed t)) b', s ~ Infer t b' a) => Context ctor s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Generics.Sum.Internal.Constructors

class Context_ (ctor :: Symbol ) s t a b Source #


Instances details
(ErrorUnless ctor s ( HasCtorP ctor ( Rep s)), GAsConstructor' ctor ( Rep s) a, GAsConstructor' ctor ( Rep ( Indexed s)) a', GAsConstructor ctor ( Rep s) ( Rep t) a b, GAsConstructor' ctor ( Rep ( Indexed t)) b', UnifyHead s t, UnifyHead t s) => Context_ ctor s t a b Source #
Instance details

Defined in Data.Generics.Sum.Internal.Constructors

type Context0 ctor s t a b = ( Generic s, Generic t, GAsConstructor ctor ( Rep s) ( Rep t) a b, Defined ( Rep s) ( NoGeneric s '[((' Text "arising from a generic prism focusing on the " :<>: QuoteType ctor) :<>: ' Text " constructor of type ") :<>: QuoteType a, ' Text "in " :<>: QuoteType s]) (() :: Constraint )) Source #

derived0 :: forall ctor s t a b. Context0 ctor s t a b => Prism s t a b Source #