memory-0.18.0: memory and related abstraction stuff
License BSD-Style
Maintainer Vincent Hanquez <>
Stability experimental
Portability unknown
Safe Haskell None
Language Haskell2010



Simple Byte Array packer

Simple example:

> flip pack 20 $ putWord8 0x41 >> putByteString "BCD" >> putWord8 0x20 >> putStorable (42 :: Word32)

Original code from generalized and adapted to run on memory , and spellchecked / tweaked. (2015-05) Copyright (c) 2014 Nicolas DI PRIMA



data Result a Source #

Packing result:

  • PackerMore: the next state of Packing with an arbitrary value
  • PackerFail: an error happened

fill :: ByteArray byteArray => Int -> Packer a -> Either String byteArray Source #

Fill a given sized buffer with the result of the Packer action

pack :: ByteArray byteArray => Packer a -> Int -> Either String byteArray Source #

Deprecated: use fill instead

Pack the given packer into the given bytestring



putWord8 :: Word8 -> Packer () Source #

put Word8 in the current position in the stream

putWord16 :: Word16 -> Packer () Source #

put Word16 in the current position in the stream /! use Host Endianness

putWord32 :: Word32 -> Packer () Source #

put Word32 in the current position in the stream /! use Host Endianness

putStorable :: Storable storable => storable -> Packer () Source #

Put a storable from the current position in the stream

putBytes :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Packer () Source #

Put a Byte Array from the current position in the stream

If the ByteArray is null, then do nothing

fillList :: Storable storable => [storable] -> Packer () Source #

Will put the given storable list from the current position in the stream to the end.

This function will fail with not enough storage if the given storable can't be written (not enough space)


> pack (fillList $ [1..] :: Word8) 9
> pack (fillList $ [1..] :: Word32) 4
> pack (fillList $ [1..] :: Word32) 64
.. <..succesful..>
> pack (fillList $ [1..] :: Word32) 1
.. <.. not enough space ..>
> pack (fillList $ [1..] :: Word32) 131
.. <.. not enough space ..>

fillUpWith :: Storable storable => storable -> Packer () Source #

Fill up from the current position in the stream to the end

It is equivalent to:

fillUpWith s == fillList (repeat s)


skip :: Int -> Packer () Source #

Skip some bytes from the current position in the stream

skipStorable :: Storable storable => storable -> Packer () Source #

Skip the size of a storable from the current position in the stream