lens-5.0.1: Lenses, Folds and Traversals
Copyright (C) 2012-16 Edward Kmett
License BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Maintainer Edward Kmett <ekmett@gmail.com>
Stability experimental
Portability non-portable
Safe Haskell Safe-Inferred
Language Haskell2010



This module exists for users who like to work with qualified imports but want access to the operators from Lens.

import qualified Control.Lens as L
import Control.Lens.Operators


(<|) :: Cons s s a a => a -> s -> s infixr 5 Source #

cons an element onto a container.

This is an infix alias for cons .

>>> a <| []
>>> a <| [b, c]
>>> a <| Seq.fromList []
fromList [a]
>>> a <| Seq.fromList [b, c]
fromList [a,b,c]

(|>) :: Snoc s s a a => s -> a -> s infixl 5 Source #

snoc an element onto the end of a container.

This is an infix alias for snoc .

>>> Seq.fromList [] |> a
fromList [a]
>>> Seq.fromList [b, c] |> a
fromList [b,c,a]
>>> LazyT.pack "hello" |> '!'


(^..) :: s -> Getting ( Endo [a]) s a -> [a] infixl 8 Source #

A convenient infix (flipped) version of toListOf .

>>> [[1,2],[3]]^..id
>>> [[1,2],[3]]^..traverse
>>> [[1,2],[3]]^..traverse.traverse
>>> (1,2)^..both
toList xs ≡ xs ^.. folded
(^..) ≡ flip toListOf
(^..) :: s -> Getter s a     -> a :: s -> Fold s a       -> a :: s -> Lens' s a      -> a :: s -> Iso' s a       -> a :: s -> Traversal' s a -> a :: s -> Prism' s a     -> [a]

(^?) :: s -> Getting ( First a) s a -> Maybe a infixl 8 Source #

Perform a safe head of a Fold or Traversal or retrieve Just the result from a Getter or Lens .

When using a Traversal as a partial Lens , or a Fold as a partial Getter this can be a convenient way to extract the optional value.

Note: if you get stack overflows due to this, you may want to use firstOf instead, which can deal more gracefully with heavily left-biased trees. This is because ^? works by using the First monoid, which can occasionally cause space leaks.

>>> Left 4 ^?_Left
Just 4
>>> Right 4 ^?_Left
>>> "world" ^? ix 3
Just 'l'
>>> "world" ^? ix 20

This operator works as an infix version of preview .

(^?) ≡ flip preview

It may be helpful to think of ^? as having one of the following more specialized types:

(^?) :: s -> Getter s a     -> Maybe a
(^?) :: s -> Fold s a       -> Maybe a
(^?) :: s -> Lens' s a      -> Maybe a
(^?) :: s -> Iso' s a       -> Maybe a
(^?) :: s -> Traversal' s a -> Maybe a

(^?!) :: HasCallStack => s -> Getting ( Endo a) s a -> a infixl 8 Source #

Perform an *UNSAFE* head of a Fold or Traversal assuming that it is there.

>>> Left 4 ^?! _Left
>>> "world" ^?! ix 3
(^?!) :: s -> Getter s a     -> a
(^?!) :: s -> Fold s a       -> a
(^?!) :: s -> Lens' s a      -> a
(^?!) :: s -> Iso' s a       -> a
(^?!) :: s -> Traversal' s a -> a

(^@..) :: s -> IndexedGetting i ( Endo [(i, a)]) s a -> [(i, a)] infixl 8 Source #

An infix version of itoListOf .

(^@?) :: s -> IndexedGetting i ( Endo ( Maybe (i, a))) s a -> Maybe (i, a) infixl 8 Source #

Perform a safe head (with index) of an IndexedFold or IndexedTraversal or retrieve Just the index and result from an IndexedGetter or IndexedLens .

When using a IndexedTraversal as a partial IndexedLens , or an IndexedFold as a partial IndexedGetter this can be a convenient way to extract the optional value.

(^@?) :: s -> IndexedGetter i s a     -> Maybe (i, a)
(^@?) :: s -> IndexedFold i s a       -> Maybe (i, a)
(^@?) :: s -> IndexedLens' i s a      -> Maybe (i, a)
(^@?) :: s -> IndexedTraversal' i s a -> Maybe (i, a)

(^@?!) :: HasCallStack => s -> IndexedGetting i ( Endo (i, a)) s a -> (i, a) infixl 8 Source #

Perform an *UNSAFE* head (with index) of an IndexedFold or IndexedTraversal assuming that it is there.

(^@?!) :: s -> IndexedGetter i s a     -> (i, a)
(^@?!) :: s -> IndexedFold i s a       -> (i, a)
(^@?!) :: s -> IndexedLens' i s a      -> (i, a)
(^@?!) :: s -> IndexedTraversal' i s a -> (i, a)


(^.) :: s -> Getting a s a -> a infixl 8 Source #

View the value pointed to by a Getter or Lens or the result of folding over all the results of a Fold or Traversal that points at a monoidal values.

This is the same operation as view with the arguments flipped.

The fixity and semantics are such that subsequent field accesses can be performed with ( . ).

>>> (a,b)^._2
>>> ("hello","world")^._2
>>> import Data.Complex
>>> ((0, 1 :+ 2), 3)^._1._2.to magnitude
(^.) ::             s -> Getter s a     -> a
(^.) :: Monoid m => s -> Fold s m       -> m
(^.) ::             s -> Iso' s a       -> a
(^.) ::             s -> Lens' s a      -> a
(^.) :: Monoid m => s -> Traversal' s m -> m

(^@.) :: s -> IndexedGetting i (i, a) s a -> (i, a) infixl 8 Source #

View the index and value of an IndexedGetter or IndexedLens .

This is the same operation as iview with the arguments flipped.

The fixity and semantics are such that subsequent field accesses can be performed with ( . ).

(^@.) :: s -> IndexedGetter i s a -> (i, a)
(^@.) :: s -> IndexedLens' i s a  -> (i, a)

The result probably doesn't have much meaning when applied to an IndexedFold .


(<.) :: Indexable i p => ( Indexed i s t -> r) -> ((a -> b) -> s -> t) -> p a b -> r infixr 9 Source #

Compose an Indexed function with a non-indexed function.

Mnemonically, the < points to the indexing we want to preserve.

>>> let nestedMap = (fmap Map.fromList . Map.fromList) [(1, [(10, "one,ten"), (20, "one,twenty")]), (2, [(30, "two,thirty"), (40,"two,forty")])]
>>> nestedMap^..(itraversed<.itraversed).withIndex

(.>) :: (st -> r) -> (kab -> st) -> kab -> r infixr 9 Source #

Compose a non-indexed function with an Indexed function.

Mnemonically, the > points to the indexing we want to preserve.

This is the same as ( . ) .

f . g (and f .> g ) gives you the index of g unless g is index-preserving, like a Prism , Iso or Equality , in which case it'll pass through the index of f .

>>> let nestedMap = (fmap Map.fromList . Map.fromList) [(1, [(10, "one,ten"), (20, "one,twenty")]), (2, [(30, "two,thirty"), (40,"two,forty")])]
>>> nestedMap^..(itraversed.>itraversed).withIndex

(<.>) :: Indexable (i, j) p => ( Indexed i s t -> r) -> ( Indexed j a b -> s -> t) -> p a b -> r infixr 9 Source #

Composition of Indexed functions.

Mnemonically, the < and > points to the fact that we want to preserve the indices.

>>> let nestedMap = (fmap Map.fromList . Map.fromList) [(1, [(10, "one,ten"), (20, "one,twenty")]), (2, [(30, "two,thirty"), (40,"two,forty")])]
>>> nestedMap^..(itraversed<.>itraversed).withIndex


(%%~) :: LensLike f s t a b -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t infixr 4 Source #

( %%~ ) can be used in one of two scenarios:

When applied to a Lens , it can edit the target of the Lens in a structure, extracting a functorial result.

When applied to a Traversal , it can edit the targets of the traversals, extracting an applicative summary of its actions.

>>> [66,97,116,109,97,110] & each %%~ \a -> ("na", chr a)

For all that the definition of this combinator is just:

(%%~) ≡ id

It may be beneficial to think about it as if it had these even more restricted types, however:

(%%~) :: Functor f =>     Iso s t a b       -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
(%%~) :: Functor f =>     Lens s t a b      -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
(%%~) :: Applicative f => Traversal s t a b -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t

When applied to a Traversal , it can edit the targets of the traversals, extracting a supplemental monoidal summary of its actions, by choosing f = ((,) m)

(%%~) ::             Iso s t a b       -> (a -> (r, b)) -> s -> (r, t)
(%%~) ::             Lens s t a b      -> (a -> (r, b)) -> s -> (r, t)
(%%~) :: Monoid m => Traversal s t a b -> (a -> (m, b)) -> s -> (m, t)

(%%=) :: MonadState s m => Over p ( (,) r) s s a b -> p a (r, b) -> m r infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens in the current state returning some extra information of type r or modify all targets of a Traversal in the current state, extracting extra information of type r and return a monoidal summary of the changes.

>>> runState (_1 %%= \x -> (f x, g x)) (a,b)
(f a,(g a,b))
(%%=) ≡ (state .)

It may be useful to think of ( %%= ), instead, as having either of the following more restricted type signatures:

(%%=) :: MonadState s m             => Iso s s a b       -> (a -> (r, b)) -> m r
(%%=) :: MonadState s m             => Lens s s a b      -> (a -> (r, b)) -> m r
(%%=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid r) => Traversal s s a b -> (a -> (r, b)) -> m r

(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b infixl 1 Source #

& is a reverse application operator. This provides notational convenience. Its precedence is one higher than that of the forward application operator $ , which allows & to be nested in $ .

>>> 5 & (+1) & show

Since: base-

(&~) :: s -> State s a -> s infixl 1 Source #

This can be used to chain lens operations using op= syntax rather than op~ syntax for simple non-type-changing cases.

>>> (10,20) & _1 .~ 30 & _2 .~ 40
>>> (10,20) &~ do _1 .= 30; _2 .= 40

This does not support type-changing assignment, e.g.

>>> (10,20) & _1 .~ "hello"

(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b infixl 1 Source #

Flipped version of <$> .

(<&>) = flip fmap



Apply (+1) to a list, a Just and a Right :

>>> Just 2 <&> (+1)
Just 3
>>> [1,2,3] <&> (+1)
>>> Right 3 <&> (+1)
Right 4

Since: base-

(??) :: Functor f => f (a -> b) -> a -> f b infixl 1 Source #

This is convenient to flip argument order of composite functions defined as:

fab ?? a = fmap ($ a) fab

For the Functor instance f = ((->) r) you can reason about this function as if the definition was ( ?? ) ≡ flip :

>>> (h ?? x) a
h a x
>>> execState ?? [] $ modify (1:)
>>> over _2 ?? ("hello","world") $ length
>>> over ?? length ?? ("hello","world") $ _2

(<%~) :: LensLike ( (,) b) s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> (b, t) infixr 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( %~ ) is more flexible.

(<%~) ::             Lens s t a b      -> (a -> b) -> s -> (b, t)
(<%~) ::             Iso s t a b       -> (a -> b) -> s -> (b, t)
(<%~) :: Monoid b => Traversal s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> (b, t)

(<+~) :: Num a => LensLike ( (,) a) s t a a -> a -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Increment the target of a numerically valued Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the addition, ( +~ ) is more flexible.

(<+~) :: Num a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<+~) :: Num a => Iso' s a  -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<-~) :: Num a => LensLike ( (,) a) s t a a -> a -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Decrement the target of a numerically valued Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the subtraction, ( -~ ) is more flexible.

(<-~) :: Num a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<-~) :: Num a => Iso' s a  -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<*~) :: Num a => LensLike ( (,) a) s t a a -> a -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Multiply the target of a numerically valued Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the multiplication, ( *~ ) is more flexible.

(<*~) :: Num a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<*~) :: Num a => Iso'  s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<//~) :: Fractional a => LensLike ( (,) a) s t a a -> a -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Divide the target of a fractionally valued Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the division, ( //~ ) is more flexible.

(<//~) :: Fractional a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<//~) :: Fractional a => Iso'  s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<^~) :: ( Num a, Integral e) => LensLike ( (,) a) s t a a -> e -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target of a numerically valued Lens to a non-negative Integral power and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ^~ ) is more flexible.

(<^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> s -> (a, s)
(<^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Iso' s a -> e -> s -> (a, s)

(<^^~) :: ( Fractional a, Integral e) => LensLike ( (,) a) s t a a -> e -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target of a fractionally valued Lens to an Integral power and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ^^~ ) is more flexible.

(<^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> s -> (a, s)
(<^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Iso' s a -> e -> s -> (a, s)

(<**~) :: Floating a => LensLike ( (,) a) s t a a -> a -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target of a floating-point valued Lens to an arbitrary power and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( **~ ) is more flexible.

(<**~) :: Floating a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<**~) :: Floating a => Iso' s a  -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<||~) :: LensLike ( (,) Bool ) s t Bool Bool -> Bool -> s -> ( Bool , t) infixr 4 Source #

Logically || a Boolean valued Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ||~ ) is more flexible.

(<||~) :: Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)
(<||~) :: Iso' s Bool  -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)

(<&&~) :: LensLike ( (,) Bool ) s t Bool Bool -> Bool -> s -> ( Bool , t) infixr 4 Source #

Logically && a Boolean valued Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( &&~ ) is more flexible.

(<&&~) :: Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)
(<&&~) :: Iso' s Bool  -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)

(<<%~) :: LensLike ( (,) a) s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens , but return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( %~ ) is more flexible.

(<<%~) ::             Lens s t a b      -> (a -> b) -> s -> (a, t)
(<<%~) ::             Iso s t a b       -> (a -> b) -> s -> (a, t)
(<<%~) :: Monoid a => Traversal s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> (a, t)

(<<.~) :: LensLike ( (,) a) s t a b -> b -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Replace the target of a Lens , but return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( .~ ) is more flexible.

(<<.~) ::             Lens s t a b      -> b -> s -> (a, t)
(<<.~) ::             Iso s t a b       -> b -> s -> (a, t)
(<<.~) :: Monoid a => Traversal s t a b -> b -> s -> (a, t)

(<<?~) :: LensLike ( (,) a) s t a ( Maybe b) -> b -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Replace the target of a Lens with a Just value, but return the old value.

If you do not need the old value ( ?~ ) is more flexible.

>>> import qualified Data.Map as Map
>>> _2.at "hello" <<?~ "world" $ (42,Map.fromList [("goodnight","gracie")])
(Nothing,(42,fromList [("goodnight","gracie"),("hello","world")]))
(<<?~) :: Iso s t a (Maybe b)       -> b -> s -> (a, t)
(<<?~) :: Lens s t a (Maybe b)      -> b -> s -> (a, t)
(<<?~) :: Traversal s t a (Maybe b) -> b -> s -> (a, t)

(<<+~) :: Num a => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> s -> (a, s) infixr 4 Source #

Increment the target of a numerically valued Lens and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( +~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (a,b) & _1 <<+~ c
(a,(a + c,b))
>>> (a,b) & _2 <<+~ c
(b,(a,b + c))
(<<+~) :: Num a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<<+~) :: Num a => Iso' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<<-~) :: Num a => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> s -> (a, s) infixr 4 Source #

Decrement the target of a numerically valued Lens and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( -~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (a,b) & _1 <<-~ c
(a,(a - c,b))
>>> (a,b) & _2 <<-~ c
(b,(a,b - c))
(<<-~) :: Num a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<<-~) :: Num a => Iso' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<<*~) :: Num a => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> s -> (a, s) infixr 4 Source #

Multiply the target of a numerically valued Lens and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( -~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (a,b) & _1 <<*~ c
(a,(a * c,b))
>>> (a,b) & _2 <<*~ c
(b,(a,b * c))
(<<*~) :: Num a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<<*~) :: Num a => Iso' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<<//~) :: Fractional a => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> s -> (a, s) infixr 4 Source #

Divide the target of a numerically valued Lens and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( //~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (a,b) & _1 <<//~ c
(a,(a / c,b))
>>> ("Hawaii",10) & _2 <<//~ 2
(<<//~) :: Fractional a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<<//~) :: Fractional a => Iso' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<<^~) :: ( Num a, Integral e) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> e -> s -> (a, s) infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target of a numerically valued Lens to a non-negative power and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( ^~ ) is more flexible.

(<<^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> s -> (a, s)
(<<^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Iso' s a -> e -> s -> (a, s)

(<<^^~) :: ( Fractional a, Integral e) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> e -> s -> (a, s) infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target of a fractionally valued Lens to an integral power and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( ^^~ ) is more flexible.

(<<^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> s -> (a, s)
(<<^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Iso' s a -> e -> S -> (a, s)

(<<**~) :: Floating a => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> s -> (a, s) infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target of a floating-point valued Lens to an arbitrary power and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( **~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (a,b) & _1 <<**~ c
>>> (a,b) & _2 <<**~ c
(<<**~) :: Floating a => Lens' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)
(<<**~) :: Floating a => Iso' s a -> a -> s -> (a, s)

(<<||~) :: LensLike' ( (,) Bool ) s Bool -> Bool -> s -> ( Bool , s) infixr 4 Source #

Logically || the target of a Bool -valued Lens and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( ||~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (False,6) & _1 <<||~ True
>>> ("hello",True) & _2 <<||~ False
(<<||~) :: Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)
(<<||~) :: Iso' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)

(<<&&~) :: LensLike' ( (,) Bool ) s Bool -> Bool -> s -> ( Bool , s) infixr 4 Source #

Logically && the target of a Bool -valued Lens and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( &&~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (False,6) & _1 <<&&~ True
>>> ("hello",True) & _2 <<&&~ False
(<<&&~) :: Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)
(<<&&~) :: Iso' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> (Bool, s)

(<<<>~) :: Semigroup r => LensLike' ( (,) r) s r -> r -> s -> (r, s) infixr 4 Source #

Modify the target of a monoidally valued Lens by using ( <> ) a new value and return the old value.

When you do not need the old value, ( <>~ ) is more flexible.

>>> (Sum a,b) & _1 <<<>~ Sum c
(Sum {getSum = a},(Sum {getSum = a + c},b))
>>> _2 <<<>~ ", 007" $ ("James", "Bond")
("Bond",("James","Bond, 007"))
(<<<>~) :: Semigroup r => Lens' s r -> r -> s -> (r, s)
(<<<>~) :: Semigroup r => Iso' s r -> r -> s -> (r, s)

(<%=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike ( (,) b) s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m b infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by a user supplied function and return the result.

When applied to a Traversal , it this will return a monoidal summary of all of the intermediate results.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( %= ) is more flexible.

(<%=) :: MonadState s m             => Lens' s a      -> (a -> a) -> m a
(<%=) :: MonadState s m             => Iso' s a       -> (a -> a) -> m a
(<%=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid a) => Traversal' s a -> (a -> a) -> m a

(<+=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Add to the target of a numerically valued Lens into your Monad' s state and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the addition, ( += ) is more flexible.

(<+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<-=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Subtract from the target of a numerically valued Lens into your Monad' s state and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the subtraction, ( -= ) is more flexible.

(<-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<*=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Multiply the target of a numerically valued Lens into your Monad' s state and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the multiplication, ( *= ) is more flexible.

(<*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<//=) :: ( MonadState s m, Fractional a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Divide the target of a fractionally valued Lens into your Monad' s state and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the division, ( //= ) is more flexible.

(<//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<^=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> e -> m a infix 4 Source #

Raise the target of a numerically valued Lens into your Monad' s state to a non-negative Integral power and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ^= ) is more flexible.

(<^=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> m a
(<^=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Iso' s a -> e -> m a

(<^^=) :: ( MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> e -> m a infix 4 Source #

Raise the target of a fractionally valued Lens into your Monad' s state to an Integral power and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ^^= ) is more flexible.

(<^^=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional b, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> m a
(<^^=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional b, Integral e) => Iso' s a  -> e -> m a

(<**=) :: ( MonadState s m, Floating a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Raise the target of a floating-point valued Lens into your Monad' s state to an arbitrary power and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( **= ) is more flexible.

(<**=) :: (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<**=) :: (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<||=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike' ( (,) Bool ) s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool infix 4 Source #

Logically || a Boolean valued Lens into your Monad' s state and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ||= ) is more flexible.

(<||=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool
(<||=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s Bool  -> Bool -> m Bool

(<&&=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike' ( (,) Bool ) s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool infix 4 Source #

Logically && a Boolean valued Lens into your Monad' s state and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( &&= ) is more flexible.

(<&&=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool
(<&&=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s Bool  -> Bool -> m Bool

(<<%=) :: ( Strong p, MonadState s m) => Over p ( (,) a) s s a b -> p a b -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by a user supplied function and return the old value that was replaced.

When applied to a Traversal , this will return a monoidal summary of all of the old values present.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( %= ) is more flexible.

(<<%=) :: MonadState s m             => Lens' s a      -> (a -> a) -> m a
(<<%=) :: MonadState s m             => Iso' s a       -> (a -> a) -> m a
(<<%=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid a) => Traversal' s a -> (a -> a) -> m a
(<<%=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike ((,)a) s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m a

(<<.=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike ( (,) a) s s a b -> b -> m a infix 4 Source #

Replace the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state with a user supplied value and return the old value that was replaced.

When applied to a Traversal , this will return a monoidal summary of all of the old values present.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( .= ) is more flexible.

(<<.=) :: MonadState s m             => Lens' s a      -> a -> m a
(<<.=) :: MonadState s m             => Iso' s a       -> a -> m a
(<<.=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid a) => Traversal' s a -> a -> m a

(<<?=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike ( (,) a) s s a ( Maybe b) -> b -> m a infix 4 Source #

Replace the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state with Just a user supplied value and return the old value that was replaced.

When applied to a Traversal , this will return a monoidal summary of all of the old values present.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ?= ) is more flexible.

(<<?=) :: MonadState s m             => Lens s t a (Maybe b)      -> b -> m a
(<<?=) :: MonadState s m             => Iso s t a (Maybe b)       -> b -> m a
(<<?=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid a) => Traversal s t a (Maybe b) -> b -> m a

(<<+=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by adding a value and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( += ) is more flexible.

(<<+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<<+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<<-=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by subtracting a value and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( -= ) is more flexible.

(<<-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<<-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<<*=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by multipling a value and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( *= ) is more flexible.

(<<*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<<*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<<//=) :: ( MonadState s m, Fractional a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad s state by dividing by a value and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( //= ) is more flexible.

(<<//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<<//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<<^=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> e -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by raising it by a non-negative power and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ^= ) is more flexible.

(<<^=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> m a
(<<^=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<<^^=) :: ( MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> e -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by raising it by an integral power and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ^^= ) is more flexible.

(<<^^=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => Lens' s a -> e -> m a
(<<^^=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => Iso' s a -> e -> m a

(<<**=) :: ( MonadState s m, Floating a) => LensLike' ( (,) a) s a -> a -> m a infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by raising it by an arbitrary power and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( **= ) is more flexible.

(<<**=) :: (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m a
(<<**=) :: (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m a

(<<||=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike' ( (,) Bool ) s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by taking its logical || with a value and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( ||= ) is more flexible.

(<<||=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool
(<<||=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool

(<<&&=) :: MonadState s m => LensLike' ( (,) Bool ) s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by taking its logical && with a value and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( &&= ) is more flexible.

(<<&&=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool
(<<&&=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s Bool -> Bool -> m Bool

(<<<>=) :: ( MonadState s m, Semigroup r) => LensLike' ( (,) r) s r -> r -> m r infix 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state by using ( <> ) and return the old value that was replaced.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( <>= ) is more flexible.

(<<<>=) :: (MonadState s m, Semigroup r) => Lens' s r -> r -> m r
(<<<>=) :: (MonadState s m, Semigroup r) => Iso' s r -> r -> m r

(<<~) :: MonadState s m => ALens s s a b -> m b -> m b infixr 2 Source #

Run a monadic action, and set the target of Lens to its result.

(<<~) :: MonadState s m => Iso s s a b   -> m b -> m b
(<<~) :: MonadState s m => Lens s s a b  -> m b -> m b

NB: This is limited to taking an actual Lens than admitting a Traversal because there are potential loss of state issues otherwise.

(<<>~) :: Semigroup m => LensLike ( (,) m) s t m m -> m -> s -> (m, t) infixr 4 Source #

( <> ) a Semigroup value onto the end of the target of a Lens and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( <>~ ) is more flexible.

(<<>=) :: ( MonadState s m, Semigroup r) => LensLike' ( (,) r) s r -> r -> m r infix 4 Source #

( <> ) a Semigroup value onto the end of the target of a Lens into your Monad' s state and return the result.

When you do not need the result of the operation, ( <>= ) is more flexible.

(<%@~) :: Over ( Indexed i) ( (,) b) s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> (b, t) infixr 4 Source #

Adjust the target of an IndexedLens returning the intermediate result, or adjust all of the targets of an IndexedTraversal and return a monoidal summary along with the answer.

l <%~ f ≡ l <%@~ const f

When you do not need access to the index then ( <%~ ) is more liberal in what it can accept.

If you do not need the intermediate result, you can use ( %@~ ) or even ( %~ ).

(<%@~) ::             IndexedLens i s t a b      -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> (b, t)
(<%@~) :: Monoid b => IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> (b, t)

(<<%@~) :: Over ( Indexed i) ( (,) a) s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> (a, t) infixr 4 Source #

Adjust the target of an IndexedLens returning the old value, or adjust all of the targets of an IndexedTraversal and return a monoidal summary of the old values along with the answer.

(<<%@~) ::             IndexedLens i s t a b      -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> (a, t)
(<<%@~) :: Monoid a => IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> (a, t)

(%%@~) :: Over ( Indexed i) f s t a b -> (i -> a -> f b) -> s -> f t infixr 4 Source #

Adjust the target of an IndexedLens returning a supplementary result, or adjust all of the targets of an IndexedTraversal and return a monoidal summary of the supplementary results and the answer.

(%%@~) ≡ withIndex
(%%@~) :: Functor f => IndexedLens i s t a b      -> (i -> a -> f b) -> s -> f t
(%%@~) :: Applicative f => IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> f b) -> s -> f t

In particular, it is often useful to think of this function as having one of these even more restricted type signatures:

(%%@~) ::             IndexedLens i s t a b      -> (i -> a -> (r, b)) -> s -> (r, t)
(%%@~) :: Monoid r => IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> (r, b)) -> s -> (r, t)

(%%@=) :: MonadState s m => Over ( Indexed i) ( (,) r) s s a b -> (i -> a -> (r, b)) -> m r infix 4 Source #

Adjust the target of an IndexedLens returning a supplementary result, or adjust all of the targets of an IndexedTraversal within the current state, and return a monoidal summary of the supplementary results.

l %%@= f ≡ state (l %%@~ f)
(%%@=) :: MonadState s m                 => IndexedLens i s s a b      -> (i -> a -> (r, b)) -> s -> m r
(%%@=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid r) => IndexedTraversal i s s a b -> (i -> a -> (r, b)) -> s -> m r

(<%@=) :: MonadState s m => Over ( Indexed i) ( (,) b) s s a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m b infix 4 Source #

Adjust the target of an IndexedLens returning the intermediate result, or adjust all of the targets of an IndexedTraversal within the current state, and return a monoidal summary of the intermediate results.

(<%@=) :: MonadState s m                 => IndexedLens i s s a b      -> (i -> a -> b) -> m b
(<%@=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid b) => IndexedTraversal i s s a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m b

(<<%@=) :: MonadState s m => Over ( Indexed i) ( (,) a) s s a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m a infix 4 Source #

Adjust the target of an IndexedLens returning the old value, or adjust all of the targets of an IndexedTraversal within the current state, and return a monoidal summary of the old values.

(<<%@=) :: MonadState s m                 => IndexedLens i s s a b      -> (i -> a -> b) -> m a
(<<%@=) :: (MonadState s m, Monoid b) => IndexedTraversal i s s a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m a

(^#) :: s -> ALens s t a b -> a infixl 8 Source #

A version of ( ^. ) that works on ALens .

>>> ("hello","world")^#_2

(#~) :: ALens s t a b -> b -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

A version of ( .~ ) that works on ALens .

>>> ("hello","there") & _2 #~ "world"

(#%~) :: ALens s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

A version of ( %~ ) that works on ALens .

>>> ("hello","world") & _2 #%~ length

(#%%~) :: Functor f => ALens s t a b -> (a -> f b) -> s -> f t infixr 4 Source #

A version of ( %%~ ) that works on ALens .

>>> ("hello","world") & _2 #%%~ \x -> (length x, x ++ "!")

(#=) :: MonadState s m => ALens s s a b -> b -> m () infix 4 Source #

A version of ( .= ) that works on ALens .

(#%=) :: MonadState s m => ALens s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m () infix 4 Source #

A version of ( %= ) that works on ALens .

(<#%~) :: ALens s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> (b, t) infixr 4 Source #

A version of ( <%~ ) that works on ALens .

>>> ("hello","world") & _2 <#%~ length

(<#%=) :: MonadState s m => ALens s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m b infix 4 Source #

A version of ( <%= ) that works on ALens .

(#%%=) :: MonadState s m => ALens s s a b -> (a -> (r, b)) -> m r infix 4 Source #

A version of ( %%= ) that works on ALens .

(<#~) :: ALens s t a b -> b -> s -> (b, t) infixr 4 Source #

A version of ( <.~ ) that works on ALens .

>>> ("hello","there") & _2 <#~ "world"

(<#=) :: MonadState s m => ALens s s a b -> b -> m b infix 4 Source #

A version of ( <.= ) that works on ALens .


(...) :: ( Applicative f, Plated c) => LensLike f s t c c -> Over p f c c a b -> Over p f s t a b infixr 9 Source #

Compose through a plate


(#) :: AReview t b -> b -> t infixr 8 Source #

An infix alias for review .

unto f # x ≡ f x
l # x ≡ x ^. re l

This is commonly used when using a Prism as a smart constructor.

>>> _Left # 4
Left 4

But it can be used for any Prism

>>> base 16 # 123
(#) :: Iso'      s a -> a -> s
(#) :: Prism'    s a -> a -> s
(#) :: Review    s a -> a -> s
(#) :: Equality' s a -> a -> s


(%~) :: ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Modifies the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal with a user supplied function.

This is an infix version of over .

fmap f ≡ mapped %~ f
fmapDefault f ≡ traverse %~ f
>>> (a,b,c) & _3 %~ f
(a,b,f c)
>>> (a,b) & both %~ f
(f a,f b)
>>> _2 %~ length $ (1,"hello")
>>> traverse %~ f $ [a,b,c]
[f a,f b,f c]
>>> traverse %~ even $ [1,2,3]
>>> traverse.traverse %~ length $ [["hello","world"],["!!!"]]
(%~) :: Setter s t a b    -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
(%~) :: Iso s t a b       -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
(%~) :: Lens s t a b      -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
(%~) :: Traversal s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t

(.~) :: ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Replace the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal with a constant value.

This is an infix version of set , provided for consistency with ( .= ).

f <$ a ≡ mapped .~ f $ a
>>> (a,b,c,d) & _4 .~ e
>>> (42,"world") & _1 .~ "hello"
>>> (a,b) & both .~ c
(.~) :: Setter s t a b    -> b -> s -> t
(.~) :: Iso s t a b       -> b -> s -> t
(.~) :: Lens s t a b      -> b -> s -> t
(.~) :: Traversal s t a b -> b -> s -> t

(?~) :: ASetter s t a ( Maybe b) -> b -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Set the target of a Lens , Traversal or Setter to Just a value.

l ?~ t ≡ set l (Just t)
>>> Nothing & id ?~ a
Just a
>>> Map.empty & at 3 ?~ x
fromList [(3,x)]

?~ can be used type-changily:

>>> ('a', ('b', 'c')) & _2.both ?~ 'x'
('a',(Just 'x',Just 'x'))
(?~) :: Setter s t a (Maybe b)    -> b -> s -> t
(?~) :: Iso s t a (Maybe b)       -> b -> s -> t
(?~) :: Lens s t a (Maybe b)      -> b -> s -> t
(?~) :: Traversal s t a (Maybe b) -> b -> s -> t

(<.~) :: ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> (b, t) infixr 4 Source #

Set with pass-through.

This is mostly present for consistency, but may be useful for chaining assignments.

If you do not need a copy of the intermediate result, then using l .~ t directly is a good idea.

>>> (a,b) & _1 <.~ c
>>> ("good","morning","vietnam") & _3 <.~ "world"
>>> (42,Map.fromList [("goodnight","gracie")]) & _2.at "hello" <.~ Just "world"
(Just "world",(42,fromList [("goodnight","gracie"),("hello","world")]))
(<.~) :: Setter s t a b    -> b -> s -> (b, t)
(<.~) :: Iso s t a b       -> b -> s -> (b, t)
(<.~) :: Lens s t a b      -> b -> s -> (b, t)
(<.~) :: Traversal s t a b -> b -> s -> (b, t)

(<?~) :: ASetter s t a ( Maybe b) -> b -> s -> (b, t) infixr 4 Source #

Set to Just a value with pass-through.

This is mostly present for consistency, but may be useful for for chaining assignments.

If you do not need a copy of the intermediate result, then using l ?~ d directly is a good idea.

>>> import qualified Data.Map as Map
>>> _2.at "hello" <?~ "world" $ (42,Map.fromList [("goodnight","gracie")])
("world",(42,fromList [("goodnight","gracie"),("hello","world")]))
(<?~) :: Setter s t a (Maybe b)    -> b -> s -> (b, t)
(<?~) :: Iso s t a (Maybe b)       -> b -> s -> (b, t)
(<?~) :: Lens s t a (Maybe b)      -> b -> s -> (b, t)
(<?~) :: Traversal s t a (Maybe b) -> b -> s -> (b, t)

(+~) :: Num a => ASetter s t a a -> a -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Increment the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Setter or Traversal .

>>> (a,b) & _1 +~ c
(a + c,b)
>>> (a,b) & both +~ c
(a + c,b + c)
>>> (1,2) & _2 +~ 1
>>> [(a,b),(c,d)] & traverse.both +~ e
[(a + e,b + e),(c + e,d + e)]
(+~) :: Num a => Setter' s a    -> a -> s -> s
(+~) :: Num a => Iso' s a       -> a -> s -> s
(+~) :: Num a => Lens' s a      -> a -> s -> s
(+~) :: Num a => Traversal' s a -> a -> s -> s

(*~) :: Num a => ASetter s t a a -> a -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Multiply the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Iso , Setter or Traversal .

>>> (a,b) & _1 *~ c
(a * c,b)
>>> (a,b) & both *~ c
(a * c,b * c)
>>> (1,2) & _2 *~ 4
>>> Just 24 & mapped *~ 2
Just 48
(*~) :: Num a => Setter' s a    -> a -> s -> s
(*~) :: Num a => Iso' s a       -> a -> s -> s
(*~) :: Num a => Lens' s a      -> a -> s -> s
(*~) :: Num a => Traversal' s a -> a -> s -> s

(-~) :: Num a => ASetter s t a a -> a -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Decrement the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Iso , Setter or Traversal .

>>> (a,b) & _1 -~ c
(a - c,b)
>>> (a,b) & both -~ c
(a - c,b - c)
>>> _1 -~ 2 $ (1,2)
>>> mapped.mapped -~ 1 $ [[4,5],[6,7]]
(-~) :: Num a => Setter' s a    -> a -> s -> s
(-~) :: Num a => Iso' s a       -> a -> s -> s
(-~) :: Num a => Lens' s a      -> a -> s -> s
(-~) :: Num a => Traversal' s a -> a -> s -> s

(//~) :: Fractional a => ASetter s t a a -> a -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Divide the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Iso , Setter or Traversal .

>>> (a,b) & _1 //~ c
(a / c,b)
>>> (a,b) & both //~ c
(a / c,b / c)
>>> ("Hawaii",10) & _2 //~ 2
(//~) :: Fractional a => Setter' s a    -> a -> s -> s
(//~) :: Fractional a => Iso' s a       -> a -> s -> s
(//~) :: Fractional a => Lens' s a      -> a -> s -> s
(//~) :: Fractional a => Traversal' s a -> a -> s -> s

(^~) :: ( Num a, Integral e) => ASetter s t a a -> e -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Setter or Traversal to a non-negative integral power.

>>> (1,3) & _2 ^~ 2
(^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Setter' s a    -> e -> s -> s
(^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Iso' s a       -> e -> s -> s
(^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Lens' s a      -> e -> s -> s
(^~) :: (Num a, Integral e) => Traversal' s a -> e -> s -> s

(^^~) :: ( Fractional a, Integral e) => ASetter s t a a -> e -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target(s) of a fractionally valued Lens , Setter or Traversal to an integral power.

>>> (1,2) & _2 ^^~ (-1)
(^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Setter' s a    -> e -> s -> s
(^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Iso' s a       -> e -> s -> s
(^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Lens' s a      -> e -> s -> s
(^^~) :: (Fractional a, Integral e) => Traversal' s a -> e -> s -> s

(**~) :: Floating a => ASetter s t a a -> a -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Raise the target(s) of a floating-point valued Lens , Setter or Traversal to an arbitrary power.

>>> (a,b) & _1 **~ c
>>> (a,b) & both **~ c
>>> _2 **~ 10 $ (3,2)
(**~) :: Floating a => Setter' s a    -> a -> s -> s
(**~) :: Floating a => Iso' s a       -> a -> s -> s
(**~) :: Floating a => Lens' s a      -> a -> s -> s
(**~) :: Floating a => Traversal' s a -> a -> s -> s

(||~) :: ASetter s t Bool Bool -> Bool -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Logically || the target(s) of a Bool -valued Lens or Setter .

>>> both ||~ True $ (False,True)
>>> both ||~ False $ (False,True)
(||~) :: Setter' s Bool    -> Bool -> s -> s
(||~) :: Iso' s Bool       -> Bool -> s -> s
(||~) :: Lens' s Bool      -> Bool -> s -> s
(||~) :: Traversal' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> s

(&&~) :: ASetter s t Bool Bool -> Bool -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Logically && the target(s) of a Bool -valued Lens or Setter .

>>> both &&~ True $ (False, True)
>>> both &&~ False $ (False, True)
(&&~) :: Setter' s Bool    -> Bool -> s -> s
(&&~) :: Iso' s Bool       -> Bool -> s -> s
(&&~) :: Lens' s Bool      -> Bool -> s -> s
(&&~) :: Traversal' s Bool -> Bool -> s -> s

(.=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a b -> b -> m () infix 4 Source #

Replace the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal in our monadic state with a new value, irrespective of the old.

This is an infix version of assign .

>>> execState (do _1 .= c; _2 .= d) (a,b)
>>> execState (both .= c) (a,b)
(.=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s a       -> a -> m ()
(.=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s a      -> a -> m ()
(.=) :: MonadState s m => Traversal' s a -> a -> m ()
(.=) :: MonadState s m => Setter' s a    -> a -> m ()

It puts the state in the monad or it gets the hose again.

(%=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m () infix 4 Source #

Map over the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal in our monadic state.

>>> execState (do _1 %= f;_2 %= g) (a,b)
(f a,g b)
>>> execState (do both %= f) (a,b)
(f a,f b)
(%=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s a       -> (a -> a) -> m ()
(%=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s a      -> (a -> a) -> m ()
(%=) :: MonadState s m => Traversal' s a -> (a -> a) -> m ()
(%=) :: MonadState s m => Setter' s a    -> (a -> a) -> m ()
(%=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a b -> (a -> b) -> m ()

(?=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a ( Maybe b) -> b -> m () infix 4 Source #

Replace the target of a Lens or all of the targets of a Setter or Traversal in our monadic state with Just a new value, irrespective of the old.

>>> execState (do at 1 ?= a; at 2 ?= b) Map.empty
fromList [(1,a),(2,b)]
>>> execState (do _1 ?= b; _2 ?= c) (Just a, Nothing)
(Just b,Just c)
(?=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s (Maybe a)       -> a -> m ()
(?=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s (Maybe a)      -> a -> m ()
(?=) :: MonadState s m => Traversal' s (Maybe a) -> a -> m ()
(?=) :: MonadState s m => Setter' s (Maybe a)    -> a -> m ()

(+=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => ASetter' s a -> a -> m () infix 4 Source #

Modify the target(s) of a Lens' , Iso , Setter or Traversal by adding a value.


fresh :: MonadState Int m => m Int
fresh = do
  id += 1
  use id
>>> execState (do _1 += c; _2 += d) (a,b)
(a + c,b + d)
>>> execState (do _1.at 1.non 0 += 10) (Map.fromList [(2,100)],"hello")
(fromList [(1,10),(2,100)],"hello")
(+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Setter' s a    -> a -> m ()
(+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a       -> a -> m ()
(+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a      -> a -> m ()
(+=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Traversal' s a -> a -> m ()

(-=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => ASetter' s a -> a -> m () infix 4 Source #

Modify the target(s) of a Lens' , Iso , Setter or Traversal by subtracting a value.

>>> execState (do _1 -= c; _2 -= d) (a,b)
(a - c,b - d)
(-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Setter' s a    -> a -> m ()
(-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a       -> a -> m ()
(-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a      -> a -> m ()
(-=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Traversal' s a -> a -> m ()

(*=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a) => ASetter' s a -> a -> m () infix 4 Source #

Modify the target(s) of a Lens' , Iso , Setter or Traversal by multiplying by value.

>>> execState (do _1 *= c; _2 *= d) (a,b)
(a * c,b * d)
(*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Setter' s a    -> a -> m ()
(*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Iso' s a       -> a -> m ()
(*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a      -> a -> m ()
(*=) :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Traversal' s a -> a -> m ()

(//=) :: ( MonadState s m, Fractional a) => ASetter' s a -> a -> m () infix 4 Source #

Modify the target(s) of a Lens' , Iso , Setter or Traversal by dividing by a value.

>>> execState (do _1 //= c; _2 //= d) (a,b)
(a / c,b / d)
(//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Setter' s a    -> a -> m ()
(//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Iso' s a       -> a -> m ()
(//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Lens' s a      -> a -> m ()
(//=) :: (MonadState s m, Fractional a) => Traversal' s a -> a -> m ()

(^=) :: ( MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => ASetter' s a -> e -> m () infix 4 Source #

Raise the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Setter or Traversal to a non-negative integral power.

(^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Setter' s a    -> e -> m ()
(^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Iso' s a       -> e -> m ()
(^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Lens' s a      -> e -> m ()
(^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Num a, Integral e) => Traversal' s a -> e -> m ()

(^^=) :: ( MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => ASetter' s a -> e -> m () infix 4 Source #

Raise the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Setter or Traversal to an integral power.

(^^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => Setter' s a    -> e -> m ()
(^^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => Iso' s a       -> e -> m ()
(^^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => Lens' s a      -> e -> m ()
(^^=) ::  (MonadState s m, Fractional a, Integral e) => Traversal' s a -> e -> m ()

(**=) :: ( MonadState s m, Floating a) => ASetter' s a -> a -> m () infix 4 Source #

Raise the target(s) of a numerically valued Lens , Setter or Traversal to an arbitrary power

>>> execState (do _1 **= c; _2 **= d) (a,b)
(**=) ::  (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Setter' s a    -> a -> m ()
(**=) ::  (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Iso' s a       -> a -> m ()
(**=) ::  (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Lens' s a      -> a -> m ()
(**=) ::  (MonadState s m, Floating a) => Traversal' s a -> a -> m ()

(&&=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter' s Bool -> Bool -> m () infix 4 Source #

Modify the target(s) of a Lens' , Iso , Setter or Traversal by taking their logical && with a value.

>>> execState (do _1 &&= True; _2 &&= False; _3 &&= True; _4 &&= False) (True,True,False,False)
(&&=) :: MonadState s m => Setter' s Bool    -> Bool -> m ()
(&&=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s Bool       -> Bool -> m ()
(&&=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s Bool      -> Bool -> m ()
(&&=) :: MonadState s m => Traversal' s Bool -> Bool -> m ()

(||=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter' s Bool -> Bool -> m () infix 4 Source #

Modify the target(s) of a Lens' , 'Iso, Setter or Traversal by taking their logical || with a value.

>>> execState (do _1 ||= True; _2 ||= False; _3 ||= True; _4 ||= False) (True,True,False,False)
(||=) :: MonadState s m => Setter' s Bool    -> Bool -> m ()
(||=) :: MonadState s m => Iso' s Bool       -> Bool -> m ()
(||=) :: MonadState s m => Lens' s Bool      -> Bool -> m ()
(||=) :: MonadState s m => Traversal' s Bool -> Bool -> m ()

(<~) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a b -> m b -> m () infixr 2 Source #

Run a monadic action, and set all of the targets of a Lens , Setter or Traversal to its result.

(<~) :: MonadState s m => Iso s s a b       -> m b -> m ()
(<~) :: MonadState s m => Lens s s a b      -> m b -> m ()
(<~) :: MonadState s m => Traversal s s a b -> m b -> m ()
(<~) :: MonadState s m => Setter s s a b    -> m b -> m ()

As a reasonable mnemonic, this lets you store the result of a monadic action in a Lens rather than in a local variable.

do foo <- bar

will store the result in a variable, while

do foo <~ bar

will store the result in a Lens , Setter , or Traversal .

(<.=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a b -> b -> m b infix 4 Source #

Set with pass-through

This is useful for chaining assignment without round-tripping through your Monad stack.

do x <- _2 <.= ninety_nine_bottles_of_beer_on_the_wall

If you do not need a copy of the intermediate result, then using l .= d will avoid unused binding warnings.

(<.=) :: MonadState s m => Setter s s a b    -> b -> m b
(<.=) :: MonadState s m => Iso s s a b       -> b -> m b
(<.=) :: MonadState s m => Lens s s a b      -> b -> m b
(<.=) :: MonadState s m => Traversal s s a b -> b -> m b

(<?=) :: MonadState s m => ASetter s s a ( Maybe b) -> b -> m b infix 4 Source #

Set Just a value with pass-through

This is useful for chaining assignment without round-tripping through your Monad stack.

do x <- at "foo" <?= ninety_nine_bottles_of_beer_on_the_wall

If you do not need a copy of the intermediate result, then using l ?= d will avoid unused binding warnings.

(<?=) :: MonadState s m => Setter s s a (Maybe b)    -> b -> m b
(<?=) :: MonadState s m => Iso s s a (Maybe b)       -> b -> m b
(<?=) :: MonadState s m => Lens s s a (Maybe b)      -> b -> m b
(<?=) :: MonadState s m => Traversal s s a (Maybe b) -> b -> m b

(<>~) :: Semigroup a => ASetter s t a a -> a -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Modify the target of a Semigroup value by using ( <> ) .

>>> (Sum a,b) & _1 <>~ Sum c
(Sum {getSum = a + c},b)
>>> (Sum a,Sum b) & both <>~ Sum c
(Sum {getSum = a + c},Sum {getSum = b + c})
>>> both <>~ "!!!" $ ("hello","world")
(<>~) :: Semigroup a => Setter s t a a    -> a -> s -> t
(<>~) :: Semigroup a => Iso s t a a       -> a -> s -> t
(<>~) :: Semigroup a => Lens s t a a      -> a -> s -> t
(<>~) :: Semigroup a => Traversal s t a a -> a -> s -> t

(<>=) :: ( MonadState s m, Semigroup a) => ASetter' s a -> a -> m () infix 4 Source #

Modify the target(s) of a Lens' , Iso , Setter or Traversal by using ( <> ) .

>>> execState (do _1 <>= Sum c; _2 <>= Product d) (Sum a,Product b)
(Sum {getSum = a + c},Product {getProduct = b * d})
>>> execState (both <>= "!!!") ("hello","world")
(<>=) :: (MonadState s m, Semigroup a) => Setter' s a -> a -> m ()
(<>=) :: (MonadState s m, Semigroup a) => Iso' s a -> a -> m ()
(<>=) :: (MonadState s m, Semigroup a) => Lens' s a -> a -> m ()
(<>=) :: (MonadState s m, Semigroup a) => Traversal' s a -> a -> m ()

(.@~) :: AnIndexedSetter i s t a b -> (i -> b) -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Replace every target of an IndexedSetter , IndexedLens or IndexedTraversal with access to the index.

(.@~) ≡ iset

When you do not need access to the index then ( .~ ) is more liberal in what it can accept.

l .~ b ≡ l .@~ const b
(.@~) :: IndexedSetter i s t a b    -> (i -> b) -> s -> t
(.@~) :: IndexedLens i s t a b      -> (i -> b) -> s -> t
(.@~) :: IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> b) -> s -> t

(.@=) :: MonadState s m => AnIndexedSetter i s s a b -> (i -> b) -> m () infix 4 Source #

Replace every target in the current state of an IndexedSetter , IndexedLens or IndexedTraversal with access to the index.

When you do not need access to the index then ( .= ) is more liberal in what it can accept.

l .= b ≡ l .@= const b
(.@=) :: MonadState s m => IndexedSetter i s s a b    -> (i -> b) -> m ()
(.@=) :: MonadState s m => IndexedLens i s s a b      -> (i -> b) -> m ()
(.@=) :: MonadState s m => IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> b) -> m ()

(%@~) :: AnIndexedSetter i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t infixr 4 Source #

Adjust every target of an IndexedSetter , IndexedLens or IndexedTraversal with access to the index.

(%@~) ≡ iover

When you do not need access to the index then ( %~ ) is more liberal in what it can accept.

l %~ f ≡ l %@~ const f
(%@~) :: IndexedSetter i s t a b    -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
(%@~) :: IndexedLens i s t a b      -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t
(%@~) :: IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> s -> t

(%@=) :: MonadState s m => AnIndexedSetter i s s a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m () infix 4 Source #

Adjust every target in the current state of an IndexedSetter , IndexedLens or IndexedTraversal with access to the index.

When you do not need access to the index then ( %= ) is more liberal in what it can accept.

l %= f ≡ l %@= const f
(%@=) :: MonadState s m => IndexedSetter i s s a b    -> (i -> a -> b) -> m ()
(%@=) :: MonadState s m => IndexedLens i s s a b      -> (i -> a -> b) -> m ()
(%@=) :: MonadState s m => IndexedTraversal i s t a b -> (i -> a -> b) -> m ()